How the Oiligarchs control the environmental movements and produced the lie that is Man-made Global Warming and why they did it.

in #news7 years ago

"If you are going to run with lemmings its best to be at the back of the herd."~F.T.

This herd mentality is not limited to the lemmings, it is witnessed in many mammals-even humans especially when it comes to ideological beliefs such as the global warming hysteria. Edward Bernays nephew of Freud and father of modern marketing knew how to use this 'herd mentality' for the purpose of selling the new religion 'consumerism', as well, for the purpooses of propaganda, a word he felt is unfairly treated so to get around the negative perception of propaganda he created the term, "Public Relations".

The mass ideological hysteria of today is the belief of anthropogenic global warming(AGW) aka anthropogenic climate change(ACC). And the amazingly bizarre aspect of this belief is that those who believe it with all their heart have little to no understanding of how climate works, yet they believe ACC to be true. In this essay I will attempt to lay the groundwork as to why one should not believe in ACC. I will not be using science since most of them do not understand it, but I will show that the behind the scenes actors and agents who have engineered this belief are entirely untrustworthy and have a history of unscrupuous behaviour.

This hysteria of ACC is being promulgated upon the masses by those pristine bearers of truth, the mainstream media which is run by a handful of corporations who get their talking points seemingly from a single news agency once known to be owned and controlled by the Rothschild family-Reuters. This family in the late 1800s, which has been linked to secret societies and was known for funding both sides of a war, were by far the richest family in the world purchased Reuters with the intent to control the news. While not the only news distributor today, they are still a primary source in the west.

These Six Corporations own 90% of The Media in America

They(Rothschild) now claim their wealth is not as expansive as it was, but in all likelihood, they have simply hidden it like they did with J.P. Morgan, who when he died it was discovered that most of his wealth was actually Rothschild wealth of which he was an agent. The Rothschilds were the centre of a cabal of international bankers that have sought to control countries via the institution of central banks and their printing of money.

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

While there is some contention to the claim that he actually said this, it is historical fact that President Andrew Jackson felt his greatest achievement was keeping central banks out of the U.S., as well, it is also documented by G Edward Griffin in his book, "The Creature from Jekyll Island" that seven powerful men constituting 1/4 of the wealth of the entire world wrote up the Federal Reserve Act which was then passed on the last sitting of Congress before Christmas when only a minority were present to vote on it. That same day also saw the creation of the Income Tax Act. The surreptitious nature of the creation and running of the Federal Reserve coupled with its inability to fulfil its mandate of preventing economic crashes certainly lend some credibility that it is a control system that cares not who makes the laws.

From "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G Edward Griffin, "The seven men who attended the secret meeting on Jekyll Island, where the Federal Reserve System was conceived, represented an estimated one-fourth of the total wealth of the entire world. They were:
1. Nelson W. Aldrich, Republican "whip" in the Senate, Chairman of the National Monetary
Commission, father-in-law to John D. Rockefeller, Jr.;
2. Henry P. Davison, Sr. Partner of J.P. Morgan Company
3. Charles D. Norton, Pres. of 1st National Bank of New York
4. A. Piatt Andrew, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury;
5. Frank A. Vanderlip, President of the National City Bank of New York, representing William Rockefeller
6. Benjamin Strong, head of J.P. Morgan's Bankers Trust Company, later to become head of the System
7. Paul M. Warburg, a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Company, representing the Rothschilds and Warburgs in Europe"

“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.” — FDR letter to Colonel Edward House, Nov. 21, 1933

“The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it.” — John Kenneth Galbraith

According to the Fed:
"To achieve [its] goals, the Fed, then and now, combines centralized national authority through the Board of Governors with a healthy dose of regional independence through the reserve banks. A third entity, the Federal Open Market Committee, brings together the first two in setting the nation’s monetary policy."~In Plain English

"Precisely what imaginary gaggle of schoolchildren is this economic gibberish aimed at?

The simple truth, hidden behind the sleight of hand of economic jargon and magisterial titles, is that a banking cartel has monopolized the most important item in our entire economy: money itself." ~ James Corbett from "Century of Enslavement"

"In 1921, just seven years after the Fed began operations, the same J.P. Morgan-connected banking elite that founded the Federal Reserve incorporated an organization called the Council on Foreign Relations with the goal of taking over the foreign policy apparatus of the United States, including the State Department.....Although there are only about 4,000 members in the organization today, its membership has included 21 Secretaries of Defense, 18 Treasury Secretaries, 18 Secretaries of State, 16 CIA directors, and many other high-ranking government officials, military officers, business elite, and, of course, bankers. The first Director of the CFR was John W. Davis, J.P. Morgan’s personal lawyer and a millionaire in his own right."~ James Corbett from "Century of Enslavement"

"We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized." ~ Propaganda by Edward Bernays(nephew of S. Freud and father of modern marketing/propaganda)

"Among those who do not trust the news media, the main reasons (67%) relate to bias, spin, and agendas. Simply put, a significant proportion of the public feels that powerful people are using the media to push their own political or economic interests, rather than represent ordinary readers or viewers." ~ From Bias Bullshit and Lies by Fletcher and Newman

One does not have to look far to see that the "mainstream media"(MM) is nothing more than a propagandist. The first war with Iraq revealed that MM was uncritical parrots of government propaganda who reiterated unquestionably the lie of weapons of mass destruction or the story of the babies in Iraqi hospitals being killed by Saddam's men which also turned out to be a lie. These lies were necessary to win over the American citizen via a moral imperative. Generally the lie has been about democracy, but in this case, they needed something visceral like a story of how defenceless innocent babies were being killed. It's just too bad that this so-called witness turned out to be the daughter of Saud Nasir al-Sabah, a Kuwaiti Ambassador to the US.

More recently, there was the story of the boy from Aleppo to justify the illegal invasion of Syria by the U.S. which turned out to be an orchestrated lie.

These are by no means anywhere near a complete list of mainstream media lying. The critical journalist does not exist in MM, just ask Chris Hedges who left the NY TImes over their insistence that he report fake news of the war or Ben Swann who lost his job reporting on Pizzagate even though it had been approved by his managers. Even within alternative news reportage, there is very little critical journalism going on, most so-called "journalists" are extremely biased politically.

"The Art of War" by Sun Tzu is the oldest military treatise still in use today. In it, Sun Tzu states there are Five Constant Factors that need to be considered and numero uno is, THE MORAL LAW is meant to get the citizens moral support for any conflict and the MM ensured that via the spreading of these lies.

"The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger." ~ Art of War by Sun Tzu

"It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion." - Joseph Goebbels

The influence of Goebbels on America is not to be underplayed, after the second great war, there were thousands of Nazis patriated into American service in what was called "Operation Paperclip" that consisted of more than just scientists, engineers and technicians. Among those patriated were also intelligence agents, but of those, they like to keep secret for defence purposes. And considering that Bernays, whom Goebbels admired even though he was a jew, said many similar things regarding the need to "engineer consent" from the public it should become clear that the highest levels of government cannot be trusted regardless of their political stripes.

The point of all this is to show that the Mainstream Media is not a trustworthy source of information and it is they who have pushed the lie of Global Warming on the masses ad infinitum, proving the adage, repeatedly tell a lie enough and it becomes truth. That government is controlled by organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations or The Club of Rome or The Bilderberg Group who are themselves controlled by wealthy elites who have control of the Central Banks of the world like The Federal Reserve or The Bank of England. If the government at the highest levels cannot be trusted and neither can the mainstream media who are supposed to be the check and balance of government, who can you trust?


Surely, they are a trustworthy bastion of truth and peace in the world. Did they not come together as the last hope of bringing peace to the world? Let me just say that not all peace is created equally or of equal value and when we look closely at the U.N., what we see is more corruption and many of the aforementioned actors at work here as well.

The United Nations was brainchild of The Council on Foreign Relations, which I have already shown were the same individuals who surreptitiously wrote up the Federal Reserve Act on Jekyll Island and the idea was a rehashing of the League of Nations funded by John D Rockefeller and was an attempt by the wealthy elites to create a one world government often referred to as "The New World Order". It was Rockefeller who donated the six-block area in New York worth eight million dollars at the time, for the U.N. offices. The Rockefeller gift Rockefeller philanthropy has always been about two things, "public relations" and "control" and let us not forget that the term "public relations" was coind by E. Bernays to replace the word propaganda. Much about modern society in the U.S. has been shaped by this family. The public school system was brought in based on Rockefeller research and is based on the premise that the minds of children are easier to mould than that of an adult.
The atrocities of UN peacekeepers is well documented as is the largesse of UN delegates living high off the hog. The effectiveness of the Security Counsel is hampered by permanent members haveing vetos and in the case of the U.S.; how is it still a member of the Security Counself when it has broken UN treaties and illegally invaded other countries?

What is the true purpose of the U.N.?

This is where we get to a big piece of the puzzle regarding the AGW lie that is, as Dr Tim Ball has put it, the greatest scientific scandal of the 20th century. The true agenda of the UN is an eventual one world tyrannical fascist government and population control previously known as Eugenics. Tyrannical as it will not have an elected leader and fascist in that it will be a marriage of corporations and the one world state. The precursors to this have been trade agreements(treaties) such as NAFTA and the TPP which transfer legal rights of sovereign states over to corporate interests.


William Benton, Assistant to the U.S. Secretary of State in 1946 wrote this for UNESCO.

"As long as a child breathes the poison air of nationalism, education in world mindedness can produce only precarious results. As we have pointed out, it is frequently the family that infects the child with extreme nationalism, the schools should, therefore, combat family attitudes that favor nationalism. We shall see presently recognized in nationalism the major obstacles to the development of world mindedness. We are at the beginning of a long process of breaking down the walls of national sovereignty. UNESCO must be the power."

How does an assistant to the Secretary of State get away with writing about breaking down the walls of his own country's sovereignty right after a major world war? This seems highly questionable to me especially since this will soon be followed by the "cold war" where national sovereignty needed to be protected by the "godless commie threat" is prominent within the American zeitgeist of the time due to government propaganda. Oliver Stone in his seminal work "The Untold History of America" reveals that no such threat actually existed. That it was a case of the US gov. pointing the finger at the other guy and accussing him of doing what they were in fact doing; building an imperialist empire. Duck and cover. That it was in fact the US that was a threat to the sovereignty of other nations, created regime change and installed murderous brutal dictators all for the US corporations to have cheap access to their natural resources. That Dole pineapple or Chiquita Banana had the invisible bloodstained fingerprints of US terrorism on it.

Who created UNESCO?

This is where it gets very interesting. Julian Huxley, brother of "Brave New World" author Aldous Huxley was a committed Eugenicist who chaired the British Eugenics Society from 1959-1962, who understood that in this post-war era he needed to pursue eugenics under a different guise. As the founding director of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), he wrote in the agency’s founding document about the need to find ways to make the cause of eugenics politically viable once again:

“At the moment, it is probable that the indirect effect of civilisation is dysgenic instead of eugenic; and in any case it seems likely that the dead weight of genetic stupidity, physical weakness, mental instability, and disease-proneness, which already exist in the human species, will prove too great a burden for real progress to be achieved. Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that what now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”

UNESCO: Its Purpose and its Philosophy by Julian Huxley

Eugenics during and prior to the 20th century was nothing less than pseudoscience rooted in the unproven theories of Darwin and concepts such as the survival of the fittest justifying their erroneous belief that because they, the wealthy elites were wealthy that this somehow proved their genetic superiority. Even today with all we know about genetics there is so much more that we do not understand.

James Corbett who has done a great deal of research on this topic reveals in his piece "How Big Oil Came to Control the Environmental Movement" "Huxley found the perfect front for the re-introduction of those “unthinkable” eugenical ideas in 1948, when he used UNESCO as a springboard for founding the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, and then again in 1961, when he used that agency as a springboard to create the World Wildlife Fund. Joining Huxley as co-founders of the fund were not only Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, founder of the Bilderberg Group and former employee of the IG Farben conglomerate, and Prince Philip of England, but Godfrey A. Rockefeller of the Rockefeller dynasty. Together, they pledged to 'harness public opinion and educate the world about the necessity for conservation.'

Years of “education” about the strain that the growing human population put on the resources of the earth, paid for by the very oiligarchs who had just spent the past century monopolizing one of the world’s key resources, led, inevitably to a predictable conclusion: that the “cure” for the “disease” of mankind was to be found at the United Nations, whose headquarters had been so graciously donated by the Rockefeller family itself. And the first step toward discovering that cure was to organize the UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm in 1972, the world’s first international environmental conference.

And who better to oversee the conference and lay the institutional groundwork for this burgeoning, oiligarch-supported movement, than a consummate oil man? Enter Maurice Strong."

Born in Oaklake Manitoba in 1929, Maurice Strong dropped out of highschool at the age of 14 and went north looking for work. There he met a prospector named “Wild” Bill Richardson, whose wife, Mary McColl, hailed from the family behind McColl-Frontenac, one of Canada’s largest oil companies. Through the Richardsons he met the Treasurer of the then-brand new United Nations, Noah Monod, who not only gave him a job as a junior security officer at UN headquarters, he let Strong live with him in New York, and it was there that Monod introduced Strong to the most important contact of his life, David Rockefeller. From this point forward Strong was essentially a Rockefeller agent. at every step in his career there is a Rockefeller assocition so that by the time he reached 30 he was already a millionaire.

Maurice Strong, agent of the oiligarch Rockefeller is chosen to organize in 1972 the UN's environmental conference in Stockhom, then is then appointed Trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation who funds his Stockholm office for the conference. No conflict of interst there, is there? Strong then commssions “Only One Earth,” a foundational text in the sustainable development arena that is heavily touted by globalists as a key document for promoting the global management of resources. Why would an oiligarch who profits off of resources seek to have those resources managed potentially thereby limiting his profits? Unless of course it is not about profits as much as it is about power. From the Stockholm Conference there came a new UN bureaucracy called the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Naturally, the UN appointed Maurice Strong as UNEP’s first director. This is not the tale of someone changing their life out of guilt for their contribution to the polluting of the planet, for right after this new appointment Strong jumps straight back into the oil patch.

Decades before carbon dioxide became an alleged threat to human existence an obscure company called Enron had figured out how to make millions in a cap-and-trade program for sulphur dioxide emissions, thanks to changes in the U.S. government’s Clean Air Act causing Enron’s stock price to rise rapidly as it became the major trader in the U.S. government’s $20-billion a year emissions commodity market. Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay, keen to engineer an encore, saw his opportunity when Bill Clinton and Al Gore came to the White House in 1993. Enron immediately embarked on a massive lobbying effort to develop a trading system for carbon dioxide, working both the Clinton administration and Congress. Political contributions and Enron-funded analyses flowed freely, all geared to demonstrating a looming global catastrophe if carbon dioxide emissions weren’t curbed.

It worked, Lay became a member of president Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development and in the summer of 1997, prior to global warming meetings in Kyoto, Japan, Clinton sought Lay’s advice and the fruits of Enron’s efforts came soon after, with the signing of the Kyoto Protocol.

“If implemented this agreement will do more to promote Enron’s business than will almost any other regulatory initiative outside of restructuring of the energy and natural-gas industries in Europe and the United States. The potential to add incremental gas sales, and additional demand for renewable technology is enormous.” internal memo sent from Kyoto by John Palmisano, a former Environmental Protection Agency regulator who had become Enron’s lead lobbyist as senior director for Environmental Policy and Compliance. Source

Joined by Goldman Sachs who helped establish the Chicago Climate Exchange as the first North American emissions trading platform followed by Al Gore in 2004, who with the foremer CEO of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, David Blood, they created Generation Investment Management, an investment management partnership that sells carbon offsets. By the end of the decade, Gore was already being hailed as a candidate to become the world’s first carbon billionaire.

At every step of the way to demonize CO2 and the carbon of oil products are agents of the oiligarchs being hailed as environmental visionaries by the uncritical mainstream media. On the public side, the press presents a story of environmentalism, but the true story is one of capitalistic greed and exploitation as environmental regulations are in fact manipulated by resource companies with terrible environmental histories so they can profit.


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is a UN agency whose mandate was written by none other than that Rockefeller cohort with the rags to riches back story, Maurice Strong. As Dr Tim Ball has stated so many times that one needs to look at the 'terms of reference' to understand the limitations of any commision of enquiry. In the case of the IPCC Strong explicitly inserts a political limitation to the science of the IPCC.

The Delusion of Independent Government Inquiries By Dr Tim Ball Phd

" assess scientific, technical, and socioeconomic information that is relevant in understanding human-induced climate change, its potential impacts, and options for mitigation and adaptation."

This then became a limitation in the science of climatology for to get funding for climatological research one was limited to the "human-induced" aspects. This is the equivalent of putting blinders on scientists, though it should not be a surprise when you consider that Strong, an agent of Rockefeller who himslef is a eugenicist wrote these limiting terms of reference. Then there is the 95% certainty of IPCC scientists which James Corbett discusses in this video.

As it turns out 95% represents nothing more than a subjective opinion, of which you brainless and uneducated masses are supposed to bow down to the authority of these scientists. This is nothing more than a public relations(propaganda re;Bernays) ploy repeated adnauseam throughout mainstream media to get the unknowing and the ignorant on side.

And even if it were a true statement, the history of science is rife with "consensus science" being discovered decades later as being wrong. Science does not work by consensus, it works by scepticism and reproducibility, something Phil Jones, author of the "hocey stick chart" knows little about. His refusal to share his raw data was later found by the UK Information Commissioner to be criminal, due in large part to the leaked emails of the climategate scandal, though Jones did escape punishment due to a technicality. Reproducibility is the means by which the claims of a scientist can be verified by other scientists and by denying the raw data, Jones was subverting the scientifc process.


Hyped as an issue of sustainability, it is in fact a furtherance of the goals of the modern eugenicist to limit humans to small tracts of land and with the use of smart technology monitor everything that you do. This is why the 5G networks are being pushed out to create the internet of everything. Like China's Social Credit Score which has over a million people unable to access things like public transit due to a low score and other essential services. Data is the new oil and Rockefeller is well aware of this in this age of the rise of AI. And it is Data as the new oil is why Rockefeller made it appear as if he has divested all his interests in oil.

From the United Nations, the IPCC, UNESCO, to government and mainstream media I have shown the untrustworthiness of these agents and actors. The fact that they are all involved in the AGW hysteria is a clear indication that it is not science and is in fact an attempt to further the goals of the wealthy elite. All throughout the history of this we see the Rockefeller name and regardless of the propaganda regarding their so-called philanthropy, the truth is that this family's past is one of corruption, lies and greed. John D.'s father himself was a snake oil salesman.

“It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the slightest doubt that this is so should read the Climategate documents, which lay it bare. I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that word revulsion a definition of the word scientist. So what has the APS, as an organization done in the face of this challenge? It has accepted the corruption as the norm, and gone along with it.”
~Harold Lewis, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of California, in his resignation letter to the American Physical Society (APS

And to be clear, though it will likely be meaningless to the ideological mind, this expose of the oiligarch's control of the environmental movement and their support of the AGW hysteria has been sourced via independent journalists who neither get or would accept any corporate financial support. They are supported by individuals who respect and admire their journalistic credibility.

Thank you for reading this post. To see more like this please feel free to follow me. Leave an interesting comment or question and I will follow you.

Compiled and written by Freddie Thornton


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