As Germany Burns, A reply to the comment section.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday i published two articles concerning the riots in Hamburg,Germany this thankfully got a lot of attention and the comments section was filled with people discussing individual things, i my self have a few great chats with people in the comment sections but there was a lot of disconnected conversations and opinions about it so i wanted to take the time to elaborate a bit on the comments.

This was not a legitimate form of protest.

Not pictured, Peaceful and Lawful assembly.

I had some people in the comments section try to justify the riots as people who have "had enough" with the governments of the countries that were attending, however the majority were German nationals, so i'm going to base it off two things, Germany and America since the world just loves to lose their minds about Trump.

So to understand these riots you have to understand the culture and people rioting, this was a completely partisan riot from numerous individuals, Communists, Marxists and Antifa A.K.A Left wing Fascists in one of the most overwhelmingly Liberal countries in the world so my question really is, what are they rioting against exactly?

Germany is a breeding ground for New wave Liberalism with all the bells and whistles that go with it so it stands to reason they're not protesting their own country and head of state in Angela Merkel, in reality the people who have the most to be pissed off about and riot in Germany are those even slightly right of center as individual freedoms are being smashed and societal censorship is quickly becoming law in Germany.

So what sparked this insane 2 day riot fest from people who agree with what the majority of the government is saying and doing? and the answer to that is, is that the left wing has been completely infiltrated and subverted by these people, the marxists, the communists and the fascists.

These people don't represent classic liberalism or the classic left, rather they are a new ideology of cultural authoritarianism where they have deemed themselves the moral superiors and that their ideology is the only one that can work, this is the most logical step when you mix three extremist ideologies together that nothing really makes sense and that there is always something wrong in the world that needs violent retribution to fix.

So why were people defending them you ask?

German Special Forces had to be called in to quell the rioting

I actually had a great discussion with @raymondspeaks about this that gave me some introspection on it, and Iv'e come to the conclusion that those that are classic left or liberal, haven't adapted as we on the right have, in America we saw an almost total rejection of the right wing, BY the right wing and formed into new parties such as the Alt-Right and Cultural Conservatism and cultural nationalism.

However a lot of people on the left are still clinging onto their ideology as if it exists in it's previous form, we are now seeing the left completely flooded with Communists and Authoritarians becoming extremist as quickly as you can say there are only 2 genders.

When your political party is being flooded with extremism or in our case, uselessness, it's time to get out and find something new, sure you can hang in there and hope to change it from the inside but there will come a point where you have to either give up or give in and too many people on the left are giving in at the moment.

So what do we do exactly?

This is a question that doesn't have an answer right now, the only thing i can say to people that are classically on the left is to condemn these types of things in your own party, the right has a problem with legitimate fascists and racists making a few ripples in our camp but simply ignoring it isn't enough, and having the other side tell us what to do , never works in either direction.

But THE most important part is discussion across the isle, my blog has been extremely heavy on trying to force people to bring conversation back to a civil level were even people with wildly different ideologies can come and discuss ideas and thankfully yesterday was a perfect example of that, from over 30 comments not one argument or instance of name calling and i think that's a massive victory whichever side you're on.

So no matter what side you're on or your particular brand of politics is, both sides have to push the extremist parts of their ideologies back down so that everyone benefits, because after the past 2 days in Hamburg i can say for a fact, nobody benefited from a town being destroyed.

Link to the original Article here:


ppl fight monopolisation & antifa apparently provokes popo's ;) (&viceversa)
thx for keepin journalism neutral hun ;)

Yeah but the question is how does burning down a town affect change haha.

This is crazy.

"the left wing has been completely infiltrated and subverted by these people, the marxists, the communists and the fascists."
Marxists and communists are left wing how can they be infiltrating?

Classical liberalism has nothing to do with them, obviously they're left wing but but they aren't all the same or even close to each other as the basic ideas of liberalism

So what is liberalism? The opposite of conservatism? Look frankly I don't believe in any political ideas, that includes anarchy, in the end what you will always have are groups of people taking advantage of the other people, and they normally end up winning. By the way thanks for answering, I have been commenting since a few days back and notice hardly anybody answers now.

Well that's the entire point of my articles is too get people talking.

Liberalism at it's base is pretty much what you just described, the freedom to not believe or participate under threat from government, culture, religion etc etc.

The big difference with communism and socialism is that their followers and elected officials push back on those ideas if they don't agree with them, my favorite one at the moment is "hate speech" which in like 90% of the cases just means disagreeing with someone.

The only problem with not having a political ideology or discussing it means you'll be ruled by people who do whatever they want because they know you aren't going to stand up for something.

You saw that in the American election when most of the establishment gave trump a 1% chance to win and he ended up with an electoral landslide victory, it doesn't happen often, but sometimes the people really can force the change they want.

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