in #news7 years ago

To this day, July 4, 2017, the number of our fallen in this war continues to increase thanks to the cruel and excessive repression of Nicolás Maduro; Not to mention that, it still does not close the day completely, it is 6 pm and the protests continue, so who knows if they continue to add death.


During the afternoon of Tuesday, another name is added to the list, totaling 108 dead; Even though the "official" figure provided by the Public Ministry is 90 dead, not counting our deceased today, a fact that happened after the Attorney General, Luisa Ortega Díaz, announced the "official" figure mentioned above.

This is the young man, 25-year-old Engelbert Moncada, who fell while in a demonstration in Táriba, Táchira state.

The death of the young man had already been confirmed by the mayor of the municipality Cárdenas, Ricardo Hernández, who at that time, informed via Twitter that "we are verifying the causes of death."

Later, the Public Prosecutor's Office reported on the social network as follows: "#AHORA Táchira Prosecutor's Office 4 investigates Engelbert Duque's death (25) occurred during this demonstration in Táriba", thus confirming one more death Which has left the horrific repression against the anti-government manifestations that began on April 1, 2017.


Apart from our new member in the list of assassinated, we add the brutal attack of the so-called "Collective" in the different places of the country, who left the attack today in the National Trancazo shooting and leaving wounded without mercy.


Not counting the usual repression by the security forces and the large number of detainees every day in our beloved and wounded Venezuela; Apparently today they added a young man with Down Syndrome to his arrests ....



We long for peace and freedom for our trampled country, God bless Venezuela.

Thanks so much for reading. Please help me share all this information to the rest of the world so that other countries will know what is happening here. Do not leave us alone. God Bless you and Bless my beloved Venezuela.


I seriously hope the army and the people join together, the bikers sons and family should go play their part and step up to their loved ones so they (bikers) can understand again what it is they are doing to the people they swore to protect.
I hope the citizens of this tiny planet earth finally stop electing someone to be responsible and instead start acting responsibly, as communities, as human beings. It is your problem if you dont know the world you live in and don't care, unless it's you involved in the matter.
For those I leave you with this very important quote from Martin Niemöller:

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

Then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.

When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out.

Excellent information thanks for sharing it with us, God bless you

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