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RE: Court Concedes DNC Had the Right to Rig Primaries Against Sanders

in #news7 years ago (edited)

This is another example of how the two party system is a disaster for the U.S. It helps cement the hold of the establishment on power, and it will change the rules or ignore or attempt to destroy candidates within their own party ranks that don't tow the party lines.. Trump is no anarchist, but he has definitely thrown the establishment for a loop.

Everyone knew that Ron Paul got screwed by the Republicans and Berney Sanders got screwed by Democrats, and this ruling just clarifies that the major parties will keep screwing us all, unless drastic changes are made to the system.


If Trump did nothing at all, at least he has exposed everyone as frauds. He's exposed the Democrats, he's exposed the media, and he's exposed the Republican establishment, all as frauds.

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