5 Ridiculous New Year Predictions That Absolutely Won't Come True

January 7, 2018 Happy New Year, everybody!... ...Right? It is going to be a happy new year, right? Regime change operations in Iran and nuclear button talk in North Korea and biometric banking and a million other concerns beside, it is going to be a happy new year, isn't it? You see, it's just that the last article I read in 2017 was this horrifying treatise on "Everything Amazon’s Alexa learned to do in 2017" and it just seemed so ridiculously à propos to my year-end editorial on technocracy that it was almost hard to get excited for the dawning of 2018. I mean, really. Everything Alexa "learned to do" in 2017. Learned to do. As if it's a person. A perfect stranger that millions of people are happily inviting into their homes to share in their most private and intimate moments even though they are fully aware (and fully expect) the infernal contraption to be sending all that data off to Amazon to be analyzed (and to the NSA to be data mined, of course). It's infuriating. So I think we could all do with a little levity to begin the year, right? I know I can. And what better way to start things off than by skewering all the ridiculous new year prediction lists that are no doubt clogging your news feed right now (and having a little fun while we're at it)? So, without further ado, I present five ridiculous new year predictions that I guarantee will not actually happen this year! January: Robo-geddon There can be no doubt that 2017 ended with the robots in the ascendant. They'd long since taken our blue collar jobs, then they elbowed in on the office jobs, but now they're even doing our security jobs. And by "our" security jobs I mean the SPCA's security job, i.e. removing homeless people from their property. But it's not just our workplaces. It's not just our public spaces. Now it's our homes. That's right, with the rise of smart speakers and home assistants, HAL is right there sitting in everyone's living room, just waiting for his chance to shove us out the airlock.

PENTAGON AUDIT STYMIED AS TERRORISTS REFUSE TO ISSUE RECEIPTS (Washington AP) A new, shady terrorist group known as OSIRIS (Organization of Strategic Islamic Republics and Insurgent Services), whose presence had long been monitored by US intelligence authorities, on Thursday claimed to have emerged as the sole fiduciary representative for a myriad of undisclosed beneficiaries of the Pentagon’s largesse. As the umbrella organization for these groups, some of which, such as ISIS or Al Qaeda, have become well-known household names, OSIRIS declared a blanket refusal to issue receipts for all funding, past or present, in the face of the ongoing Pentagon audit. Its spokesperson Emin Su Perfidi said its non-compliance with the US audit would take effect immediately. He adamantly stated that the terms of his organization’s refusal were non-negotiable, although he hinted that the issue of receipts for future funding might still be an option on the table depending on the level of increased fiscal expenditure for worldwide US terrorist-related activities. The State Department’s response was swift and unequivocal. “We will never bow to high-handed terrorist refusals. This unjustifiable action on the part of a rogue non-state organization has unlawfully denied us our rightful receipts”, said Secretary Rex Tillerson. On Friday, UN US-ambassador Nikki Haley put OSIRIS on call, adding, “Arrogance will be punished. Lack of gratitude will be noted. 2018, beware.”Reached for comment on this future story via fortune teller, fire had this to say about the article:
Deconstruct this story and you'll find the patterns of deception we all know so well. STEP 1, cast fear and aspersion on something fictional or unknown: “shady/terrorist”. STEP 2, create credibility by giving it a slickly defined acronym (preferably derived from Egyptian mythology for the Illuminati crowd) while implying a “presence long monitored by US intelligence authorities”… then throw in (make up) a timeline date and, just for good measure, associate the subject with something widely familiar like “ISIS or Al Qaeda”. STEP 3, create conflict and raise tension with trigger phrases: “declare a blanket refusal," “in the face of…," “non-compliance," “adamantly stated… non-negotiable," “swift and unequivocal”. STEP 4, keep the jargon technical in order to mask all the incongruity and inherent contradictions: “increased fiscal expenditure… US terrorist-related activities”. STEP 5 (MOST IMPORTANT), pile on sanctimonious value judgments and self-serving one-liners to preempt any rational judgment on the part of the reader: “unjustifiable,” “rogue," “unlawful," “rightful," “never bow to high-handed…”. Finally, STEP 6, end on a note of cynical insinuation or ambiguity, e.g., [authority figure] “ calls [fictional antagonist] out,” etc. These are the tools of the illusionist toiling in the belly of the beast.Thanks for the tip, fire! Meanwhile, back in reality... OK, alright. Well, that was a fun way to kick off the new year, wasn't it? But that's all these prediction stories ever amount to: A mild diversion from the bitter truth. And what is that bitter truth, you ask? Why, only that the future is what we make it. People don't tend to like that answer because it's always easier to blame outside forces for the situation we find ourselves in than to ask what we can be doing to change the material conditions of our lives. But it is what it is. We will either take concrete actions to move toward the world we want to see over the coming year or we will sit on our butts and continue to whine that everything isn't going our way. The choice is ours to make. So, happy new year, everyone! I hope it's a good one. But let's do a little bit more than just hope this year, hey?
As always, a GREAT post and a fantastic one to boot to start the year in beauty, laughter and creative thinking... Thanks a lot for sharing, let's dream, draw the blueprints of our future together.
Happy New Year to you and the beloved ones as well! Namaste :)
Cheers to Corbett coin, and a bright future of being the change :)
Forever waiting for the hundredth monkey to step over to the anarcho-utopia. Maybe in 2118..
I'm still astounded by how much value such a simple of the cuff comment can be given. I respect greatly your work @corbettreport and wish I could give thrice as much and more so that you can meet your needs and continue exposing the empires nefarious manipulations. Peace be with you!
āmādēra sāthē yōgāyōga tathya pōsṭa karuna skulēra bibhāga dbārā skulēra dēśa anuyāẏī hōmapēja> dēśa anuyāẏī> yuktarājya> lyāṅkāśāẏāra> Dahl bibhāga dbārā
ʼny mrgyş şhmwn dbrym hşţnw ltwbh - kbr pẖwţ şmym lbybdlym ʻdţyym, yş hrbh ywţr qyrwb, hrbh bgll şpşwt ẖyym byẖd! ʼny nşwy lbẖwrh mmwẕʼ ʼşknzy, lwmd rpwʼh - kā'ibōla ō kērī hẏātuhśētha lāmōj:)
Ādipustaka thēkē isarā'īladērakē hayarata iẏākuba (ā.) - Ēra sāthē hayarata iẏākuba ālā'ihisa sālāma
@corbettreport Cheers and massive respect to corbett coin! We are here to bring change and it's up to us and only! One step at a time, one person each day.
The maduro nicolas leaves the Venezuelan presidency and all the drug traffickers are brought to trial and venezuela prospers with great happiness
I actually just put a post about starting a garden. Taking ownership of your life and your food, is empowering. No more complaining, only action.
Great article!
Happy New Year to you and the beloved ones, may this year will be full of happiness
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