Superior Coin Growth more Strong than Ever !

in #news6 years ago (edited)

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A lot of many question has been show up on the last few months. What are @SuperiorCoin and @Kryptonia news ? How the project goes ? Could we get rentability ?

Well ... as the roadmap on the SuperiorCoin main page saids has been such of news implementation and hard work made it all over the world for the differents team work members. On February SuperiorCoin release the major Development work for mobile devices, the count down for SUP mobiles app goes to nail. Now all the community has easy access to @Kryptonia platform trough KryptoniaMobile & KryptoniaMessenger available on the PlayStore. Also the possibility for easy transactions trough mobile devices comes true with the SuperiorCoinWalletMobile.

On March the upgrades of main platforms continue progressing rewriting code for the mining pool, referral process and leaderboards. But on April of the precent year Superior Coin release new version with ASIC Resistance. This new implementation improves the mining process to have equity on the community and the way how can handle magnifisent attacks to the network. Superior Coin is the first cryptocurrency with this technology which gives more security and equality to all members.

May and June was successfully months of work where the Kryptonia platform get more stronger with e-commerse process and events all over the world. Conferences and Talks has giving by the CEO Michael Senn @mps01k & CTO Nathan Senn (lead Programmer & Founder).
@JohnGentry (Senior Executive) & Colin Sydes @SydesJokes (Marketing Manager) keeps growing the Superior community over all the social media and prestiges Talks worldwide.

SuperiorCoin teams work keep working hard, growing up, giving conference & talks all over the world without sleep time to continue in the best way possible. This it's only half of the year ... there is more work to do and more to be done.