in #news7 years ago (edited)


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Massive collection of news clips reveals that all is not what it seems as portrayed by the US mainstream media (Deep State) when it comes to what really took place in Parkland Florida on February 14, 2018. This video provides extensive evidence that student actors were featured on numerous mainstream media channels and immediately rolled-out by the mainstream media in the wake of the school shooting which raises many important questions, particularly in relation to who acted as the director and liaison between the student actors and the mainstream media outlets. Video footage also provides verifiable proof that the March For Our Lives anti-gun rallies were not a grassroots movement as reported by the mainstream media, and instead were astroturfed by Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Democratic Party acting in collaboration with the mainstream media.

Key evidentiary aspects of the video:

  1. Third floor timeline and witness statements do not correlate with official police narrative. 2) The police stated arrival times are off when compared to witness statements on mainstream media channels presented in the video. 3) Video includes a second witness at the beginning who confirms the witness statement of Alexa Miednik who said she was walking beside Nikolas Cruz. The 2nd witness says he was with Alexa and saw Nikolas also at that time. 4) The media chosen students own videos from the schools You Tube video archives reveal them to be untrustworthy actors and members of the Douglas Drama Club Troupe 4879 as well as the Parkland Eagles TV news crew. 5) There is also eyewitness proof in this video that the March for our Lives was not a grassroots movement and was instead coordinated by the DNC, the mainstream media and Debbie Wasserman Schultz. 5) David Hogg's statements are all featured here and proof is provided that these statements conflict with his previous statements. This is coupled with the fact that his behavior shows him to be petulant, arrogant and untrustworthy. 6) There is also a portion of the video where the local Sheriff Israel openly declares Nikolas Cruz as the killer while omitting the fact that Cruz has not been tried and convicted of the crime. It also should be considered that it is quite odd that these kids all appear to have known each other for years (as proven via their Facebook pages and uploaded videos) and are all involved in the Douglas school TV and drama club, and then, coincidentally, on the day of a shooting drill, they just so happen to have been picked to be the spokespersons against guns by the Deep State controlled mainstream media. Not one or two of them, but almost all of them. Their own self made movies prove this fact and those movies (all made before January 2018) are included in this video. Thus, the question should be asked "why did the mainstream media choose these student actors after the Parkland event? Who coordinated the actions of these students in regards to such, as well as their roles in relation to the March For Our Lives events?" "Due to the fact the students statements all seem scripted and rehearsed, was this all planned in advance?"

Revised version includes AR-15 phone book shooting test revealing that the weapon shoots through 15 regular size phone books, thus bringing the statements of student Samantha Grady, who stated that she 'deterred' bullets with a tiny book, into question. It also includes proof that You Tube has censored the original version of "Welcome To Parkland". It also provides additional acting material from student actors Delaney Tarr, Ryan and Matt Deitsch, Bradley Thornton and Lewis Mizen. Their own uploaded videos reveal many of these students to not be as sweet and innocent as the mainstream media has portrayed them to be. The videos also show that they have all previously worked together within the school drama club and TV club.

Extensive Post Reveals Drills, Anomalies and Child Actors Involved With Parkland School Shooting in Florida on February 14, 2018

Reassessment of Students - Hopeful Actors, Reporters, FilmMakers Placed on Camera by Mainstream Media For Antigun Campaign Messages After Parkland Shooting Event

More Parkland Students Rolled Out By The Mainstream Media Exposed As Actors/School TV Personalities Via Their Own Uploaded Posts And You Tube Channels

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It was apparent on Day 1 of the shooting that these were actors, espcially if you happened to see the Hogg Blooper Reel where he keeps stopping and flubbing and doing take after take, all the while supposedly terrified because he had just 'survived' this attack. An actor and a bad one at that.

Hi Christopher,

Are you up to a new grandiose task of exposing the recent (highly predicted) false flag chemical attack in Syria? Seems like the usual culprits - White Helmets.

I think this was a last ditch attempt by the Deep State to re-start the war there. Don't think it's gonna fly though...You?

Hi Dan, I have been away on vacation in the Florida Panhandle this past week with my wife and kids, so haven't been online very much. Yesterday I did start posting a lot of evidence related to the latest White Helmets false flag at my White Helmets Exposed Twitter account. The fact that the White Helmets terrorists didn't wear any protective gear, gloves or eyewear shows clearly that this is a false flag. There is video at the site exposing such. Unfortunately the corrupt gov and media is running with their false narratives just the same. At this point they think they can get away with anything, sadly.


Christopher, glad to hear you had a vacation with your family. It's nice to get away from all the nonsense and get back to what's really important in our lives.

I saw the latest SGT Report video and couldn't help but to think about your work on the White Helmets. You are way ahead of anyone I know on them and in the SGT Report video they were offering $100,000 reward for info leading to showing who was responsible for the recent "gas attack" https://wikileaks.org/#submit so I figured that maybe you got something for them. Anyway, just a thought. If you do, perhaps you can share with them. I really can't stand these Deep State operatives/terrorists of White Helmets and would love to see them exposed for who they really are.

Take care my friend.

Cheers Dan, I saw that, but I'm thinking they want specifics on the exact culprits and are hoping for an insider there to roll over and supply the video of how it was framed up. At White Helmets Exposed I do have some images up now (submitted by others) that show that the kids bodies were moved around for the shots. There are multiple images showing infant bodies added and then missing from the original shots. Thus, the scene was being staged using real corpses. They appear to have been bringing them in and adding them as they took the photos. I have previously, over the last two years, on many occasions, tried to submit images to Wikileaks but have never received a response so I don't know whats up in that regard. I will try to submit more info again, and I'm hoping they do reveal more on the White helmets this time around as the world really needs it right now.

Here's a link to my latest opinion piece by the way.

Understanding All That is Going On Now Regarding Syria, Trump and The Global Elite - (My Theories - Clarity of Signal)


Dear Christopher, Thanks for your reply. Even though you haven't received replies from Wikileaks in the past, I still implore you to send what you go to them, as at the very least they will have additional excellent information.

Like you, I've been saying for a while now that this whole Trump Chump 4D Q Anon BS is one big distraction and Psyop. For the tiny grain of hope that it could be real (i.e., that there are indeed patriots actually trying to take down the Deep State) guess what...the clock reads 23:59:59; so if they got the 'effin goods on these monsters (i.e., the pedo videos and other severely damaging evidence) they better hurry the F up (I'm talking less than days now) to get off their sorry asses and move it already. Putin and Russia (and China - were I've been living for the past 10 years) are at their wits end and have been way too patient. China is too patient; they are worried about disruption of trade with the US because it could cause unrest here in the country (and that is their #1 priority - to prevent it). So, I am hoping Xi can give dumbass Trump a call and tell him that if he fires one missile into Syria - he will dump the US$1Trillion they hold; China could part with it, they have over 20,000 tons of gold and could manage without the US in so many respects. Anyway enough of my rant (except for that warmongering witch Nikki Haley for which I will mention in your post I resteemed). Peace my friend and I hope all remains safe on the home front for you. I hope you have a Plan B for you and your family. I am working on mine...

I've re-steemed your article.

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