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RE: Extensive Post Reveals Drills, Anomalies and Child Actors Involved With Parkland School Shooting in Florida on February 14, 2018 (N.S.F.W.)

in #news7 years ago (edited)

I'm not sure whether FF or hoax, but I do think MIHOP. One thing that could be a major factor determining what really happened is the body of the very dark skinned girl that is in the chaotic video showing supposed victims. The video reminds me of videos I have seen of the White Helmets in Syria when they conduct a staged chaotic scene and act it all out. Keep in mind those White Helmets fake videos are then promoted by western media outlets across the board. (This is intentional. They MSM knows full well they are fake.)The MSM are 100% in on the White Helmets psyop. They are using the terrorists posing as rescuers for propaganda purposes and regime change in Syria and they are working in collusion with the US shadow government to do so. Thus, it is always prudent to be suspicious of how the media rolls out an across-the-board narrative. One should look closely at the video clips they choose to provide to the public via the MSM, how they edit them, the length of the clip in regards to possible overall footage, the blurring out of certain features, camera shakiness within the footage, what is missing in consideration of normality/priorities, etc.

I think it is important to figure out the identity of the dark skinned female lying on the floor in this Live Leak video.

Stoneman High School Shooting - Social media video of various shooting victims in the classroom and hallway

Note that the dark skinned female is receiving no medical attention and there is what appears to be a significant amount of blood beside her. No blood splatter on the wall is apparent. If you freeze the video at the 32 second mark you can see that the blood on the floor is swirled with whiteness, appearing smeared (disturbed). Possibly the body was rolled over previously. It is not an unaffected red pool of blood. There is also a small clear space between the legs and the blood. She is not moving and her head is angled sideways. At the beginning of the clip two Broward County police officers carry a female, who appears to have no noticeable injuries (no blood seen), out of the room while leaving the non-moving victim with the serious injury on the floor. If the person is alive, such a large amount of blood should normally lead to "prioritization" in regards to necessity to save lives on the part of the police officers. The only proper reasons the police officer should leave the heavily injured female is 1) she is already dead or 2) she is alive but moving her could exacerbate her injuries (possibly damaged spine, internally shot or applied torniquet -her clothes do not show a torniquet). However, if that is a serious gunshot wound to the leg she should be getting a blood transfusion as soon as possible. Thus, she would likely take priority over others.

The second police officer actually isn't carrying the seemingly uninjured victim. Instead he is simply holding his right arm up for a few seconds as if he were helping carry her, when in actuality he is not. Then he runs off camera at the 18 second mark. Thus, this begs the question " why did they leave the dark skinned female on the floor?" "Was she already dead and the other girl simply was their priority?" After that the camera shakes back and forth as the students run out of the classroom behind the police, (camera quickly pans to the female on floor) and the students run past her leaving her behind also (one female wearing no shoes). She is left unattended.

Now note as they leave the classroom and file out through the door at the 38 second mark in the video there is a police officer facing towards them standing against the wall holding weapon at chest height position (barrel facing left). What is he doing there? Is he just monitoring their exit? Why? This stands out to me as evidence that the girl must be considered as deceased, otherwise he would be attending to her instead of doing what he is doing which appears to be simply standing there monitoring their exit while holding a weapon.

As I mentioned in the large post above, CNN's page showing the 17 victims appears not to have a dark skinned female amongst the victims, thus, the next logical question to ask is "who was this girl?" "why did the police leave her there?" "If she was seriously injured and not deceased, why did the police not prioritize her due to her apparent injuries?" "Was there the possibility she could have bled out while left unattended?" "Where is the rest of the earlier edited out footage filmed by the person holding the camera?". The earlier footage would help get to the bottom of these questions. Note also that another student in the video is filming with their phone also and showing to another student.

Buzzfeed has some other images of the victims. I still could not find a female with that dark of skin amongst the images. Listed victim had the darkest skin but judging from her image, not that dark.

Buzzfeed has Facebook link to this image of Helena Ramsey. The hairstyle looks similar to the victim on the floor, but the skin seems lighter. May be her.

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My personal thoughts on this, would be that it was a hoax. Being that I'm unable to know that for any sort of certainty, I allow room for FF. When people say that they knew someone who died at one of these "events" I'm not going to call them a liar, because I don't have first hand knowledge of it. Unless they are showing signs of "dupers delight" or are laughing then switch into acting mode immediately before addressing the press(like the one S-Hook father).

Calling people liars without hard evidence is not going to help people free their minds, but rather usually will grant sympathy for the would be liar. This usually just disengages peoples critical thinking and replaces it with emotional feelings. Emotions are much easier to manipulate than logic and reason. This is why I attempt to remain open minded and non judgmental, in my attempt to free the shackled minds.

I'm still not sure what to think. So much of it is surreal. Student Samantha Grady who stated that she deterred (deflected) bullets with a tiny book has now had another interview in which she states she was hit in the chest with bullet fragments. Yet she was doing an interview the day after the shooting.

Here's that second interview:

Screen cap for proof in case it is removed-

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This link explains the connection between Samantha Grady and Helena Ramsay ( now showing that is likely her on the floor in the pic above). The tiny book that deters bullets story is also in this article.

In the CNN interview at the New Day link Samantha Grady states " I'm doing well, my injuries, err, I was shot twice. I was grazed in my back and a bullet ricocheted into my chest. Um, then there's fragments there and what not".

That interview is at the 7:05 mark in this lengthy segment on CNN gun control.

I also found something else very interesting on Samantha Grady. She added someone to the Troupe 4879 -Mobilizing MSD Club Facebook page on February 21, 2018. This means that she is involved with the drama club at the school also.

Here's that image and link:

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Thus, it looks like in order to make it into the mainstream media's antigun campaign the job requirement is 1) be a member of the schools drama club, 2) have prior acting, reporting or filming experience and 3) attend holocaust class.

Regular students who just do history and other subjects need not apply.

The person she added to the Drama Group is Steve Corin who is the brother of another media rolled out student Jaclyn Corin.

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This is Jaclyn Corin on the Ellen Degeneres Show on February 23rd. She is on the left.

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If they are on the Ellen show, do you need any more evidence that things are not what they seem?


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