YouTube Is Banning Videos Which Are Teaching People How To Cure Themselves Naturally

in #news6 years ago (edited)


Naturopathy is a often ignored subject by doctors and supporters of the mainstream media, however we currently live in an age where independent news sites can provide people with more information than ever before.

One place on the internet which does not let you hear about the success of natural medicine is YouTube, which is now banning videos and channels that mention natural medicines that help people cure their ailments without the aid of pharmaceuticals.

A Corporate Reasoning

One example is when Natural News posted a video on YouTube about CBD oil's healing properties. The following quote is the response that YouTube provided to Natural News when they removed their video.

YouTube doesn’t allow content that encourages or promotes violent or dangerous acts that have an inherent risk of serious physical harm or death. LINK

YouTube is filled with people performing outrageous stunts like consuming laundry detergent, which is a extremely toxic dare, yet talking about natural treatments is frowned upon and even censored.

This is all explained very easily - YouTube and it's owner Google make a serious amount of money from hosting advertisements from Big Pharma and more specifically, the pharmaceutical cancer industry.

The Narrative YouTube Is Pushing For The Pharmaceutical Industry

It is very obvious that YouTube does not want people to learn of natural and safe ways they can treat their cancer or any other ailment they have, instead, they let the pharmaceutical companies advertise their drugs on their site

This is great for the pharmaceutical industry because people will more likely use their drugs for their illnesses because the alternative story is suppressed. Before you know it, you take one pill and need five more tablets to deal with the side effects you experienced from the first dose.

These medicines are where the real risks of serious physical harm or death lie, and there’s scientific proof of that; in many cases it’s even on the package insert. LINK

Natural News Being Targeted

YouTube has censored NaturalNews. They have completely banned their channel with just one strike.

The standard YouTube policy is to give channels three strikes before terminating them but I guess they thought Natural News' stories were too much of a threat to their ad revenue from Big Pharma.

The Single Strike Was For A 43-Second Video

That video features a woman who talks about how she completely changed her life with cannabis oil - She went from being diagnosed with six weeks to live (because of stomach cancer) to a complete recovery. This was all thanks to the good ol' cannabis oil.

The woman also spoke about her belief that marijuana should be legalized for medicinal purposes because it is a drug that saves lives.

YouTube does not care if this woman's excuses are validated with legitimate scientific research, all they want to do is ban videos that they do not agree with.

This Means Content Creators Will Be Driven Away From YouTube

Many people have had enough of YouTube's outlandish censorship and want to make the move off the centralized platform.

But Where Will Ex-YouTube-Users Go?

There is one platform which us Steemians know of very fondly - It is called Dtube

Dtube is a platform fully written in Javascript which allows users to post and watch videos. Users can earn money by upvoting other videos and receiving votes on their own.

Dtube is decentralized and powered by Steemit. Dtube makes use of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency to pay its users in a peer to peer revenue system.

Another "YouTube-like" platform will be launched on Independance day this year -

Upload, share and embed your videos without being censored by the anti-free speech tech giants. Engaged in independent journalism, independent science and uncensored opinion speech. is the new home for free speech on the 'net. LINK

Both and Dtube will allow content of all kinds to flourish without censorship.

Misinformation Is Prominent In Our Culture

People will continue to miss out on viable natural treatments that could save them if corporate giants like YouTube and Google are allowed to filter what we watch and read.

The best thing about putting content on Blockchains is that it becomes (theoretically) impossible to erase or censor.

Hopefully more and more people will realize that decentralized platforms like Dtube are the future for monetizing video content!

What do you think about YouTube's latest censorship tactics?

Sources for images (that are not mine) are provided by clicking on the image itself.

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With every act of censorship on Youtube, a new Dtuber is born. Let them keep banning people left and right :0

Dtube and Dlive are the new Youtube. Make your move now than later

I completely agree! Rejoice for the move of platforms!

Wow! All natural health YouTube channels banned? Or only ones promoting CBD?


YouTube is going down he pan and has been for a long time. I have gone of it but as of yet we have no real alternative as DTube only last for 30days. There is Bitchute also. We must make alternative of the sheep will continue to nod and smile at the censorship! 💯 🐒

I completely agree. Hopefully Dtube improves enough to be able to replace YT.

Sure I like Bitchute's approach, but so far the content is not up to much. But I guess this is a lack on people uploading 💯🐒

I still watch YouTube, but would never contribute anything to it. Any video I make will go to dtube

That is a good choice. I hope Dtube treats you well!

The screw keeps turning, and the pressure they create keeps growing.

...You can't fix stupid.

You can create new platform for the smart though 😉

Exactly......... but I'm not smart enough . lol

The dinosaur 'establishment' are comically - tragically- so predictable

Resteem censorship is BS

We live in such a strange world... great piece @chron. Hope you are well.

Ps. Thanks to @samstonehill for the retweet which is how I spotted this.

Its a sad moment it should be stopped i agree to you you have point out the great cause which now banning by you tube dont know why the reason behind it i am doctor of medicine but if you tube is doing monoply and banning for pushing pharmaceuticles than its really a alarming and we should protest against you tube decision and we should condemned it its disgusting effort

I don't usually say this, as I see it all the time, but,,,,,,,,,ever heard of punctuation?

Medical schools sorely lacking in punctuation & nutrition education.

Isn't that the truth. Especially nutrition education......

One of my favorite games to play with drs: how much nutrition were you required to study? & how do you justify having zero nutritional training & calling yourself a dr? Deer in the headlights

I think they get 3 credit hours in doctor school, then zippo in residency. It is all about the chemicals to them.

Maybe they’ve improved! Last I heard from my dr friends it was zero

It is not mandatory. It is an elective. Lol. And it is their version of nutrition.

YouTube Is Banning Videos Which Are upsetting to progressives, the government or corporations.

I'm sorry. I do not understand this? Can you rephrase?

youtube is banning a wide variety of videos, any that upset progressives, the government or corporations, natural cures would fall under "upsetting to corporations", corporations are their advertisers.

That is really bad of YouTube... They are indirectly increasing the mortality rate.

Please do well to read and upvote my post on hypertension Here

Thank you

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