What I Personally Think Of This Election In Regards To The News

in #news8 years ago

They are constantly saying that they have proof that we have Russian intel that has interfered with the democratic election, while never showing the proof that they've obtained.  They say, we've found recent information that leads to it as a fact that Russia and Trump are colluded with interfering with this election process, but as we ask for this proof, they are leading up with empty hands.  It sounds like it's "hoakie" in the fact that they consistently say that they are going to follow this news report wherever it leads, but always come up with nothing.  I'm not so sure I understand if they can accuse someone of screwing up their election process, mind you - I've seen that there is leaks that lead to a fact of over 250,000 votes made for Hillary Clinton, of people who are now dead.  This tells me that the exact opposite is true then what we are seeing on the news today, and they aren't going after Hillary or their Foundation for their crime against the election, instead of going after Trump who I see is not in any way shape or form colluding with Russia to hack the election process.  Again, this is just from my own standpoint on this matter.

I've also tried to contact the Clinton Foundation seeking help from them as a charity and never got any type of response back from them, which tells me that this isn't a charity foundation at all.  Then, I found numerous articles on how they are using the money to only help themselves and not other people, like myself, in need of a boost of income to help me continue to help other people.

I see that this is not the goal behind mainstream and what they are working on.  It isn't to help people, rather instead, they use their money to continually hurt people and keep people in the dark of their own truths.  I cannot be bought by what is on ABC, FOX or CBS news, as I've also reached out to these people as well about a few newsworthy stories and also, am turning up empty handed in just wanting to build a dialogue with a news editor or news station to get my personal stories heard.  I have many that I feel are far more newsworthy then some of the news that I'm seeing on the news itself and wish to get people to know about the things that I've been experiencing and make them public, (which I have done through the use of Steem.)  As being censored from facebook, to me, was wrong.  I was a part of a site called tsu.co and we were doing great until there was just too much anger about being throttled from facebook posts, and basically leading peoples posts to not be seen by our friends and families, and we all know that when we scroll on our facebook feeds, the chances if people aren't able to see your news feed, that they aren't going to search for you, just so they can see what you're up to.  These posts get buried real fast and people never get to really have a true social media then as these things continue to happen to people on the site of tsu.co

All we wanted to do was give people a real social media where you and your network of friends and family would have part ownership of all the material, pictures and creativity you post on tsu, and we were breaking the markets worldwide spreading all of our earnings across many charities worldwide and were making a difference with our social media posts worldwide.  This was, and still is, a brilliant idea we had to break the media of the world, and get people to have an untarnished user experience with social media, and we were.  We were happy on tsu, and there was a lot less hatred and anger as we find on other social media sites, and we were sellers and entrepreneurs that wanted to change the way you experience online social media, while paying you for your contribution to the site itself.  In this case, the Billions that Facebook is worth today, would be spread out to ordinary people like you and I, for posting on their site.  This is just not the case.

As for the news with the elections process, I feel it's much the same.  They want to follow their recent leads wherever they go, but are ending up empty handed, and for some reason fighting and badgering Trump's campaign is the only news that they are willing to share.  This is just absurd to me, because, we the people are the ones who are ending up hurting for it, as this is just some political arraignment where they are clouding out the real news with some political scheme to hurt others in their attempt at helping fix things for Americans, and stop the disaster that was created.  I read wikileaks and pay attention to anonymous news from all over the world and think that all they are trying to do is silence the masses from ever discovering the truth behind their many lies.  

No one is perfect, so when these people just want some truthful news, and I can't even get my story heard by them to even build a dialogue with me about the things that are happening to me and things that have happened to me - it really scares me to think that they are just trying to cover up facts from the ordinary person in America that wants to discover how they can share their world more beautifully with their fellow Americans and their fellow world around them.  This is what I want to do!  I just want the opportunity to share my world more beautifully then I've been allowed to do this far, and am having a hard time doing so, because of some of the things that I've been talking about in my previous blog-posts.  It's just too many things to think that these things are caused by something that I am doing versus, someone else doing these things to me.  It makes more sense to me, that some people aren't so great of people and want to ruin me at every chance they get, rather to think that, all these bad things that are happening to me, are all my own fault.  I feel 100% they aren't!  

Here is me, and I'm just trying to do many things that I feel I can't now, because of some colluded government actions that are being taken against me.  I want to drive again, and I would have been driving today, had some things never happened the ways that they did.  I wasn't paid right from my job, working for my mom as a PCA for a company that should be helping people and not out to hurt them.  The guy running things at this place however was out to hurt me, and make sure that I wasn't paid appropriately, until I wasn't paid at all.  That's spending time working where I could have been doing other things to try save my care and still help my mom as a personal care attendant, underpaid, until not being paid at all.  IT was a fight, with management, just saying things like, "dude, I've sent you my time-sheets three times, I know that you got them," and nothing was done in the way of finding them or trusting me, that I was working these hours over just badgering me as a person, and making sure that I was not paid work hours that I worked.  I would have still been in position to help my own mom, and other clients today, had I been allowed to be after the goals that I had at the time - when instead, I had to sell my car.  And, it's not just this experience that happened leading me to believe in organized harassment, or covert attacks against me... their are many other things that happen and continue to happen, while I'm left at a loss - even the ability to see my own sister in the hospital.  

Anyways, here is a picture of me now after trying so damn hard, I'm completely at a loss, homeless and hurting.

As you can tell, I'm not the most happy person anymore, because I have very little faith left in a system to care about me at all, let alone anyone else that thinks their government is, "We the People, For the People," when - to me, and many others, it's not!  These are rich people in favor of making sure that their crimes are covered up, and I'm sick of it.  I'm sick of having a vision, a dream and the will to obtain the things that I was after, and being led down a path that wasn't created by me, rather other people seeking to destroy me to keep running their schemes over me.  I'm fully aware of the things now that people are willing to do to me, and know that they exist as well.

Psychological operators are what goarmy.com are now looking for.  And, anyone to take money to do these things are completely numb-skulls, because you're killing and hurting a lot of people for money, and you're allowing yourselves to be trained in killing these people, even in subtle ways, that the media is not going to show.  IT takes away from God's command, "Thou Shall Not Kill," and lets people kill with a feeling that they are killing people for America's freedom.  When I haven't got a freedom that I can see!  And, there are many more besides me that have their rights ripped out from underneath them.  They aren't able to get their stories heard, and can't expose these people for what they do, because they are poor and these other people are rich and can keep paying people off to make sure that you aren't ever heard.

It's the likeliness of a Billion Dollar case against people that would lose their luxurious lifestyles to be exposed where good people, like you or I, can live a half decent life from then on out, as we've never gotten the chance before.  We haven't because we are constantly being hurt by police powers, when things have happened, where I've been shot at by a Senior in High School who became a cop a week later.  This is the kind of guy that is still a cop...   So, can I trust in a justice system then?  Can I trust that these people wouldn't want to hurt me, in ulterior ways to subvert my reality even?  When, they are!  They harassed me before, and they'll do it again, unless I can stop it.  I'll be stopped from working, I'll be stopped from driving a car, and I'll be stopped from even living naturally where there are people, I'm afraid, that are so colluded against me, that it got me to study these psy-ops and covert harassment tactics that they are using on average citizens like me, from ever getting my story to be heard.  They wouldn't like me to be heard, would they?  They wouldn't like people to side with me, now, would they?  They wouldn't because, I've been studying these things for many years and am always ending up with limited resources, and people and friends even back away from me, because they don't want to end up caught in the middle of it either.

All that I do, is hope and pray, and believe that one day, SOON - that I can be heard for the crimes that these people are willing to commit over me in my life, and make sure that I can keep speaking out on places like Steemit.  It's the only outlet that I truly have, as facebook is censoring me, twitter and other sites are not answering me... and even the news isn't able to just build a dialogue with me, or return my many letters to them.  So, I'm writing about them, and I'm exposing these people as liars too.  As long as you are kept in the dark blindly, you can sure follow and lead people right into the dark, right along with them, so I feel it's pertinent to stay safe and to protect your mind from these people from doing any more damage to you in your life, and the others around you, as there has never been a time in our lives I think that has led to THIS MANY people in utter pain, and who just want that chance to live a good life.

We have intelligence that tells us that Trump is colluding with Russia, or that people have rigged this election, but - they can't show you ANY PROOF!  And, today - that's the news, and it hurts you and I.  It hurts the innocent people, and the people that just want to be heard on the news and get their stories out to the public before these crimes keep happening to us, and people keep getting away with hurting us blindly in ways that you wouldn't ever expect them to be able to.  But, if you're pulled over 3 or more times in one trip - chances are that you're being harassed in my perspective are high.  Even as good to me as 100%, that you are being harassed, and not treated fairly by your system.

Thanks for reading this, and hope that you understand why I write.


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