BREAKING NEWS - The Woodlawn Terrorist Worst Care Zero Care Horror Story
It all started a day back in early spring of 2015. There I was working my tail off when all of a sudden I was not getting paid all of my work hours. And, well - at first I assumed that they would naturally fall on my next checks, and this was just not the case. It would knock off 8 hours at a time, and just leave me from getting paid, so as I was sending my time sheets up to Zero Best Care Incorporated, I began asking - where are my hours going that I'm not getting paid. And, the owner started saying that he paid me all of what I sent him and just like any natural fuck would do running bad business practices over on people - he told me that he didn't get any more time sheets from me and telling me that if I wanted to get my money earlier that he recommended that I get it direct deposited.
So, I was saying no, I don't think that's a good idea as I've had problems with the banks before and I earn more money when I am in control of it and not some bank that doesn't care about me, and I'm not getting paid correctly from you, so - why would I do that?
Well, after awhile he started telling me that soon his company is going to require people to get direct deposit, and naturally I said no, that can't be a requirement of any company under law to order their employee to get direct deposit. Though a few months later I just did that anyways as I figured it might help me keep track of the money that was missing from my accounts, and it naturally just made things worse because - now I was not getting my check stubs in the mail, nor was I getting paid work hours that just disappeared left and right.
In 2016, I got my w-2's and they were wrong! Way wrong! What an awesome start to the year that year. And, then on top of not being paid correctly, in October of 2015, they just didn't pay me for the whole of my work hours that I sent in. I was working for my mom and we started getting into arguments about my work, and she started asking for a new Personal Care Attendent and relying on these thugs over there running Zero Best Care to get someone reliable over to help her. The whole shit show they were running over there was a scam. At best, the only thing they were trying to do is cause me to quit, which I ended up doing December 28th 2016 because I was forced out of the situation there with my mom, and all because I was really desperately searching for help in this God forsaken community of nut jobs that just don't care about people in these buildings that are having issues.
The issues include floods and damages which were there before we ever moved in, and "fixed" without a proper inspection ever done, they ended up renting to us. I was ticked off because I was a carpenter by trade and this seemed like a scam over us where that specific unit was concerned with, as the previous tenant was concerned about bed bugs and God only knows what else. All I know is that we started to get mice and other vermin infesting our place, right after we had a flood that had occurred and no one, not anyone, was helping us get anything done about it. The City of Moundsview didn't care, the inspector they said they didn't have one for the area, and I remember telling them - well, you're letting a lot of people down big time, and this is just gross! I asked, would you like to live in a place with mice, moles and other vermin running around while feeling itchy, and would you be able to sleep at night? The answer I got was no, but then - asking what is going to be done about it, the only thing that we got was a run around.
We mentioned these things to the landlord at the time and the only thing that happened was a guy was sent out to put up mouse traps, and bate here and there, and this was just not settling the problem, nor was it allowing us to sleep in our unit. I did everything to take care of issues with my mom and buy her products that we needed, but it wasn't enough! Everything we did wasn't enough, and I caught a total of 12 mice that year, we both caught lice, and the only reason that she didn't cry out to anyone but me for help was because she feared that my brothers wouldn't let her see her grandchildren. So no one ever heard about how bad it was except from anyone but me, and in that case, it made me look as though I was eroding on my own, though other people in that complex were eroding as well from organized "crime" or in other words, organized "leaving people in imminent dangers.
Then, towards the end of the year, I started not being paid correctly and not being paid at all again, and this was sabotaging me from making any money. When I wasn't making any money, and in an infested home, and no lawyer was trying to help me over just telling me to go through the trouble of getting more people to get on board, what had happened was the other people were not willing to get on baord with a tenants association or do anything about it further, because people fear being retaliated against more then they feel like fighting for their lives. And, circumstances followed the majority of people speaking out this far... so, people were being reigned over by the police, stalked electronically and through force, they were made to settle without, and made to feel they were going homeless, or ending up in jails, or in trouble with the law.
You see, the law likes to intimidate anyone that knows that they have rights to protect, and when they can't protect these rights, they don't care. It's like saying that it's the law to go through a red light at a traffic stop, but if no one see's anything, no one gets hurt, and the law basically allows themselves to do this very thing over peoples rights. As long as no one else see's that these people have rights to protect - they just add to the pressure and go on and ruin you. They aren't out to protect you, or to help you secure rights, and this is why they aren't for the peace and we are among police officers.
Here is a letter I wrote to all the news stations, to ABC, MSNBC, FOX, WCCO, CBS and then news papers, City Pages, Pioneer Press, The Star Tribune and many many more;
Where I was living I had a black mold and infestation of vermin and other bugs and I am finding myself at a loss and I was wondering if you could help me get this and my story out to the public? XXXX County Road I #XXX where I was staying with my mom, we had water intrusion, black mold, mice and a vermin infestation and nothing is being done about it to fix our place. We were left in it and other tenants have been complaining about issues where they weren't being heard either, including ceilings caving in and water constantly coming into peoples’ homes, all the way down to the basement apartments (where we stayed in a bottom unit.) There was a flooding there that had occurred before we moved in and I know there has ever been a proper inspection done. We also experienced sewage backup that went on our kitchen floor and still no maintenance came out to fix this. We were left to clean it up and were expected to use our own cleaning supplies to fix these issues as they arose, however, I was calling the City of Mounds View building code and they were telling me that they didn’t have an inspector on hand for the City of Mounds View, and I was asking what is a person supposed to do with concerns like what we were experiencing and just being left in it. It is completely unacceptable to me that this was going on. It got scary as hell to tell you the truth. The owners name is Rejiv Garg and the landlords name is Suzan Nordos. I want something to be done as there are still people living in fear from just asking for these things to be fixed and I was tired of it. (There is way too much pain for anyone to have to go through to stay in a place living this way.) I have proof pictures on my Facebook account for anyone that would like to see these pictures I still have them saved here in my computer and also on a new site called that I was using to make sure that I was able to get my story online where it was not being censored as was happening to my posts on Facebook as well. Either way, I have quite the story to share, and wanted to find some way to get on the news about it and am willing to talk to the editor or come in for an interview about it as my mom and other friends of mine still live inside the place and are feeling the same things as I was while living there as I'm now in a homeless shelter because of it and the way I was forced to live. I’m at a total loss with what to do as I’ve called everyone I could think of including lawyers and pro-bono attorneys and they for the most part told me that they can’t take the case with everything they had going on but to keep pressing for my concerns and they will eventually get heard. I am just hoping that I reach someone here that sees how uninhabitable the living conditions were where I was staying, and see that there are people with mental health issues that would not be able to do what I’ve already done living in that place and contacting lawyer after lawyer, people give up before they reach their final outcome. There are children that live in this building that are constantly getting sick and as you can imagine with a mice, lice issue and other mice borne vectors and other bugs coming in, it’s not the easiest thing to deal with when you’re poor. On top of this I was unpaid from my job at Zero Best Care, as what seemed to me on purpose to disenfranchise me along with my ability to help my family. Please help me get my story on the news as something needs to be done about it and I find it very news worthy of a story because I was reaching out to everyone and getting nowhere with not only the apartment manager, but with getting any kind of legal help as well.
My Sir Name
My Phone Number
P.S. Please get back to me and let me know what I can do from here as I need to get this out so that hopefully I can make sure that people aren't being treated this way ever again. I hope you would agree that these things are very wrong and would be worth mentioning in the news as I've literally contacted ever single news outlet I could think of in the last few days about it because, like I said, I'm at a total loss.
My facebook is: and you can find Woodlawn Terrace Pictures on there that show proof of how bad it was. Thanks for considering this story for your paper/news station, as I'm looking to get some resolution. Thanks again!
But with all this stated - nothing was ever done, and still I am left with the lost outcome and no closure to the life that I was forced to live.
I wrote the building management as well and wrote it out on steemit, as I've just been using steemit to get my story heard. Get it read, and hopefully make it public news, because I'm sick and tired of criminals getting away with this kind of ruin and crime knowing far well that the people they are ruining don't have the money to hire a lawyer, or get anyone to care. As always, money talks and Bull Shit, walks!
I've also left an open letter to woodlawn terrace about this situation, and am not crazy for leaving it here, and please allow me to explain later, but first read my open letter:
I made an open letter again to the President of the United States, as I've tried also contacting the President on these matters because I want to be heard and not continually silenced. You can find that letter here:
I was ending up fighting with my mom again on just the fact that we needed to get this story heard, and right after Christmas, we fought about getting a lawyer because - at this point, I had eroded, I was unable to sleep, I was falling out of chairs and trying to get help was literally killing me. I cried and cried and cried, and I've still not stopped having nightmares about the situation, and I've just been going through hell. Next thing, I was placed into jail, and after jail I was moved around so much that I was going berserk inside about it, and the fact that no one was willing to hear me out, I was literally feeling at a loss. A loss of life. A loss of my money that was owed to me. A loss of sleep, and a loss of my own sanity, let alone family that believed in me. My family lost faith in me, and I could tell by how thigns were said. We wish you wouldn't have done this or that, and we wish that you had the ability to hold down a job, but no one can see the real extent to what I was going through. I wanted to tape record my life, and make it as if it was a movie, because I know that people would be crying out in the theaters and unable to watch what I was literally going through - and that it would have helped me get people to care, if they just saw what I was dealing with for real, and not through stories. But, I hadn't the gear to do this, and when I tried to record, I wasn't able to catch the things that got on me, because I didn't have anything but my phone and a small camera. But, I still wish that I could be heard. I still wish that someone would help me and see how devastated things had gotten for me. But, no one came. No one cared. The police ignored laws, the city ignored my letters and no one ever came through for me, except to put the blame on me.
Next, I ended up in a Mental Hospital, because I was basically lied about to get me into the place that I was in, because - family was denying me, and they were and are in denial for how bad the things were there where I was concerned. I was studying Morgellons, Warfare, Chemical Warfare, Silent Wars, New World Order, The Laws, Civics, Bugs, Mice, Vector Borne Insects, Lymes Disease, and many other things. What these things did was drive me crazy, and I was ending up bathing in bleach, taking showers way too many times to consider that I was able to live a natural life, and my mom was soaked up with the worlds' medical field and thinking that these people were the answer and knew everything - but, as far as I see it they don't. They are just people too, and they are in favor of keeping people sick, and keeping people coming back for more.
Here is my story: I wrote it out while in the Mental Hospital though, I wasn't the one that was sick. This whole world was sick.
Next, I studied covert harassment, gang-stalking, psychological warfare and how it's being used against citizens in their own country. Basically, people are being killed and no one knows anything about it, because people are all watching the news, and listening to the free press, although we don't really have a "free press." We have the illusion of a "free press" but, when you're silenced, covertly attacked and no one cares, you don't have a free press, let alone a press at all. So, people get stuck on pills, they get suicidal thoughts and feel deranged and then kick the habit of taking them. They feel better after awhile and it's really hard to take yourself off medications for depression, because you get addicted to taking them, and then you are feeling things from not only - stopping the meds you were on, but, also - the electronic harassment and through the air technologies that are meant to control people.
God does not want a people to be controlled by the media, and this is why it is written in the Bible that people will be too cozy with their devices and to watch your thoughts. God wants us to guard our thoughts from evil, and this means a False Flag news media television as well as our devices that make it seem as though we can be close with our loved ones, while what really happens is we spread further apart from our loved ones. Our families fade; our friends fade, and the only thing we are supposed to do is facebook, talk on the phone or text. And, this is just not as close as humanity can be with one another with love. This is a crime I believe in it of itself. Our technology!
I was pushed to the brink with an infestation: Literally pushed to my minds limits, and I couldn't handle anymore.
Now, there are covert means to engage people into a psychological warfare, and this is also stated in the Bible as well. But, to make yourself aware of these things you have to read these next pages and I will explain why they are doing this after these links.
Organized Harassment:
To understand covert harassment, psychological harassment/warfare, you first have to understand and KNOW that the system just doesn't give a shit anymore. They don't! Not at all! Their end game is to keep you silent and that you aren't going to get your information heard, without everyone looking at you like a total nut, even though it's saine to want to protect yourself from being murdered. It's basically, they want you to kill yourself, and in order to get you killed one way or another, they need you to be - or want you to be - taking some form of medication, because that way when cops get involved and you go to jail, they can create any story around you and get your family to even buy it. As long as your family will buy into it, the other rest of the world will also buy into the narrative they play.
Once you are taking medications, you are depressed and the side-effects of these medications makes people go batty. They can cause you to have suicidal thoughts, which is why I am saying that I'm not suicidal. I'm of sound mind and body and don't plan to ever commit suicide. I say these things because it protects me from being murdered and having someone basically act as though I eroded and went nuts and a cop can shoot me in the heart (mind you) in the heart and not in the leg or the arm as they did Finicum in the Oregon stand-off, but actually kill me. This is what the cops are working on these days, is murder. It's not to serve and protect you, or to help you secure a right, or to help you be heard with any law, but to protect the criminal and themselves to do whatever they want to do.
If you run a red light, and no one see's you run it - is it against the law?
Some will say yes, it's against the law no matter what! And, well - I beg to differ. Try getting the next license plate of the next guy that runs that light, and try to make a citizens arrest. You won't get anywhere with these pigs - or, I mean, cops. It's just not going to be anything more then a case, filed with them.
If you run a light when the cops aren't looking and you make it across the street to the gas station, for an example, and you got away with it. No one saw it, and no one got hurt. You made it, and not a damn things going to happen to you right? This is the same thing with the criminality with covert harassment and psychological warfare. They are using it on average every day citizens because they can get away with it, and have. They've murdered, killed, tortured people and gotten away with it all! They've murdered whole families before! This is your Cartel run, criminal government, and all thanks to your federally funded government - they love their psychological warfare, because they got everyone thinking that they care so much with their news and their news-papers, so that it makes you feel all cozy about them. You "feel" that if anything ever were to happen to you, that you can be heard the same way Humpy Dumpty was. He sat on a wall, and had a great fall, and all the Kings horses and all the Kings men, came to put Humpty back together again.
This is NOT AT ALL how your system is operating today. They want to kill you, and they want to make it look like it's something you did, when it's not. It's being run by their weaponizing electronics to watch you, monitor you, and if that doesn't work by pushing you into a state of desperation enough to get you to kill yourself, they are going to electronically push you with their weapons, force and coercion. It's all covert and hard to prove, but this should make it easy for you.
I know it's a lot of reading here, but I haven't got the nerve to make a YouTube channel and fear the camera. I really just want my story out to the public, and I need the help from people to spread my message to the rest of the world. Don't let people get away with murder! Or they will!
Thanks for reading all that you can, and hope that you copy and use some of my information on your own steemit posts. Please feel free to use all material found within these posts for your own spreading of information out to the public, as we all should know - the mainstream media won't listen to anyone. Nope, not even you!