InterWeber's news source, July 11, 2017
It is getting hot in here, California's four seasons, earthquake, flood, landslide, fire.
Swimmers are so much tastier without all those stringy clothes
War is not a simple thing. People die for the whims and wills of pampered men on pillows
Bernie, Bernie, Bernie -- Hyperbole does not suit you. People dropping mandatory health insurance because they didn't want it in the first place is hardly my problem.
And your daily dose of Fear Porn.
Maybe not so bad
Looks like what goes up may not always come down. N. Korea's ICBM's may not be able to reenter atmosphere without being destroyed. Must have bought them from ACME
Dont be so hard on the Bernie! LOL
Bernie is one of the most honest politician's out there, so no, when I catch him politicking -- I won't give him any slack when he lies about a policy that he just doesn't agree with. Bernie, step up and tell us what you want -- a single payer health system.