Carey, you come off sounding like you don't like the billboards, because of their provenance. I know nothing about this guy (altho "conservative artist" seems an oxymoron to me). But if say a Bill Maher, or Amy Pohler had done the same billboards, would that be have been acceptable?
I think I know the answer, and I'm 1000% on your side.
These artist are doing important work. Joe Public must wake up to the things the truther community has been investigating & uncovering for decads. If we continue to throw the ugly TRUTH in the normies faces some wilm stop ignoring it & the tide will begin to change in our direction. Thank you agin Ms. Wedler for the encouraging story.
Shots f-ing fired. The people in Hollywood have for the longest of times acted as moral crusaders. The most self-righteous tend to have skeletons in their closets.
God only knows how many predators still operate in Hollywood. I bet the Weinstein and Spacey revelation are just the tip of the iceberg.
Resteem für Deutschland. Ich denke mal die Bilder sprechen für sich. Die 90sten Oscarverleihungen finden am Sonntag den 04.03.2018 statt.
thx for creating! (personally i would have not noticed that Oscars are up). Upvote and resteem.
hompepage seems to be down (03 march 2018, 7PM 26 Berlin time.)
Authenticity BOT!
Great job! We found more similar posts, but your post is the 1st one posted.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Carey, you come off sounding like you don't like the billboards, because of their provenance. I know nothing about this guy (altho "conservative artist" seems an oxymoron to me). But if say a Bill Maher, or Amy Pohler had done the same billboards, would that be have been acceptable?
I think I know the answer, and I'm 1000% on your side.
These artist are doing important work. Joe Public must wake up to the things the truther community has been investigating & uncovering for decads. If we continue to throw the ugly TRUTH in the normies faces some wilm stop ignoring it & the tide will begin to change in our direction. Thank you agin Ms. Wedler for the encouraging story.
Shots f-ing fired. The people in Hollywood have for the longest of times acted as moral crusaders. The most self-righteous tend to have skeletons in their closets.
Very funny and very sad in the same time!
The walls are crumbling around there little gig. It’s nice to see people calling them out instead of brushing this shit under the rug.