
isn't it time we let go of the war on drugs? it's clearly only producing more drugs and "criminals".. oh wait then what would fund the private prison business? hah.. if only we'd release all those who've committed victimless crimes and fill their places with these corrupt politians and corporate money mongers.
here's to peace one day - Namaste :)

Well past time!

It's uplifting how many people are coming to these realizations about things like the "war on drugs", "war on terror", "war on poverty", etc.

As more and more of us realize what's going on, and take responsibility for our own actions & lives, it's going to be mind-blowing how quickly things change.

Yup! More and more people are waking up everywhere :) the potential is amazing!

It really is isn't it?

I'm from Jamaica home of the best cannabis in the world, where they recently decriminalized possession of two ounces per person and five plants per household. Guys im new to steem can you follow me and i will follow back please!

That's wonderful. So many states are doing that, but the US inc. keeps fighting it.

It's a crime what is being done all around the world to people just for a plant. A healing plant, at that...

Pigs love making a scene. Welcome to Steemit! Made sure to follow you.

We need to start taking action. If this jurisdiction received hundreds of calls emails and letters daily they may think twice before making another senseless action. Lets figure out the legislators in that area. Phone numbers for the local law enforcement. Emails. Addresses and get to work.

Wow. What a world we live in. Sad

We can thank Harry J. Anslinger for what he did in 1930 for the prohibition of MJ. The scale of his campaigns against it was huge. P.S. he is also behind alcohol bans.

"Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit paranoid? It's nature. How do you make nature against the fucking law? It grows everywhere, serves a thousand different functions, all of them positive. To make marijuana against the law, is like saying God made a mistake."

-Bill Hicks "Revelations" 1992

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