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RE: Extensive Post Reveals Drills, Anomalies and Child Actors Involved With Parkland School Shooting in Florida on February 14, 2018 (N.S.F.W.)

in #news7 years ago

This wasn’t the first school shooting or mass shooting this year let alone the last few years. It’s been increasing in frequency and deaths per shooting. This is something the whole country has been thinking about stopping for a long time. The fact everyone has been thinking about this for a while is probably why their thoughts about acting on it are so concise & “prepped” like you say. The main thing people are suggesting are bans on assault rifles and tighter regulations on being allowed to own a firearm.


You are correct sir. This is also not the first "event" that did not align with the official narrative. To be frank I don't recall a recent mass shooting(or even Bombing) that I believe went down the way that it was reported to have. Far to many fall on days/weeks that training scenarios were publicly announced then recanted. (Even during nine11 there was a massive war game scenarios where terrorist were hijacking planes to ram into building. This caused all the active duty military at the time to assume that the distress calls were part of the "war game." I let people come to their own conclusions, it just helps when we know the actual facts. Not just what the propaganda machine puts out.)

As concerning a ban on "assault rifles," this ban would be one on the "look" of a weapon and not the functionality of it. In relation to "tighter regulations on being allowed to own a firearm," at least in the US, the opposite seems to be more effective. Look at D.C. after banning all handguns from law abiding citizens, the violent crime and murder rate exponentially rose. On the contrary the state with the most lack gun laws Alaska has had no mass shootings, the few gun fatalities in that state are usually resulting from excessive alcohol consumption and not premeditation.

These mass shootings, if they are in fact happening as they say are always in "gun free zones." I don't recall any events occurring in open/concealed carry areas. It's always in places that guns are prohibited. If we truly wanted to be effective in gun control it's simple. A trained and armed populace, will prevent these events in the future, also violent crime would drop to near zero. But that is just my opinion based on logic, historically events, and human nature.

The truth is many people are afraid of firearms, because they know nothing about them. I would recommend everyone when presented with the opportunity, to experience firing one. They are merely a tool, albeit a very effective and deadly tool. They can kill and they can stop killers, it's all in the hands of the user. I'm just very uncomfortable with the "state" being the only one who is authorized to use them. It was an effective means in to prevent opposition in pre-WWII Germany. I'd rather not see that happen again.

Maybe you are more trusting of the media than I am. Have you heard about the White Helmets scam where the US media and Hollywood are promoting al-Qaeda in Syria as rescuers of little kids? Thus, I think it prevalent to ask serious questions whenever the MSM is pushing a coordinated well prepared propaganda campaign, particularly one that results in the US citizenry losing their ability to defend themselves from a nefarious government that has been deceiving them in relation to matters related to war, psychological operations, propaganda and censorship.

Please get yourself red-pilled and then once your aware that the media is not your friend we can have a serious discussion as to these matters and as to why a citizenry may want to stay armed in case its own government turns against them. Hence the reason the 2nd Amendment is in the US Constitution.

Lets hope it never comes to that, but that is what it is there for. Foreign agents, for example Israel's Mossad, could, hypothetically, infiltrate the US government and media and sow chaos, propaganda, deflection and wars. Cui bono?

Massive White Helmets Photo Cache Proves Hollywood Gave Oscar to Terrorist Group

Hollywood's elitists (read Zionists) have nominated al-Qaeda for a second Oscar at the Academy Awards on March 4, 2018 for the documentary "Last Men in Aleppo". Scott Pelly and the 60 Minutes gang can't get enough of defending these terrorists.

Now Playing on Dtube: Hollywood Caught Exploiting Eight Year Old Daughter of Terrorist in Syria For Women's Empowerment Movement at Oscars 2018 Ceremony

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