This California wildfire story is sketchy!

in #news6 years ago

Does anyone else but me suspect that the official “camp fire” story fed to us through the mainstream media is false, fake news? So many lives have been lost, billions upon billions of property has evaporated and soooooo many people have valid questions and concerns about the official story we have been told.
Many wildfire specialists have looked at the photos, burn pattern and other evidence from the California fires and say that things don’t look right, they don’t look natural. Look at this picture below for instance, how is it not even one single section of a house is standing in the entire neighborhood but non of the trees burned?
Many reports and multiple people have caught “blue laser beams” coming down from the sky on their cell phone video cameras. What are these pictures of and how can they be explained? Some say this was a direct energy weapon to purposefully start the fires for some sort of an agenda.
So what’s the motive IF this is true? Hell, I have no dang idea but, the Chinese own just about everything in California, maybe they wanted to push people out and rebuild. Maybe it’s for the massive amounts of gold that scientists know are still in those hills but homes were built all over it. Some people even say it’s because of a new high speed railway that is the grand master plan. The thing is, I don’t know what to think at this point. I know our own government are the biggest liars in the history of mankind but, the pictures and eye witness reports on this fire lead me to believe that this was in no way caused by a campfire.
Can anyone explain how this fire is INSIDE this tree but the outside of the tree has not burned one single bit? Does this look normal natural or even real to you?
What in the world is going on here? Keep asking questions people, some evil forces might be at work here.


Years ago I read a book, The Mann Gulch Fire. It is considered the greatest fire story ever told. Story of smoke-jumpers caught in a fire. They raced up the side of a mountain with the fire at their heels.

This gentleman, Robert Sallee, was the only smoke-jumper to survive.

I do not know if you enjoy reading, but if you do, it is a great read.

I won't tell you how he lived through the fire, when all of his comrades perished, in case you want to read.

The one thing I can tell you is that the 1st picture of the conifers that don't even look scorched would be impossible, as you have pointed out.
When I read Mann Gulch Fire, the one thing that has stuck in my head for so long now is the description of how the fire raced towards them.
With the wind driving the fire towards them, even before the fire actually reached sections of the forest, populated with conifers, (pine trees) they would literally explode.
Being that pine trees are layden with sap, the sap would heat up to such a degree that they would explode before the arrival of the actually fire.
How th e f___ could the trees be green!

I have no idea about your feelings on extra terrestrial life, but that would be something the government would want to keep under wraps.

I for one am not to sure about martian.jpg

As a retired teacher I can remember giving a demonstration about the size of our planet compared to our galaxy. In comparison, the earth would be the size of a single grain of sand, compared to every other grain of sand on earth. This is only comparing earth to a single galaxy when there are Millions.

I ask myself, as a race, are we vain enough to think that we are the only ones around.
For some reason I don't think so.

This is an awesome comment. Thank you so much for taking the time. I am not sure about aliens but I would say I am 100% open to it as being fact. There is lots of evidence that’s for sure.

You are more than welcome.
I'll tell you one thing, I've got a funny feeling the shit is about to hit the fan!

I have already noticed this for some time that these fires what are there, are very suspicious there. Because it seems to me that there is massive land cleaning, in which a few individual corporations can buy this land up cheaply. And I not joke :( .

I agree my man. This looks very suspicious.

YEs :)

Wow, I didn’t even know about this (alternative theories). Very interesting...and scary. Thanks for sharing some critical thinking.

Some people are blaming PG&E the worlds largest electricity company......oh yea and the CEO is a Rothschild. Hummmm

I would not be in any way surprised if these events were being triggered by exotic weapons - there's an interesting (big) book on 911 by Dr. Judy Wood about the evidence for such weapons being used on 911 on the twin towers. It's definitely something to pay close attention to.

I came here as I saw you unvoted me as a witness - if you have any feedback as to what your motivation is for that and what I can learn from then I'd appreciate it. Cheers!

Cosas inexplicables comienzan aparecer en los EEUU desde 1968. Fuera del contexto acerca de Teorías de Conspiración y esas cosas, la NASA guarda en sus adentros, secretos bien ocultos al ojo humano. Son precisadas las ocasiones que el publico ha podido tener acceso a ello. Saludos mi querido amigo!

holocaust, yes this is a catastrophe. this is the anger of nature over humans. it seems to us that we are against nature. whatever we are doing is against nature such as cutting tree, polluting. we have to stop it soon.

this is the worse once can face : (

Nowadays, media gets a lot of help. And people have help. But God has some rules. How is this happening in the fire tree? You can only tell about it.

Wildfire is big issue in every country. Hopefully everyone save from this fire. Many tress and animals are burn. Thats so sad. Many houses are burn. God save all from this dangerous fire.

@broncnutz I am just glad I don't live in California anymore. This is going to happen to others too. Let's just see How things play out over the next Month or Two as we see if President Trump gets to the bottom of this EVIL..........

it sure is interesting times! soooooo many things could play out. gold, silver, btc, ltc, ripple (yuck),Q, indictments, war, stock market crash, maybe more QE, elections, economist mag, you could go on much shit is about to be played out!

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