Trans-racialism: the next mental illness to claim special status
*Paul Joseph Watson
So, ‘misgendering’ is a crime nowadays as you could have read a few days ago in one of my blogs and in Germany you no longer have to be registered as either a woman or a man. But that doesn’t mean we’re done with the crazy crap just yet.
Nope, the destruction of the fundamentals of humanity is not yet completed. The next mental illness to claim a special status is trans-racialism.
What? You never heard of it before? You must be a terrible insensitive human being. You need therapy to work on your level of empathy. By not acknowledging the fact (sic) a white male can identify himself as a black woman and vice versa, you deliberately hurt someone’s feelings. Before long you might even be held accountable in a court somewhere for denying the truth:
There are no borders, the world belongs to everyone; there are no men or women, there are only people; there are no races, you can choose whatever you like, be a Chinaman for a day!; you’re not Dutch or English or French, you’re European; and every other effort to destroy (national) identities.
Were you born a white male and do you still identify yourself as a white male?
You white privileged, racist, xenofobic, misgendering sick piece of shit, you feel superior, don’t you?
I'm bipolar transgender. I'm getting married to myself, and I will claim that I'm Head of Household with one dependent on my taxes.
I think I will identify myself as a woman with 6 children from 7 different men and claim benefits.
white people feeling black... nothing new here

I saw this comic from thegentlemansarmchair and I immediately had to think of you

Awesome :)
And I assume it reminded you of my blog, for I am a true woman and never wonder if I would feel better if I identify myself as a black guy who left behind his 7 kids with 8 different women :))