UK COLUMN NEWS YouTube Published 10th July 2017.
UK Column News Live by Skype Vanessa Beeley of 21st Century Wire and Independent investigative journalist/war correspondent and the Studio guest today is geopolitical analyst Investigative Journalist and founder of 21st Century Wire and 21st Century Wire TV Patrick Henningsen bringing his expertise to the UK Column News table and giving his take on the hot topics aired today such as Putin and Trump press the flesh in Hamburg, 35 minute meeting lasts for a good 2 'n' half hours, Vendetta CNN, Virtue signalling, Trump and Putin Positive, Deep State Operator, Swamp life by design, Flip-Flopping Tillerson, Cease fire holds Syria southwest, No-man's-land violations for bombing justification, Overthrow attempts of Bashar al-Assad, UK funds terrorists at £1bn a year, Foreign Office Conflict Fund, Carne Ross, U.S. Agents controlling foreign donations for political influence, UK's Foreign & Commonwealth Office donations off $869,407.00 (prove shown on air), Sinister Opaque fund, Lobbying for military Syrian intervention, Death Squads, Crisis Action, Creative coalitions a handbook for change, Soros's fingerprints, Hybrid war specialist, Pushing fake Bana, Sanction food costs, Silicon Valley encryption fight, World Trade Organisation R.I.P. TTIP?, Legal industry to carry UK through Brexit, Legal international (reincarnation - TTIP under a different guise).
'UK COLUMN NEWS 10th July 2017: Putin & Trump: Two and a half hour meeting.'
'CNN (politics) 8th July 2017: Donald Trump puts US in a club of one
(CNN) - It wasn't quite the G19 summit, but President Donald Trump's approach to foreign affairs is severely straining global cohesion on key issues like climate change and free trade, exchanging an aggressive, traditional American leadership role for isolation in a club of one.(1min 50sec embedded video link follows) .'
'LOS ANGELES TIMES 8th July 2017: Putin thinks Trump believed his take on election
Russian President Vladimir Putin says he thinks President Trump believed his in-person denials of Russian meddling in the U.S. presidential election.
Putin spoke Saturday after the Group of 20 summit, where he and Trump had their first face-to-face meeting. (link follows below) .'
'THE TELEGRAPH NEWS 4th July 2017: Donald Trump's cruel offer to Charlie Gard is virtue signalling on an intercontinental scale (link follows below) .'
'U.S. DEPARTMENT of STATE (diplomacy in action) 7th July 2017: Press Statement: Secretary Tillerson Appoints Ambassador Kurt Volker Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations
Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson announced today his appointment of Ambassador Kurt Volker to serve as the United States Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations. Ambassador Volker, who has served previously as the U.S. Permanent Representative to NATO, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, and as Director for NATO and Western Europe on the National Security Council, will take responsibility for advancing U.S. efforts to achieve the objectives set out in the Minsk agreements. He will accompany the Secretary to Kyiv on Sunday, July 9, and is expected to continue to hold regular meetings with Ukraine and the other members of the Normandy Format: Russia, Germany, and France. (link follows below) .'
'THE McCAIN INSTITUTE for International leadership: Kurt Volker Email Kurt
Ambassador Kurt Volker is a leading expert in U.S. foreign and national security policy with some 30 years of experience in a variety of government, academic, and private sector capacities. (link follows) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 10th July 2017: Rex Tillerson (us secretary of state): "It was an extraordinary important meeting ... There was a very clear positive chemistry between the two." (a understanding of minds?).'
'REUTERS 9th July 2017: U.S. - Russian ceasefire deal holding in southwest Syria
A U.S.-Russian brokered ceasefire for southwest Syria held through the day, a monitor and rebels said on Sunday, in the first peacemaking effort of the war by the U.S. government under President Donald Trump. (link follows below) .'
'TWEET MAYTHAM @maytham956 2:42 AM 30th December 2016: (hashtag)UK & (hashtag)Netherlands are sponsoring and funding the "Syrian opposition". Even the Tulips in (hashtag)Netherlands are being watered with our blood! (link follows below) .'
'TWEET INDEPENDENT DIPLOMAT @IDiplomat 11:02AM 23rd September 2016: #WhiteHelmets have saved 62,000 #Syrians. How many have the ceasefire and official peace process saved? Asks @RaedAlSaleh3 (link follows below) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 10th July 2017: Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 06/01/2016 11:24:09 PM Independent Diplomatic inc.
Deposit Detail Registration Number 5860 Supplemental Filing
Part 1V Financial Information. (hashtag)14 (a)
Period - November 1, 2015 to April 30, 2016 (document explained and shown on air along with contextual documents).'
'TEDx Talks YouTube Published 19th April 2017: Carne Ross: The Accidental Anarchist | Carne Ross | TEDxSkoll
A former British diplomat in the lead up to the Iraq war, Carne experienced first-hand the lies and self-serving discourse of political power. After a profound crisis, he began a quest for a more just way of living together. In this moving and deeply personal talk, Carne explains what he discovered when he studied philosophies and visited communities from varied corners of the planet, and why he thinks anarchism is the best way forward. (link follows)
'INDEPENDENT 14th April 2013: UK’s maverick diplomat Carne Ross takes on a new job – as Syrian rebels’ voice to the UN
A former British diplomat who resigned over the Iraq war has been hired by Syrian rebels who want his advice on how to raise their voice on the world stage.
Carne Ross, who left his post after accusing the Government of failing to consider alternatives to military action in Iraq, confirmed tonight that the advisory group he founded, Independent Diplomat, had been asked to assist the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces. (link follows below) .'
'THE UNITED STATES Department of Justice no publish date found July 2017: FARA: Foreign Agents Registration Act
The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) was enacted in 1938. FARA is a disclosure statute that requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi-political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities. Disclosure of the required information facilitates evaluation by the government and the American people of the statements and activities of such persons in light of their function as foreign agents. The FARA Registration Unit of the Counterintelligence and Export Control Section (CES) in the National Security Division (NSD) is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Act. (link follows below) .'
'WWW.PARLIAMENT.UK 26th May 2016: Joint Select Committee: Conflict, Stability and Security Fund inquiry launched (link follows) .'
'GOV.UK Home Stabilisation Unit No publish date found July 2017: About Us| The stabilisation Unit (SU) is a cross-government unit supporting UK government efforts to tackle instability overseas
We support integrated co-ordination of UK government activities in fragile and conflict-affected states by acting as a centre of expertise on conflict, stabilisation, security and justice.
We recruit, train and deploy qualified and experienced civilian experts (‘Deployable Civilian Experts’) to support UK government activities in fragile and conflict-affected states, and to multilateral missions on behalf of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. We are responsible for the safety and security of all staff deployed through us. (link follows below) .'
'HOUSE OF LORDS HOUSE OF COMMONS 13th January 2017: Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy Conflict, Stability and Security fund Second Report of Session 2016 - 17
Report, together with formal minutes relating to the report (1/51 pdf link follows below) .'
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'GUARDIAN (aid) 7th February 2017: Secrecy around £1bn aid and security fund raises 'significant concern', say MPs
The ‘opaque’ conflict, stability and security fund undermines government aims for transparency on aid, says joint committee on national security strategy (link follows below) .'
'CRISIS ACTION Creative Coalitions A Handbook for Change No publish date found July 2017: How We Work|
Crisis Action works behind the scenes to support a diverse range of partners to campaign against conflict and for the protection of civilians. We aim to amplify the impact of collective campaigning and enhance partners’ efforts to avert conflict, prevent human rights abuses and ensure governments fulfil their obligations to protect civilians. (link follows below) .'
'TWITTER PAGE #WITH REFUGEES UNHCR 28th June 2017: We stand together (hashtag)WithRefugees sign the petition Today Related searches @refugees (link follows below) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 10th July 2017: Meet 7-year-old Bana, who shared her experience of war on twitter (see below).'
'TWEET BANA ALABED @AlabedBana 2:00 PM 4th April 2017: This is my message to the leaders of the world: it's never too late, save the people of Syria now. #Idlib (video embedded tweet link) .'
'UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency 22nd May 2017: Searching for Syria? Google and UNHCR offer answers to five top questions
The “Searching for Syria” website ( combines UNHCR data and stories, Google Search Trends and other sources to deliver answers to the five most common queries that people around the world are asking about the Syrian refugee crisis:
● What was Syria like before the war?
● What is happening in Syria?
● Who is a refugee?
● Where are Syrian refugees going?
● How can I help Syrian refugees? (link follows below) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 10th July 2017: Mosul Liberated: Michael Fallon (secretary of state for war): "I congratulate Prime Minister Abadi, and the Iraqi forces who have been fighting on the ground with great bravery and care against a brutal opponent." (a huge civilian death toll)
Treason May (prime minister): "Firstly, terrorism. It is a threat facing us all ... We have agreed to take action in two specific areas: we need to ensure there are no safe spaces for terrorist financing."
"And we have agreed that we should ... halt the spread of extremist material and poisonous propaganda that is warping young minds." (what a first class hypocrite - Foreign Office Conflict Fund - need I say anymore).'
'FINANCIAL REVIEW 6th July 2017: Malcolm Turnbull faces Silicon Valley fight on encryption
If Malcolm Turnbull presses forward on threats to force technology companies to better cooperate on countering terrorism — by unlocking secret encrypted messages and data belonging to suspected violent plotters — the Prime Minister can expect a heated tussle with America's powerful Silicon Valley. (link follows) .'
'SKYNEWS.COM.AU 10th July 2017: Turnbull, May to talk trade and terrorism (link not found substitute link follows below) .'
'EXPRESS 10th July 2017: Macron turns on EU charm offensive to woo Australia in race to seal trade deal before UK
THE French President gave the Australian Prime Minister the presidential treatment as part of an EU charm offensive to seal a trade deal with the Commonwealth country. (embedded video link follows) .'
'UK COLUMN NEWS 10th July 2017: Treason May (prime minister): " Finally, trade. The UK is a leading advocate for free trade and open markets, for the World Trade Organisation, and for a global economy that works for everyone." (lame words from a lame duck PM).'
'COURTS and TRIBUNALS JUDICIARY no publish date found July 2017: The Business and Property Courts of England and Wales (link follows) .'
'CITY A.M. 5th July 2017: Never mind the City's financial sector – Lord Mayor says the UK's legal industry will carry the country through Brexit
The City of London's Lord Mayor, Andrew Parmley, will tonight tell the judiciary that it will be the legal profession which carries the UK through Brexit.
Speaking at the annual Dinner to Her Majesty's Judges at Mansion House, Parmley is expected to say that “shockwaves” are still being felt from last year's European referendum.
He will also note that there are differences of opinion across the country, and ambiguity over the terms of the UK's future “commercial and social” relationships. (link follows below) .'
All this with much more and in-depth News Reports, Analysis from your Non-plastic real deep thinking human presenters Mike Robinson along with studio guest Patrick Henningsen and coming in live by Skype Vanessa Beeley who together are shining the light of Truth & Exposure into the darkness of War, Criminality, Paedophilia, Murder, State Child Snatching, Treason, Whistleblowers, propaganda, skullduggery and dealing with the over exposed mainstream media's untruths, twists and their Obfuscations.
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