Topic Slavic antiquities № 5. About LOMONOSOV RUSKOLANI. Interesting facts from the history of Russia!!

in #news9 years ago


Long before the formation of the capital of Russia in Kiev Slavs was one of the largest state formations existed in the opinion of scientists from 1600 to 2500 thousand. Years. Annals of Russia was almost forgotten because of the German professors who wrote Russian history, and aims to rejuvenate the history of Russia, show that the Slavic peoples supposedly pristine clean, not stained with acts of Russia, the Antes, the Vandals and the Scythians, whom remembered very well all over the world. The goal - to tear off Russia from the Scythian past. On the basis of the work of German professors arose domestic historical school. All history books tell us that before the baptism of Rus lived savage tribes - the so-called Gentiles.
This is a big lie, because the story was rewritten several times in favor of the existing ruling regime - starting with the first Romanovs, ie the story is treated as favorably at this time the ruling class. In the past called Rus legacy, or Chronicle, and not the history (the word "Summer" was preceded introduced by Peter I in 7208 on the summer S.M.Z.H., the concept of "year", when instead of Russian chronology introduced in 1700 by the alleged Christmas ). S.M.Z.H. - Create this (signing) of the World (with Arima / Chinese in the summer, called) the Star Temple - after the end of the Great World War II (which is something like 9 May 1945, but more significantly for the Rus) ..
Because whether or not to trust the textbooks that even our minds were copied more than once? And whether or not to trust the textbooks that are contrary to many facts which show that before baptism - in Russia there was a huge state with a lot of cities and villages (country towns), developed economy and crafts. Those who lived in those times our ancestors possessed the wisdom of life and world view, helping them to always act according to conscience and live in harmony with the surrounding world.
The German professors alone fought Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, who argued that the history of the Rus has its roots in antiquity. Russia took the land from the Danube and the Carpathians to the Crimea, the Northern Caucasus and the Volga, and subordinate to the trans-Volga steppe lands seized and South Urals.
Nordic Rus name sounds like Gardarika - country towns. About the same write and Arab historians are estimated Russian city hundreds. At the same time claiming that the Byzantine (Roman Empire) there are only five cities, while the rest - "fortified castle". In ancient documents called the Rus including as Scythia and Ruskolan. In his works, Academician BA Rybakov, author of "Paganism ancient Slavs" 1981 "Paganism of Ancient Rus' in 1987, and many others., Writes that the state is the bearer Ruskolan Chernyakhov archaeological culture and experienced a period of prosperity in the century Troyan (I-IV century AD) .
To show the level of scientists engaged in the study of ancient Russian history, we give someone the same was Academician BA Rybakov. Boris Rybakov 40 years as head of the Institute of Archaeology Academy of Sciences, was the director of the Institute of History of Academy of Sciences, Academician-Secretary of the Department of History of Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an honorary member of the Czechoslovak, Polish and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, honored professor of Moscow University. MV Lomonosov Moscow State University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, an honorary doctor of the Krakow Jagiellonian University.
The word "Ruskolan" is the syllable "lan", present in the "hand of" words, "valley", and meaning: space, area, place, region. Subsequently, the syllable "lan" was transformed into the European land - country. Sergei Forest in his book, "How are you, Russ," says the following: "In respect it should be noted the word" Ruskolun "that there is an option" Ruskolan ". If the latter option is more correct, then we can understand the word differently: "Rusko (th) Doe." Lan - field. All of the expression: "Russian field". In addition, the Forest makes the assumption that there was a word "Cleaver" means probably some space. It occurs in other verbal environments. As historians and linguists believe that the name of the state "Ruskolan" could come from the two words "Russia" and "Alan" on behalf of Russ and Alans, who lived in a single state.
The same opinion was Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, who wrote: "Alan and Roxolani edinoplemenstvo from many places of the ancient historians and geographers clear, and the difference is is that Alan common name of an entire people, and Roksolana utterance, folded from their habitats, which not without reason, produce from the river Ra, as the ancient writers reputed Volga (Volga). " Ancient historian and scholar Pliny - Alans and Roxolani together has. Roksolana is an ancient scholar and geographer Ptolemy - portable addition called alanorsi. Names Aorses and Roxana or rossane Strabo - "exact unity of Russia and Alans say what the reliability is multiplied, they were the Slavonic generation wallpaper, then that Sarmatians edinoplemennymi by ancient writers attested to the Vikings because of Russian-root".

Note also that the Vikings #Lomonosov also concerns Russia, which once again shows the manipulation of the German professors who deliberately called strangers Vikings and not the Slavic people. This juggling and born by the legend of the vocation of another tribe to rule on Russia was politically motivated in order to once again "enlightened" West could indicate "wild" Slavs, their backwardness, and that it was thanks to the Europeans was created Slavic state. Modern historians, except for followers of the Norman theory, also agree that the Vikings it was a Slavic tribe.
Lomonosov wrote: "According to the testimony of Alan Gelmoldovu were mixed with kurlandtsami, edinoplemennymi Varangians-Russia".
Lomonosov wrote - Vikings-Russia, not the Vikings, Norsemen, or Vikings, Goths. All documents of the pre-Christian period, the Vikings attributed to the Slavs.
Next Lomonosov wrote: "Rugenskie Slavs called abbreviated wounds, ie Ra river (the Volga), and rossanami. These things exile been stained them to the shores of the Varangian as follows circumstantially meaning. Veyssel from Bohemia suggests that from the east came to Prussia amakosovii, Alan, Wendy. "
Lomonosov wrote about rugenskih Slavs. It is known that about. Rügen in Arkona was the last Slavic pagan temple, which was destroyed in 1168. Now there are Slavic Museum.
Lomonosov wrote that it was from the East Prussia and on. Rügen came Slavonic tribes, and adds: "This is exile been stained Alan volzheskih, ie Rossano or Russia, to the Baltic Sea took place, as can be seen by vyshepokazannyh authors evidence, not once, and not in a short time as the footsteps, until now remained, clear that the names of cities and rivers must honor. "
In the Ukraine, in the remains of the city found Trypillya age is just as Arkaim more than 5,000 years. He's 500let older civilization of Mesopotamia - Sumer!
In the late 1990s near Rostov-on-Don in the town of Tanais were found city-settlements, age find it difficult to name even scientists. Age ranges from 10,000 to 30,000 years. A traveler of the last century, Thor Heyerdahl believed that from there, from the Tanais came to Scandinavia Scandinavian entire pantheon of Gods headed by Odin.
On the Kola Peninsula found slabs with inscriptions in Sanskrit which 20 000 years. A Sanskrit coincide only Russian (dialects - Little Russian and Belarusian), as well as the Baltic languages. Draw conclusions.
The results of the expedition to the place of the capital of the ancient Slavic city Kiyara in the Elbrus region.
5 expeditions were carried out: in 1851,1881,1914, 2001 and 2002.
In 2001, an expedition led by A. Alekseev, and in 2002 an expedition was conducted under the auspices of the State Astronomical Institute. Sternberg (SAI), which oversaw the director Anatoly Cherepashchuk Institute. On the basis of data obtained as a result of topographical, geodetic research area, fixation of astronomical events, members of the expedition made preliminary findings that are fully consistent with the results of the expedition in 2001, according to the results of the work which, in March 2002, made a report at the meeting of the Astronomical Society of the State Astronomical Institute in the presence of members of the Institute of Archaeology Academy of Sciences of the International astronomical obschestva.i state historical museum. Also it made a report at the conference on the problems of early civilizations, in St. Petersburg.

Exactly what the researchers found.

At Mount Karakaya, in the rocky ridge at an altitude of 3646 m above sea level, between the villages of Upper Chegem and Bezengi on the east side of Mount Elbrus, traces capital Ruskolani city Kiyar found that existed long before the birth of Christ, which is mentioned in many legends and sagas of different nations, as well as the oldest astronomical observatory - Temple of the Sun, described the ancient historian Al-Masudi in his books is like the Sun Temple.
Location city found exactly the same as the directions of the ancient sources and later confirmed the location of the city and the Turkish traveler of the XVII century. Evliey Celebi.
On the hill the remains of ancient temples, caves and tombs found Karakaya. It was found an incredible number of settlements, the ruins of the temples, and very much preserved quite well. In the valley near the foot of the mountain Karakaya, on a plateau Bechesyn found menhirs - the high man-made stones like wooden pagan idols. On one of the stone pillars carved knight's face, looking straight east. And for menhir visible bell hill. It Tuzuluk ( "Treasury of the Sun"). On top of it the ruins of the ancient sanctuary of the Sun really visible. On top of the hill is a tour that marks the highest point. Then, three large rocks undergoing manual processing. Once they cut through the slot, from north to south. Also, the stones were found laid out as a sector in the zodiac calendar. Each sector - exactly 30 degrees.
Each part of the temple complex was intended for the calendar and astrological calculations. In this he is like Yuzhnouralskaya temple city Arkaim having the same zodiacal structure, the same division into 12 sectors. Also, it is similar to Stonehenge in the UK. From Stonehenge it brings, first, that the temple axis is also oriented north-south, and secondly, one of the most important distinguishing features of Stonehenge is the presence of the distance of the sanctuary, the so-called "heel stone." But the Sun and the sanctuary is set on Tuzuluke landmark, menhir.
There is evidence that at the turn of our era temple plundered Bosporan king Pharnaces. Finally the temple destroyed in the IV century AD Goths and Huns. There are even the size of the temple; Elbows 60 (about 20 m) long, 20 (8.6 m) wide and 15 (10 m) in height, and the number of doors and windows - 12 on the number of signs of the zodiac.
As a result of the first expedition, there is every reason to assume that the stones on top of the mountain Brine served as the foundation of the temple of the sun. Mountain Brine -. The right grassy cone of about 40 m high slopes of the climb to the top at an angle of 45 degrees, which actually corresponds to the latitude of the place, and, hence, looking along it you can see the North Star. The axis of the foundation of the temple is 30 degrees to the direction of the eastern peak of Elbrus. Those same 30 degrees of separation between the church and the direction of the axis of a menhir, and the direction of the pass and menhir Shawki. Given that 30 degrees - 1/12 of a circle - the relevant calendar month, it is not a coincidence. Azimuth of sunrise and sunset during the summer and winter solstice differ by only 1.5 degrees from the direction to the top Kandzhal, "gates" of the two hills in the back pasture, uphill and downhill Dzhaurgen Tashly-Sirt. There is speculation that the menhir served in the temple of the Sun heel stone by analogy with Stonehenge, and helped to predict solar and lunar eclipses. Thus, the mountain Brine tied to the four natural landmarks on the Sun, and is tied to the Eastern top of Elbrus. The height of the mountain about 40 meters, diameter of the base - about 150 m is the size comparable to the size of the pyramids of Egypt and other places of worship..
In addition, two square towering round found on the pass Kayaeshik. One of them lies strictly on the axis of the temple. Here, on the pass, are the foundations of buildings, ramparts.
In addition, in the central part of the Caucasus, at the northern foot of Mount Elbrus, in the late 1970s - early 1980s it was found an ancient metallurgical center, the remains of smelting furnaces, settlements, burial grounds.
Summing up the results of the expedition 1980 and 2001, who discovered the concentration within a few kilometers of traces of ancient metallurgy, coal deposits of silver, iron, as well as astronomical, religious and other archaeological objects, it can be assumed the opening of one of the most ancient cultural and administrative with great confidence centers of the Slavs in the Elbrus region.
During expeditions in 1851 and 1914 by archaeologist PG Akritas were examined Scythian ruins of the Sun Temple on the eastern slopes of Beshtau. The results of further archaeological excavations of svyanilischa were published in 1914 in "Notes of the Rostov-on-Don Historical Society." There has been described a huge stone "in the form of Scythian cap" installed on three foundations, as well as a domed grotto.
And the beginning of large-scale excavations in Pyatigorye (Kavminvody) put the famous pre-revolutionary archaeologist DY Samokvasov, who described 44 of the mound in the vicinity of the city of Pyatigorsk in 1881. Later, after the revolution, have been examined only a few mounds, only the initial exploration work carried out by archaeologists at the settlements of EI Krupnov, VA Kuznetsov, GE Runich, EP Alekseeva, SJ Baichorov, HH Bidzhieva and others.
From the ancient stone looks at us wise. This is our very distant ancestor - the Slavic type of person, Scythian cap on his head, bushy beard.

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