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RE: Net Neutrality applies censorship laws to the internet.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

It appears to be a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't', scenario. If we fight to keep Net Neutrality, then our ISP's can't throttle us on certain sites, but if we get rid of Net Neutrality, IPS's can charge us more just to go where we want to go. It's like the utility companies; without the Gov't stepping in, they could charge the crap out of us. So considering this, I am more 'for' Net Neutrality, than against. It has been working well for many years, and if we get rid of it, we will go back to being at the mercy of the ISP's rate hikes, and censorship. This is indeed a perfect example of when Laws are helping the people, not hurting them. You must take the good with the bad. I don't mind a little Gov't, if it is keeping ISP's in check. So I am PRO Net Neutrality. It gives the little guy the same ability to use the internet as the big guys, because he can't be overcharged just because he wants to go to a particular site. The wealthy won't care, because they will be able to afford the higher costs.