Yvette Felarca, Karma Has Caught Up With Thee!

in #news7 years ago


Teaching, once regarded as a noble profession, has grown into perhaps the most tragic of the occupations that have fallen afoul of the Social Justice legions' guerilla insurgency. Teaching acts as a sacred trust in of itself because the most important thing to a parent is their child and as civilised society mandates that children receive an education, parents are required by law to place their kids in the care of an allegedly trusted individual for several hours a day, Monday-Friday. We rely on a sane and capable society to educate the young, readying them for adulthood, so what happens when pedagogy gets infected with demagogy? The result is people like Yvette Felarca.

There must be something in the water of the Bay Area, as UC Berkley, the epicentre for free speech in the sixties, now bears that name ironically. Milo sought to bring the handle of free speech back to Berkley in a literal sense rather than a meaningless moniker, arranging a Free Speech Week that fell a tad flat. Prominent guests like Ann Coulter, Joy Villa and Steve Bannon failed to attend, and such red tape beset the ones that did at Berkley that luckily no one got stuck down! Milo alleges the college took his money for hosting and security, reneged on their promise to host him and didn't refund his money, dumping speakers in the open for the attentions of the elements and hostile protestors.


All-in-all, Free Speech Week proved a quiet affair for all concerned, except for those who want to shout loudest and eventually those asleep will grow impatient at the din, and for the likes of Yvette Felarca, they awoke the long arm of the law! Felarca, a 47-year-old middle school teacher from Oakland and grandee of the army of agitators that dub themselves BAMN (By Any Means Necessary), an activist group with ties to Black Lives Matter and Antifa, descended on Berkley with some acolytes. Following her appearance on the campus, Felarca and two male cronies got arrested on charges of battery and resisting arrest, a felony that comes on top of the prosecution she faces for inciting a riot last year. The charges against Felarca are punishable by up to a year, six months and a year in county jail respectively, so she faces a lot of time behind bars, potentially, but on top of this, her employer, King Middle School, say they intend to keep Yvette Felarca on as a teacher.

The fact the school wishes to keep Felarca on as a teacher makes for a frightening prospect. She evidently has severe issues with violence and cannot square the fact that people disagree with her worldview, and is a woman who teaches pupils at the end of their childhood and the start of their adolescence. Her feminist, Social Justice bent seems evident in her protests, so imagine her preaching unhindered in a classroom in a society that favours feminist feeling over rational dialectic, debate and reasoned learning? Picture a young male under her supervision, inculcated into believing you are faulty and that an ideology that detests those intrinsic faults is your saviour? Well, the society her ilk wish to dismantle has caught up with her, if she receives the prison terms in line with California's Penal Code, Felarca, at 47, will ruin her entire life for championing an ideology that soon will forget her once her usefulness expires. Ideology eats people up and spits them out; they are close to finished with chewing up Felarca!


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wow finally she gets arrested, omg she is horrible, and says everyone is Hitler...

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