Google news creates New Features That Will Distinguish News Fact Or Hoax

in #news8 years ago

 It can not deny anymore if today's dissemination of information  through electronic media is very fast even every minute of circulating  information have very many and diverse.

reality world of information through electronic media very quickly circulated.
but when the news.
But with the easy deployment of an information itself sometimes we can  not tell which news faktya or hoax, which made up for a particular  purpose.

Google released a Fact Check the label on his news service, News. This label serves mark an article as a fact that has been clarified, so that it can be distinguished by a lie or a hoax article.

Fact  Check the label to appear in a specific article published in Google  News, either through a desktop browser or iOS and Android. While these labels can only be seen of the United States and Britain.

"We are excited with the development of communities Fact Check and  seeks to support efforts to distinguish fact from fiction, knowledge of  the hoax," explained Head of Google News, Richard Gingras, as reported  by the compass techno.

Google uses data structures ClaimReview of to demonstrate the fact that the background to the article. Perusahanaan also detailing some criteria regarding eligible sites  labeled Fact Check, so that users who find a mistake could protest.

Those criteria include:

1. claims and the facts must be easily identifiable in the body of the article. The reader should be able to understand the facts which had been sure the truth, and the conclusions reached.

2. The analysis should be transparent to mention the sources and  methods used, including quotations and references to the primary  sources.

3.  Organization publishers article is not associated with a particular  political party, is transparent about the source of funding, as well as  other matters that are affiliated with it. Media organizations must check and prove many claims in their preaching topics, not just targeting one person or entity.

4. The article should indicate that the claims in it continue to be reviewed, stating the conclusions obtained.

It should be noted, label Fact Check is still not able to prevent the emergence of a hoax news in Google News. But  the existence of this label and its use can be considered hoaxes  complicate the spread of news articles in the search results. 


I guess it comes down to who determines truth and do you trust them.

I seem to remember once upon a time truth was "the sun revolves around the earth" and if you don't believe that you will be hauled before the "Grand Inquisitor".

Steem on,

Yeah but how can you trust Google. Google has a terrible track record and has been caught censoring information.