Eureka! A New Whites-Only Settlement In South Africa
A new whites-only settlement is being built in South Africa to help "fight against the uprooting of the white race," according to the founder, businessman Adriaan Nieuwoudt.
Forget about Orania - a new “whites-only” settlement is rising in the Northern Cape and its founder is promising a free 1 000 square metre piece of land to any (white) South African who wants to help preserve the white race.
Eureka is described as a “security town” where people can “securely retire, live and work with their own schools, shops and medical services in their own mother language (Afrikaans) and rural culture”.
According to Nieuwoudt, he bought the piece of land (now known as Eureka) “with his own money, during 2016”. He promised on Tuesday to donate a 1 000 square metre plot in Eureka to “each member of the uprooted white race who registered with the Eureka movement”.
“Eureka is a serious attempt to re-establish our white people in safety. Here we empower the entire white race to independently, for yourself, with our own means, in our own fatherland, build a future. We have already waited too long. No one may prevent us from doing so. In this way we can again let the white race, without bloodshed, acquire a piece of their birth land.”
Not everybody agrees. Black government officials denounced the project as "white privilege" that "cannot be allowed":
“As the EFF we are advocating for equality, and cannot allow white privileges to advance while the majority of black people are still without land. We commit to our members and citizens of this Province that if this motion finds expression in the white community, they must expect that our black people will also occupy that 1 000 square metres of land too.”