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RE: Will America Choose Its Children Over Guns?

in #news7 years ago

This is such a contorted mess, I don't know shit about this massacre and I don't need to, it's not my business so to speak but the news do love themselves a massacre, real of fake, or likely capitulated on and likely precipitated. In reality everyone should be allowed to carry guns wherever they like, I honestly believe that a well armed society is a polite society. At this point it's a dream but the numbers don't lie 2 out of 3 Americans chose not to vote, how many chose not to register or give up their rights?

Come and take them.


True @baah even if they ban guns do you think kill rate will be neutralize? Those who want to kill they can kill.

If they ban guns people will have to come take the guns......

I tend to agree with you @baah, and it's a little alarming and suspect the way the mainstream media frames this issue on our behalf: "If you care about children, you're against assault weapons and for strict gun reform. If you have any other view, then you're an asshole that wants children to die." It's perfectly divisive and doesn't leave ANY room for actual discussion. I'd like to start having a real conversation about what our options are.

That's the problem, having a discussion would be the first step, they already have the solution even though consensus is hardly outside their Brookings Institute think tanks.

The media cannot be under estimated, the media has molded so many generations, the Network came out in the 70's only a couple decades after the CIA project mockingbird takeover of the media and warned of that, two years before Nixon had weed investigated for it's "harmful" effects only to come back with study after study of benefits and cancer cures. D.a.r.e. I mention what the propaganda has the discussion about marijuana around, despite that for example Department of Transportation had did a study in 1999 on the effects of weed vs alcohol and found weed to be negligible if not benign compared to alcohol at half the legal limit and there's literally tens of thousands of studies on the many beneficial uses in treatment/medicine.

These people deem themselves lord over you only if you let them, turn off the tv, light up a blunt. Their ratings will drop, after all that's what they use for consensus, how many actually buy into the shit and for how long, they have no right to tell you what to eat or smoke let alone what you can and cannot own, it invalidates any kind of Master Servant relationship that they are bound to operate under. They don't have any right to order their master around, the master Orders them around and if you know what and how to ask for their oath and duty and obligations they will be fetching sticks because asserting your rights is paramount to dismissing their presumptions of lordship over you.

They will always try to cause or take over a catastrophe and if people are quick we should be able to catch them in the act, if we are cautious we should be able to follow them to the meeting spots and find who else goes there and if we get really lucky we will catch them red handed, they do like to use the principal from sandy hook in the boston bombing right after.. these massacres are perpetuated by these people for the same agenda, to destabilize and create martial law and ultimately disarm the population.

All countries should make a firm commitment to promote general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control, in particular in the filed of nuclear disarmament

Yeah, the un and it's army of mercenaries want to be gangsters of the world, let them try.

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