Mandelas south africa

in #news7 years ago


We all sometimes forget that this world is still a harsh battle of survival for many people, not just the usual battles most of us face such as putting food on the table, doing something worth while with our lives and just moving forward but a literal struggle against some of the most evil things you can imagine. Weather you reside in the middle east and spend your days worrying the next suicide bombing might be the one that kills your family, live in a village in Africa and remember the genocide of thousands of your people not that long ago with such current fears not even being that unfounded in some places, or are fearful for your survival as a result of where you live for whatever reason. These are long overdue problems humanity needs to solve one day, and with that goal in mind all of us need to take a few moments to consider the well-being of their fellow creature from time to time.

In this article i would like to raise some concerns for my own country and implore each and every one reading this who knows deep down their systems are broken to a point where they themselves and their families might one day have their lives or everything they own taken from them not by accident, disease or the evil of individuals as is all of our circumstance on this earth but by the evil of those in power, to make their voices heard.

What led me to do this is my hero and fellow South African born Mr. Elon Musk who went to school less than 20km from my flat in the city of Pretoria and well, Mr. Musk needs no introduction, only thanks.
Some of my earliest memories were that of my parents painting myself and my sisters' faces with the colors of our new South African rainbow nation flag at a celebration event following the election of Mr. Nelson Mandela, another hero of mine. I remember how certain i felt that i will some day be a grown up in a country where everyone can get along, but alas this rainbow nation no longer allows those fond childhood memories to be a reality and my love for each and every one of my great fellow countrymen and woman be they Nguni, Swazi, Dutch, French or of any decent for that matter who make this home, in a lot of cases feel plainly one sided and in a growing number of cases contrasted by deep and utter hatred of the kind that leads to atrocity.

-Actions have consequences-
Having brought up Mr. Musk i feel it appropriate to quote him from an interview he gave in 2016 at the "Code Conference". All thought Mr. Musk was referring to the potential harms of AI in the future with it being such an unknown and doing his part by "increasing the probability that the the future will be good", he says that you can think of the future as a series of probability streams that branch out and then collapse to a certain event and as his company Open AI is trying to maximize the probability of a good future for mankind with the actions they take i feel it my responsibility to take actions that will maximize the probability of my countries future being a good one for all.

-A dark past-
I am the first to admit that events in history such as the slave trade and apartheid here in South Africa was some of the most reprehensible actions ever committed and will be a dark mark on our collective conscience for the foreseeable future. These are things that need to be rectified in every possible way and never repeated, which brings me to the chilling Political discourse in South Africa at the moment, the same type of hatred President Nelson Mandela fought against many years ago and I'm sure would be fighting against if he were alive today no matter the skin color of the victims it is directed against.

-The wrong answers and discourse by those in power-
Citizens look to their leaders to not repeat the mistakes of history and have the right to do so and hold them accountable, the following is a few short videos of our leaders taking the wrong actions to increase the probability of a good future.

Current President of South Africa Jacob Zuma Singing "Kill the Boer" in Bloemfontein early 2012 during a celebration by the African National Congress. The term Boer referring to white South African farmers. (apologies for the bad quality but thanks to person who uploaded this)
Jacob Zuma.jpg

Leader of the EFF(Economic Freedom Fighters) Julius Malema singing Kill the Boer in 2017EFF-logo.jpeg

Julius Malema of the EFF stating the white man is the enemy and their plans to seize land without compensation at a rally in Kwazulu Natal.

-The consequences of these actions-
In this article i would like to avoid the graphic nature of what is going on here but white farmers are being murdered and tortured in their homes by the thousands as a quick google search for "South African farm murders" will reveal to anyone's dismay. The severity of this is also largely overlooked by local and international media, i will not go in to further detail but the murder rate of white South African farmers is roughly 20 times higher than international standard and rapidly increasing.

-The solution?-
A while ago i listened to a podcast from another of my heroes Sam Harris who was discussing hatred between tribes and different societies in human history, being a scientist he talked about evolutionary traits left behind such as in born reluctance to interact with other tribes and the good reasons early society had for such fears. As we all know, history is strewn with death and disease when one civilization met another but as we have shed much of the brutality from our past we need realize we are all in this together and strive to overcome differences, in the same way as we no longer believe our neighbors poisoned our wells when someone falls ill we can no longer harbor ideas that just because someone is from a different culture of race they inherently harbor hatred towards us.

The way to maximize the probability of a good future for all is empathy, love and understanding in all walks of life for every person we encounter. The result of which will surely be a just society for all if pursued!

I would like to give special thanks to those people from around the world who even though they do not live here have taken it upon themselves to help my country an others.

Along with many others on social media in South Africa and abroad who i feel safer to not mention my name.

Any donations would be greatly appreciated and will go towards spreading love and equality throughout South Africa by means of T-Shirts and billboards with slogans such as "We are all children of Africa" (any suggestions for slogans and what more i can do would be greatly appreciated as well), promoting cultural education and if one day possible helping those who can not help themselves.
However just sharing this article would mean the world to me.

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“If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine.”
― Ernesto Che Guevara

Written by me, an anonymous South African resident as circumstance dictates safe.

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