Reference Living The History of Contemporary Aceh That Has Gone

in #news7 years ago

Nanggroe Aceh and Malaysia state mourn the departure of Tan Sri. Almost all Acehnese who once reside in Malaysia, whether as students, workers, or simply travelers know this great character.


He is a man of limited edition, loved and respected by friends, and respected by people who are opposite views and footholds. I feel lucky to meet, meet, discuss, and gain knowledge from him. The first meeting with Tan Sri on October 1, 2011 in Kedah, after Tan Sri was awarded Doctor Honoris Causa by Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) Kedah. At that time, I only had no more than five minutes to talk to him. However, from that brief chat I saw that there are many things that can be extracted from him. The second meeting with Tan Sri took place on Friday, December 16, 2011 ago. Within a span of 2.5 hours, we discussed many things, from the family tree, the Acehnese history of the sultanate, Aceh in the conflict range, to the current state of Aceh. After that, I had met several times with him, both in Kuala Lumpur and in Banda Aceh. Abstinence surrender Sanusi bin Junid was born on July 10, 1943 in Yan, Kedah, Malaysia. His father was a worker at a taxi company in Kedah. His grandfather was named Cut Li, while his grandmother Cut Manyak bint Tgk Beb (Ubaidillah) bin Tgk Muhammad Saman in Tiro (Tgk Chik di Tiro). Sanusi's teenage years are not as fortunate as his age friends. At the age of 12, his father died at the age of 35 years. Sanusi is taken care of by her mother who works as a tailor. A passion for the burning knowledge within him, making Sanusi a diligent child learning and never giving up. After completing primary and secondary education in Kedah, Sanusi had the opportunity to study economics and banking in the UK. Returning to Malaysia in 1963, Sanusi pursued a career as a banking practitioner. In the same year, Sanusi became active as a member of UMNO, Malaysia's most influential political party. Sanusi's career continues to increase, both in the field of profession and the political path. In the political field, the position of the Secretary General of UMNO was successfully held in the period 1984-1988. Later, UMNO entrusted the vice president to him (1990-1993). In addition, together with his friends, Sanusi founded ABIM (Malaysian Islamic Youth Force) and served as vice president (1971-1973). In 1971, Sanusi was also trusted as Secretary General of the MAYC (Malaysian Association of Youth Club), and later became its president for 30 years (1972-2002).

When Tun Hussein Onn was Prime Minister of Malaysia, Sanusi was appointed Deputy Minister of Land and Progress of the Territory (1978-1980). After that, he was believed to be Deputy Minister of the Interior (1980-1981). Sanusi's brilliance led him to the post of Minister of State and Foreign Development (1981-1986). In the next cabinet, Sanusi is believed to be Minister of Agriculture. Sanusi ended his post as minister in 1995. After serving as a minister in the Malaysian government, Sanusi was believed to be the Great Minister of Kedah (1996-1999). Furthermore, in the period 2000-2008, he was appointed President of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM / UIAM). For his various services, the Kingdom of Malaysia awarded him several awards and great honors, among them: Setia Mahkota Kedah (SMK), Dato 'Setia In Raja Kedah (DSDK), Panglima Setia Mahkota (PSM) and Seri Setia In Raja Kedah (SSDK) . Therefore, Sanusi is entitled to bear the title of Malaysian nobility in his name, thus becoming Tan Sri Dato 'Seri Sanusi Junid. Helping the Acehnese Despite the various important positions he has occupied, Tan Sri Sanusi Junid does not make comfort in the "ivory tower". In everyday life, he not only interacts with people or groups belonging to the elite, but also open to alit society. Anyone, especially an Acehnese who needs his help will be helped. As long as a deputy (deputy / deputy) of the interior minister, no fewer than 50,000 IC (identity cards) have been issued to Acehnese, so they have official permission to live in Malaysia. While Tan Sri served as the Great Minister of Kedah (1996-1999), Aceh was experiencing the height of the conflict. At that time, many activists and students fled to Malaysia. Among them are continuing education, others working in private institutions while drafting peace concepts for Aceh. At that time, Tan Sri also served as Chairman of IMAM (Ikatan Masyarakat Aceh Malaysia). Through IMAM, Tan Sri provides a significant contribution in supporting the activities of aneuk nanggroe to achieve peace. When the 2004 tsunami struck Aceh, many students from Aceh in Malaysia lost their homes, property, families and relatives in Aceh. Their learning concentration was torn apart. Given this situation, Tan Sri opens his heart and hands for help. The administrative and financial affairs of Aceh's students are facilitated, especially for those who study at IIUM. As a former influential politician in Malaysia, Tan Sri is quite active following the political developments in Aceh. When discussing contemporary Acehnese politics, the leaders involved in politics can not be involved in the talks. Similarly, the history of the past is still too strong coloring political life today. In his capacity as minister for several periods in the Tun Mahathir Mohamad administration cabinet, Tan Sri has been heavily involved and interacted with Acehnese political figures. Some of the main GAM leaders have ever interacted with it. Similarly, the government leaders in Aceh. As a person who grew up in Yan Kedah, Tan Sri also has knowledge about the history of the arrival of Acehnese ulama first to Yan and settled there to the wake of Kampung Aceh in the region. Tan Sri also narrates some aspects of the life of Abu Daud Beureueh and his aspirations towards Aceh. Similarly, other figures who lived at that time, both the opposite and the opposite Beureueh, did not escape from the conversation. Understandably, Tan Sri married Puan Sri Nila Inangda Manyam Keumala bint Hasballah bin Muhammad Daud Beureueh, so he had many opportunities to communicate with the DI / TII Aceh figure. While Tan Sri himself is a great grandchild of Tgk Chik Di Tiro. Thus, Tan Sri's household is a blend of descendants of two prominent warriors as well as Acehnese ulema, Tgk Muhammad Saman in Tiro and Tgk Muhammad Daud Beureueh.

the two meetings with Tan Sri really gave me a deep impression. The impression comes from his friendly attitude, his burning spirit, his strong memory, his vast knowledge, his firmness in maintaining his identity as ureung Aceh, his high sense of humor, and his readiness to provide feedback on the issues raised. For me, Tan Sri Sanusi Junid is not only a great politician, but he is also a living reference to the history of contemporary Aceh. And now that life reference has gone forever. Good Way, Tan Sri. Rest in peace. May your righteous deeds be rewarded best by Allah SWT!

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