Bernie Madoff in Prison for 6 Billion Ponzi while Fusion Con 100+ Billion/yr Racket Rocketship

in #news5 years ago

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INVESTORS and taxpayers Bilked For HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS a year in MASS-FRAUD.

Bernie Madoff, America's #1 Ponzi scam king in history with a huge 6 Billion Ripped off & evaporated in 2008, is in prison for life. He ran one of the most successful & well known investment schemes that roped in literally hundreds of Elites & Celebrities across the world, into what now has become scams like Bitconnect, Hextracoin, Unixcoin, Bitcoin Diamond, B2X and so many others. But being the King of all Ponzis, one Ponzi still running, in fact exploding in size dwarfing his, is the massive criminal racket of Heat based "Fusion for Energy".

When investors began to find out they couldn't get their money out of Madoff's scheme, and perhaps they had been hoodwinked into a losing proposition, they did what any sane but regretful person does. Call the cops. After investigations, Madoff's book-keeping operation was raided and subsequently shut down to try to recover some of the absolutely massive losses for investors.

A lavish lifestyle funded by excess greed and on money that didn't belong to him, Madoff refused to be thankful for the trust extended to him. He could have had an incredible life if he just did it the right way, invested the money instead of lying & frauding, and made a reasonable firm that paid dividends for all of his future life and those of his client's.

However, even though he is known as America's biggest scam operator, there is an even bigger Con going on that literally leaves Madoff's ponzi as nothing but a drop in a bucket in comparison.

The Fusion industry's radical con job is in excess of 100 BILLION Dollars, and not just total, but every single year, seemingly endlessly, with a project pipeline extending into the 2050s.


An endless line of scientists, Universities, funding departments, nuclear contractors and corporations, lobbyists, and more, continue to lie, scheme, fraud, fake-out, and lure taxpayers fundwriters & investors into the trap from hell itself, the Mega-Con called Heat based "Fusion."

For 80 YEARS they have been selling this fantasia story that never ends, lying to investors that "Fusion" Can break the laws of thermodynamics, create "Free Energy" delivering more energy out than ever put inside, and calling it "the Holy Grail of Energy" and even such things like "The salvation of humanity".

However, after 80 years they have all achieved absolutely nothing but total catastrophic failure. Hundreds of Billions have been blown and as result of all the money being washing into this criminal racket of epic proportions, a literal gigantic library full of Breakthrough Innovators & their Thousands of techs that could have solved the energy crisis if even a little had been invested to them instead, all have been ignored and avoided due to these lies from the establishment and their morally bankrupt participants.


The corrupt crooked establishment has lied and lied and lied about "Fusion", but the truth has been slowly leaking out at not only how far away they are from ever achieving this, but also hard evidence of criminality, willful public deception, illegal withholding of information from the public, lack of proper disclosures of risk and pertinent information, and many other charges are beginning to surface among the industry.

Fusion currently has a number of Megaprojects being built all around the world, including the massive ITER reactor, costing over 50 BILLION dollars in one single project, enough to solve the global food shortage on its own, instead being funneled into admittingly "a science experiment" that will never produce even a single Kilowatt of electricity.

Endless lies, manipulations, sleights of hand and word are being played on the public, but a massive litany of not only problems but catastrophic roadblocks are in the way, resulting in estimates by the consensus of scientists that Fusion from heat is still at the very least 30 years away, Minimum. This is despite the endless lies of "Significant progress, rapid improvement, rapid technology cycles, and even a false hope-giving "Demo" plant plugged to the grid in 2035, and many contradictory promises that Fusion is supposedly just a few years away.

However, investigation by independent Breakthrough Innovators, #1 in the World in nearly every energy tech metric, with over 2,978 CleanEnergy techs, #AlphaOmegaEnergy, has led to a large enough cache of absolutely damning information, live testimonial leaks and insider admittances, showing that "Fusion" for energy is nothing short of an absolute cesspool of corruption that makes Madoff's pale in comparison in every last point other than this. In Fusion, there has shockingly yet to be any even meaningful investigation at all of wrongdoing, and not even one single raid, nor arrest.

With Climate Change propagandists screaming daily in the streets, all of them from Gore to AOC to governments to over half of MSM outlets promising that we all have just 11 years left to die in a man made climate induced fire hell, the Fusion industry is knowingly sucking in Hundreds of Billions into massive projects that will never lead to anywhere and they know it.

While 4 Billion + go without even basic electric services like clean drinking water or toilets, and over 15 Million a year are dead just from breathing each year, the corrupt Fusion industry is bilking investors and taxpayers at an exponentially increasing rate, while having never delivered a single Kilowatt in over 80 years, and state they won't do so in another 30+, at least, if ever.


The additional climate effects caused by this diversion of much needed capital from the 13,900 CleanEnergy companies around the world looking for funding, is nothing short of a humanitarian crisis, and in respect to the Climate alarmists, one that is very surprising that they are not calling it an outright Climate Emergency sparking the so typical riots that grace many other corruption cases stemming from the extremist ClimateChange moneyrush.

With so much money being bilked with complete immunity from the law, SEC, investor protection industries, and seemingly every consumer and taxpayer watchdog on earth, as scientists, contractors, & nuclear companies & their cronies all get filthy rich off the biggest taxpayer's debt bills rort in human history, it just can't be a wonder that the little King of the ponzi, Bernie Madoff, must be feeling both jealousy and regret and very unfairly hard done by, as looking on at it all, and muttering the words from his prison cell saying,

"FUCK! I Should have done it in Fusion."

This article by AlphaOmegaEnergy
The most Blocked, Banned, Censored, Ignored, Excluded, and unsupported Breakthrough CleanEnergy Startup in The World with 2,978 new techs, #1 in Human History in nearly every single energy metric.

Ignored by Gates, Gore, Greta, Dicaprio, WEF, WB, IFC, Greenpeace, UN, UNCC, Paris Accord, Kyoto Protocol, Silicon Valley, Singapore, UNDP, over 300 Climate orgs, BEV fund, and many many others.


If you want to see the CleanEnergy Future, support now by following us, upvoting, investing via Bitcoin on our website, contacting us directly to support or invest, fund, finance, facilitate, sponsor, or encourage.

On Behalf of all humanity, especially the families of those 15 Million who are killed by this corruption each year, thank you.

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  • We will be building power plants with our world leading technology, as an asset backed Blockchain. We are mining with the power we make, and building an electric plane and several scalable social enterprise divisions as well.
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I think it's absolutely BS that our tax dollars are going to these big Centralist megaprojects in France instead of funding the great innovators which can be done much more cheaply. France has all the nuclear in the world. They don't need it like other countries do. Why blow 50 billion when it wont even make any electricity? How many power plants could that build for poor people?

What a waste!!


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