Why Hit Pieces Fail - The Media vs Jordan Peterson

in #news7 years ago

It Began With an Interview....

Ever since Jordan Peterson politely allowed Cathy Newman to abjectly humiliate both herself and the concept of intersectionality itself on live TV, all I have been seeing are ad hominem hit pieces on Dr. Peterson & his work. "He's racist!" "He's a mysognist!" "He wants to help men!!!" The last one is the only one that is actually true, but it isn't as if that is a bad thing.

Right now there is a huge crisis in a lot of areas, particularly in the USA and the UK, around how well working class white men are doing. In both areas they are suffering by most societal metrics. They are also the most likely subset of society to currently commit suicide. Peterson is doing everything he can to help promote the mental health of these individuals, and it literally drives him to tears to hear of these men's plights.

How The Guardian Fell on its Sword & how John Crace became a Poo-Flinging Monkey

The link below is just the latest example of the kind of rebuttals to Dr Peterson's work that I have encountered. Apparently, attempting to help your fellow male human being is somehow intrinsically evil to John Crace of the Guardian. However, it is so much worse than that. By making the kinds of gross parodies that this abject hack, John Crace, has provided, he is attempting to defame a very respected and knowledgeable cognitive psychologist.

Take the first paragraph alone, as it is indicative of the remaining work Crace put into the entire article:

"Just a few years ago, I was an unknown professor writing academic books that nobody read. Then, with God’s help, I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and develop my potential. Pinkos and wishy-washy liberals had cornered the market in cod psychology, so I guessed there must be a huge hunger for a self-help book, backed up with religion, mythology, CAPITAL LETTERS and stating the obvious – one directed at responsible, socially minded conservatives craving some pseudointellectual ideology to prop up their beliefs. And bingo! Here are my 12 Rules for Life."

John Crace on Jordan Peterson & his book, Twelve Rules for Life

My Rebuttal

Dr Peterson is one of the most cited professors in his field, with over 5000 citations since 2013 alone, and almost double that over his career. He has far more people reliant on the work he has done than any "gender study" major could ever even hope to accomplish. He is far more beneficial to society than any Guardian pundit, and far more intelligent as well.

And yet, according to Crace's nonsensical hit piece , Peterson is some right wing religious nut-job, who suddenly decided, by the Grace of God, he should write this book. It should be clear to anyone who actually is aware of Jordan Peterson and his work, or anyone who spends up to 10 minutes worth of research (like I did), that Crace's article is tantamount to libel.

On the plus side, however, Peterson himself shows up these fools time and again, just by being empathetic to his fellow man. He also argues an amazing case for individualism, which is probably why the people at the Guardian consider him such a threat. Unfortunately for them, all this piece does is make them look like a bunch of bullying morons, without any idea of what Peterson is on about at all.


The only thing these types of articles do is demonstrate why ad hominem arguments are literally meaningless, and are implicitly an admission that the person making them has no argument against what they are describing. They have no way to counter the works Dr. Peterson has done, how he has benefited so many of his patients, and that they have no answer to his highly logical arguments. All they have are parodies of his work at best, and insults to throw like a monkey throws his poo.

However, as much as I am lambasting the Guardian and Crace for this objectively worthless piece of bilge, I am actually happy they are both completely discrediting themselves instead of the man they are attacking. Well done for proving that no one should read you, or consider you relevant, anymore.

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