Twitter Suspended My 34K Follower Account @An0nKn0wledge Likely For Calling Out Baxter Dimitry Of YourNewsWire

in #news7 years ago (edited)

For those that don't know me I am an independent journalist my pen-name I write under is Aaron Kesel because everyone knows me as AK online short for A0nkn0wledge or Akilluminati. For reasons that should be obvious but I don't want my name out there for safety. 

I currently work for @ActivistPost and formerly worked for @WeAreChange. I have just been suspended without reason likely for standing up and calling out a fraud within the alternative media, who portrayed a story that a "CIA Agent" had "told him" on his deathbed that he had brought down the World Trade Center 7 with nano-thermite explosions. Where is the audio or video recording it's the 21st century if such a claim is going to be made it has to be documentable and well sourced by using a fake image prior Dmitry shows he doesn't care about the truth and that he'll just make up shit for clicks.

I called out @Baxter_dmtry YourNewsWire's "reporter" and slightly "threatened" him that I would expose him as in his JOURNALISM fully if he kept writing up bull shit stories a reasonable threat that doesn't warrant a suspension in the climate of fake news.

I found out that Baxter's story he ran "MI5 Agent Confesses To Killing Of Princess Diana" 2-3 weeks prior to his 911 story used an image from 2010 of a war vet and I called him out on it, the comparison is below. 

You can clearly see it's the same image. I didn't physically threaten to harm Baxter_dmitry I only threatened his Intention and Integrity  I.E. his "JOURNALISM." I made an assertion that if he didn't stop spreading fake shit I would expose his "work." 

Which I proved he used a fake image for his story without a verifiable source: audio, video or citation of the hospital or where this interview of the supposed "CIA agent or MI5 Agent," even took place. Since he used a fake image from 2010 of an army veteran as is displayed below this man's integrity is called into question.

All I did was use a reverse image search of his image on google. And I paid by losing my account to challenge someone's journalism. Please help me build up on Steemit. Twitter just royally screwed me I wrote an appeal but I doubt they will do anything. I have been a member of Twitter since 2009 I have acquired connections all over the globe from whistleblowers to celebrities and political connecetions. You could look through my account if it existed. 2009-2017 RIP @An0nKn0wledge.

Twitter just ruined my life and my livelihood cut off all my connections and I am not sure what to do.

I'll just stick to my own journalism you can read my work on @ActivistPost and on the @NaturalBlaze keep independent media alive through @Steemit every alt-media I talked to got hit by the Google, Amazon and Youtube corporate power-structure that is BIG Social.

Peace and Love.



Your News Wire consistently spews out unsubstantiated claims and makes no attempt to really back them up. It's sad to me that so many blindly share them on social sites. I suggest not looking back with regards Twitter, but if you have a friend on there who knows some of the same profiles you were connected to, you can get them to make a tweet that links to your profile here and that explains the situation. Better yet just plaster this story everywhere you can and that will attract some to you here.

.19 cents to you my friend but yes I was going to expose all his lies in the last past month its insane how much traffic that site gets and it's by the same people who fucked over David Icke and The Peoples Media TV Broadcast network.

Yes, exactly - there is good reason not to trust any of them - including David Icke - but at least he does generally point people in a helpful direction; whereas your news wire is mostly total BS, I find.
I see no reason to stop exposing them, just use other platforms. Another you can use is, if you don't already. I also run a social network that is suitable called, though it is nowhere near as busy yet.

I've been using as a replacement to twitter. They promise to never censor.

If steemit : Facebook ::
gab : twitter.

Sorry to hear about the suspension. Make a big stink about it. Post everywhere about it. I'll do the same.

I interviewed Andrew Torbha of Gab A.I. Aaron Kesel is me.

I'm on Gab as well. Following both of you on Steemit now as well.👍👌🐸

already followed fake news exist in Alternative media too.

This should be a lesson to all of us not to rely too heavily on one social network, one startup, one digital service. Sooner or later they all either sell out, get bought out, or are not sustainable so they shut down. At least your posts are safe here on the blockchain, if steemit ever goes away someone else can build something similar on top of it.

Sorry to hear about this friend- hope you get reinstated none the less and glad you're here 👍🏻

Get ready for the Surge... once the Sarge hears about this.
Reshared @phibetaiota
We've been seeing a flurry of this coming for sometime.
If your Twitter account can wreck your network overnight,
then it wasn't a good network to begin with.
Build anew here on this platform. Your work's worth at least
$100 a post. Stay Vigilant.
~The Management


Hey @an0nkn0wledge Say goodbye to Twitter. Behind all the spam, bots, meme's and fake accounts you might finally find some content worth your browsing time. Steemit is the best place to be posting your content now. Smaller audience, yes. But, content is rich and informative, no trolls. Over 250k users now and rising.

Facebook had a huge party when they hit 1 million users. What will we do? ...

lmao, dude WTC 7 WAS brought down with a thermite reaction. Weather the guy told him on his deathbed or not.

I agree and a credible whistleblower is CIA asset Susan Lindauer however fake information harms very real information and is dangerous.

I think you may be able to get your account back if you keep on them. Sargon got his reactivated even though he did something arguably more trolly (replied with gay porn to a troll).

Good luck!

In Sargon's case, he has a web presence as a social commentator while Twitter looks for any excuse to silence independent media. The future is on the blockchain and as @an0nkn0wledge says "Big Social" is going to have to face a tough reality as users will inevitably flock to websites such as steemit and take a bigger part of the pie.

I have @YourAnonNews they tweeted it out and I have a very large web presense but not Youtube.

I've noticed that they are less likely to suspend if a user has a strong cross platform presence

I wrote for and I am currently writing for @ActivistPost

Good post. Very informative and really makes one think of what is really true vs. fake news. People are just so confused and lost at this time. People don't know who to believe. It's like everything we believe to be true is a lie. The rabbit hole is very deep.

You're exposing a #DeepState disinformation opersative @an0nkn0wledge.👌

Fantastic work!🐸👍 is #FakeNews!

They've taken me in a few times. Not anymore!

Thank you. Baxter uses Sorcha Faal a known disinformation agent is run by OSI Navy intelligence. Everyone knows that by now Sorcha Faal has been around for YEARS.

aww.. thats sad that may be just temporary

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