Fire At The Clintons' House Right Before An Investigation Here's NINE Times They Obstructed Justice

in #news7 years ago (edited)

There has been a whopping total of nine times that the Clintons have obstructed justice in numerous probes in their past. Now a fire has happened shortly before it was announced the email probe has been reopened and the Clinton fraudation is yet again under investigation. 

You would have to be a fool to call the fire that just happened at the Clinton's residence yesterday an "accident" when it was announced less than 24 hrs later that the Clinton Fraudation was yet again under investigation into pay for play, The Hill reported.

The fire erupted in the ceiling of the second floor in a Secret Service facility behind the Clintons' home, NBC news reported.

The fire  lasted for just over half an hour, according to the local Journal News and was put out by firefighters on the scene with fire extinguishers.

The Clintons were not home at the time of the fire.

The following cited information will prove that the Clintons are in the words of Former FBI assistant Director James Kallstrom "a crime family," and that they have had way too much "luck" during investigations.

What's worse is I think I tipped them off.. 


Although, someone dirty in the FBI might have told them it was coming too.. 

According to several sources the corruption runs deep up to the assistant director of the FBI, which has faced an increasing rebellion within its walls documented by a previous article I wrote. Which subsequently shockingly revealed that Hillary Clintons' missing emails were recovered on Guccifer's server and are in the possession of the FBI and U.S. Senate, thanks to a brave FBI agent who leaked me the information.

[RELATED:  FBI REBELS? Leak Hillary Clinton's Missing Emails Were Offered To JOURNALISTS & Darknet For $500K; Given To FBI Covered Up]

Clinton violated federal record keeping laws. It’s not just whitewater, it’s several investigations where documents have turned up missing, exonerating the Clintons and clearing them of guilt, despite these huge violations of obstruction of justice.


In 1999, investigators looked into then First Lady Hillary and President Bill Clinton’s scandals, which included Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate and other scandals. It was discovered that more than 1 million subpoenaed emails were mysteriously “lost” due to a “glitch” in a West Wing computer server.

During the Project X email scandal, career White House staffers and contractors found that someone close to the first lady had basically turned off the White House’s automated email archiving system.


The first notable case is the whitewater land scandal fiasco, which started in Arkansas when Bill Clinton was governor. The allegation is that the Clintons used the Rose Law Firm and the Arkansas Financial Department Authority, as well as Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan owned by Susan and Jim McDougal, to scam Arkansas residents.

An investigation was started when the Clintons invested and lost money in the Whitewater Development Corporation.An entire article could be dedicated to the Whitewater scandal, but what is important here is that documents for the whitewater investigation turned up missing and were later discovered at the Clintons’ home.

Ben Shapiro of Breitbart noted in his own article on Hillary’s long history of hiding documents:

In 1996, a special Senate Whitewater committee released a report from the FBI demonstrating that documents sought in the Whitewater investigation had been found in the personal Clinton quarters of the White House. The First Lady’s fingerprints were on them. The documents had gone mysteriously missing for two years.
Mark Fabiani, special White House counsel, immediately stated that there was no problem, according to the Times: “He added that she had testified under oath that she had nothing to do with the documents during the two years they were missing and did not know how they ended up in the family quarters.” Hillary remains the only First Lady in American history to be fingerprinted by the FBI. Those weren’t the only missing Whitewater documents later found in the Clinton White House.


The next notable case, which is also connected to Whitewater is Vince Foster. Foster worked alongside the Clintons as a top Rose Law firm attorney who had worked intimately with then First Lady Hillary Clinton throughout their career together. 

One day before Foster decided to somehow commit suicide with two two bullets and hide the gun, William Jefferson Clinton the man who pardoned infamous criminal Marc Rich during his last day in office, also fired the FBI director at the time William Sessions.

After Foster’s “suicide,” documents went missing from his office. Secret Service officer Henry O’Neill testified that he witnessed aides removing documents.

Several years later, more documents pertaining to Hillary Clinton and Vince Foster again vanished, this time from the National Library including a document from Ken Star’s investigation that proves that the “suicide” of Vince Foster was actually a murder

In those documents is the smoking gun that shows that Vince Foster sustained not one but two bullet wounds. One to the neck and one to the head an impossible suicide scenario.In addition to that, experts have called Foster’s suicide note “a forgery.” One of my rules is once, twice, okay, but three times is not a coincidence — it’s a criminal conspiracy. Conspiracy, as in the legal definition of criminality not a theory none of this is a theory when it’s well sourced. 


In 1996, the day before the Whitewater documents were found at the White House, a two-year-old memo emerged written by a former Presidential aide. According to the New York Times it proved that Hillary Clinton “had played a far greater role in the dismissal of employees of the White House travel office than the Administration has acknowledged.”


According to Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, Hillary’s top lawyer and top aide, Cheryl Mills “helped orchestrate the cover-up of another major scandal, often referred to as ‘Project X Email-gate.’” Over the course of several years, the Clinton Administration allegedly withheld 1.8 million email communications from Judicial Watch’s attorneys, as well as federal investigators and Congress. In addition, Judicial Watch says that when a White House computer contractor attempted to reveal the emails, White House officials “instructed her to keep her mouth shut about the hidden e-mail or face dismissal and jail time.”

2015–2016 EMAIL GATE:
Where do I start about the botched investigation of Hillary’s private email server? The obstruction of justice is so broad, it’s insane. She used “bleach bit” software the day after being subpoenaed, smashed several BlackBerrys and iPads with hammers, was tipped off by the DoJ and DoS into the investigation, according to Wikileaks, etc. Clinton’s close ally Terry McAulife gave a donation to the wife of the Deputy Director Of The FBI. Bill Clinton met with Attorney General Loretta Lynch towards the end of the investigation. The list goes on…


How can anyone in there right mind claim this isn't evidence of criminal conspiracy? You would have to be born yesterday, dropped on your head and brainwashed to believe this much good luck happens to one family. Nine freaking times maybe more, evidence has been destroyed, lost or hidden. Is there anyone brave enough to take down the Clintons? Any reasonable prosecutor could use all this evidence to indict both Clintons under the RICO statute for organized crime.

But then there is the video of Hillary Clinton admitting to Peter Paul in her own words why she used a private server.. remember that previously they turned off the archiving mechanism as well. Additionally, to put the nal in the coffin isn't it an intriguing fact that Cheryl Mills was involved in both email scandals?

"As much as iv been investigated and all that why would I ever want to do email?," Hillary Clinton.

Add on the fact that the Clintons have a body bag count bigger than the God Father and Tony Montana combined and you have enough evidence of organized crime for anyone in their first year of law school to prosecute. Those deaths Include Seth Rich who was the DNC Data Director as such he had the power to view the exit-polls which he would have easily proven the primary fraud that I documented throughout the 2016 election for @LukeWeAreChange.

Its just a string of corruption from one thing to the next for the Clintons.



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Only with a corrupt media, political system, judiciary and the threat of violence are these utter scumbags allowed to continuingly cheat the justice system. Their crimes know no bounds and their hubris is off the charts. They won't ever see a day in court as they are too well connected to the real powers that be. If anything they will disappear or die tragically before that ever happened, too many important people would be outed as criminals if they ever got into a court room.
Jail, dead, whatever I don't care as long as these career criminals are stopped I'm happy.
Great post dude.

The Vince Foster case is really fascinating to me.

It's also interesting to learn that Bill Clinton fired FBI director William Sessions the day before Foster was murdered. Some might say that his removal as FBI director could be considered a form of obstruction of justice, as it left the FBI in disarray going into the Foster investigation. Perhaps, a coincidence but considering the Clinton's track record I highly doubt it.

I wrote this up quickly last night you are right he did fire William Sessions. What I have been unable to confirm is, I wonder if that Sessions is related to Jeff Sessions? Pay back?

Lol, yeah I heard a few people speculate on this last year but I think it was determined that they're not related. Now that would have been another insane plot twist in the Clinton Crime novel.

Most certainly its related so the FBI had no one to lead the investigation into Vince Foster's death the suicide note was a proven forgery that information alone should have caused a renewed investigation.

Further, tell me another administration where dozens of employees died under suspicious circumstances? Mary Mahoney, Ron Brown, Barbara Weiss so many people died under Bill Clinton's presidency in suspicious ways. You just follow the body count all these people who were enemies of the Clintons suddenly had problems going all the way back to Arkansas hell of a coincidence how "lucky" the Clintons are. lol.

The Clintons must be one of the most corrupt families in America, if not the most.

The hypocrisy of Hillary trying to pose as a defendant of women, while attacking the women who were victims of Bill’s sexual abuse, is another reason to despise these 2

And inexplicably, some people seem to love Hillary?

They may be bad, but Donald Trump is the worst thing that ever happened to the US

You have been brainwashed.
Now, I hate both the Ds and the Rs, so I have watched presidents equally for a long while.
And Obomba was the same as Bush was the same as Clinton was the same as Bush.
Chump hasn't really done anything different.

The only thing different this time is that both sides of the MSM puppets are maligning Chump. It usually is only one or the other.

What really happened is that the MSM sold a world view that a vote for Hitlery would be, and so, if Hitlery won, you would remember that world view, and not what she was actually doing. (Just like Obomba)

So, you were programmed with this world view, and then the key part of it didn't happen, so now you are left with an uneasy feeling that the world is completely wrong. And according to the MSM that wrongness is Chump.

The uneasiness is actually from the programming of that world view.
Learn more about the real politics. How govern-cement really works. And break the conditioning you were placed under.

You are very correct @builderofcastles, there is a lot of brainwashing going on to think that hillary is some kind of saint and Trump is not.

Only people who know who they are, would be able to see the lies.

Great analysis.

Maybe, but we must not omitt punish people doing wrong just because they are not "as bad" as another

Feel free to actually include reasons why...

No, they are far from the most corrupt family. They are actually small potatoes. Their personal body counts are only in the hundreds.

Great reporting as always, my man. It's unbelievable with how much you can get away when you're part of the club...

You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Thanks mate! I hope these cretins finally go down this year! Resteemed

Nice research. Thanks. Just seeing the way the MSM are defending Chelsea Clinton over the Church of Satan tweets makes it BLATANTLY obvious how desperate they are getting to keep a lid on things.

Most Americans will never know how lucky they are that they dodged the Clinton Presidency bullet.

You are very correct my friend.

Just with a degenerate media, political framework, legal and the danger of savagery are these articulate sleaze balls permitted to continuingly cheat the equity framework. Their wrongdoings know no limits and their hubris is off the diagrams. They won't ever observe a day in court as they are too very much associated with the genuine forces that be. On the off chance that anything they will vanish or bite the dust unfortunately before that at any point happenedan excessive number of critical individuals would be outed as offenders on the off chance that they at any point got into a court.
Correctional facility, dead, whatever I couldn't care less as long as these profession hoodlums are halted I'm upbeat.
Extraordinary post buddy.🎈🎈🎈✌✌✌✌

You look at the data you presented here.
And then you look at the MSmockingbirdM comments on Hitlery
and you wonder if they are on the same planet.

But, this goes back to the Star Report.
If any of the things, besides Monica, was true, then Bill should have swung from the end of a rope.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. I hope we, the people, really do clean house.

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