Six Gamblers Whipped in Aceh (Eng -Ina)

in #news6 years ago (edited)


The executioner is flogging the perpetrator (gambler). Photo / By: @alexanderishak

Hello Steemian...!

As many as six suspects of Maisir perpetrators (gamblers) in Idi, East Aceh Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia were whipped in public at the courtyard of the Great Mosque of Darussalihin Idi. The caning sentence was held by the local Regency Islamic Sharia Service, Tuesday, December 11, 2018.

Sebanyak enam tersangka pelaku Maisir (penjudi) di Idi, Kabupaten Aceh Timur, Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia dicambuk di depan umum di halaman Masjid Agung Darussalihin Idi. Hukuman cambuk diadakan oleh Dinas Syariah Syariah setempat, Selasa, 11 Desember 2018.

Those who were sentenced to caning were Husaini Bin A. Rahman (56), a resident of Teupang Hamlet, Village. Buket Drein, Kecamatan. Sungai Raya, East Aceh Regency, Kusno Bin Junet, (34) Residents of Teladan Hamlet, Buket Drein Village, Sungai Raya District, East Aceh Regency, both received nine lashes from the executioners.

Mereka yang dijatuhi hukuman cambuk adalah Husaini Bin A. Rahman (56), penduduk Dusun Teupang, Desa. Buket Drein, Kecamatan. Sungai Raya, Kabupaten Aceh Timur, Kusno Bin Junet, (34) Warga Dusun Teladan, Desa Buket Drein, Kecamatan, Sungai Raya, Kabupaten Aceh Timur, keduanya menerima sembilan cambukan dari algojo.


Two members of the Civil Service Police Unit guarding the executioner were executors of perpetrators (gamblers). Photo / By: @alexanderishak

Furthermore, Rizal Bin Beringat (34), a resident of Teladan Hamlet, Buket Drein Village, Sungai Raya District, East Aceh Regency, received nine lashes, Revi Kamaradhani Bin Jamadon (22), a resident of Teladan Hamlet, Buket Drien Village, District, Sungai Raya, East Aceh District received as many as eleven lashes.

Selanjutnya, Rizal Bin Beringat (34), warga Dusun Teladan, Desa Buket Drein, Kecamatan Sungai Raya, Kabupaten Aceh Timur, menerima sembilan cambukan, Revi Kamaradhani Bin Jamadon (22), warga Dusun Teladan, Desa Buket Drien, Kecamatan Sungai Raya, Kabupaten Aceh Timur menerima sebanyak sebelas cambukan.

Then Agus Salim Bin Nurdin (25) a resident of Peutua Batang Hamlet, Seunebok Bintang Village, Banda Alam District, East Aceh Regency received seven lashes and Salahuddin alias Dek Gam Bin Zakaria (33), a resident of Keude Hamlet, Panton Rayeuk Village, Banda Alam Subdistrict , East Aceh Regency as many as twelve lashes.

Kemudian Agus Salim Bin Nurdin (25) warga Dusun Peutua Batang, Desa Seunebok Bintang, Kecamatan Banda Alam, Kabupaten Aceh Timur menerima tujuh cambukan dan Salahuddin alias Dek Gam Bin Zakaria (33), warga Dusun Keude, Desa Panton Rayeuk, Kecamatan Banda Alam, Kabupaten Aceh Timur sebanyak dua belas cambukan.

The implementation of caning law was witnessed by hundreds of people who crowded the courtyard of the Great Mosque of Darussalihin Idi. One by one the suspect was executed by the executioner who had been prepared by the East Aceh District Prosecutor's Office. The caning sentence was tightly guarded by a joint TNI / Polri apparatus and Satpol PP and WH, proceeding in an orderly manner until 10:00 WIB.

Pelaksanaan hukum cambuk disaksikan oleh ratusan orang yang memadati halaman Masjid Agung Darussalihin Idi. Satu demi satu tersangka dieksekusi oleh algojo yang telah disiapkan oleh Kantor Kejaksaan Timur Aceh. Hukuman cambuk dijaga ketat oleh aparat TNI / Polri bersama Satpol PP dan WH, berjalan dengan tertib hingga pukul 10.00 WIB.


Photo / By:@alexanderishak

The execution of the whip from these six gamblers, because they (the perpetrators) violated the 2014 Qanun number 6 of Jinayat Law. The implementation of caning against violators of Islamic Sharia law is a commitment from the Aceh Government to implement Islamic Sharia law.

Eksekusi cambuk dari enam penjudi ini, karena mereka (para pelaku) telah melanggar Qanun Aceh nomor 6 2014 tentang Hukum Jinayat. Pelaksanaan hukuman cambuk terhadap pelanggar hukum Syariah Islam adalah komitmen dari Pemerintah Aceh untuk menerapkan hukum Syariah Islam.


*Thank you for reading




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