Meanwhile… In Other Dumb News… 5/11/2018

in #news6 years ago (edited)

The Daily Roundup of Lesser Known Stories.
The Humorous, the Cool, and the Just Plain Stupid.

Friday, May 11th: Where Are We Going?

Get Ready For The Future (Brought To You By Musk), Our New High

Elon musk says the HyperLoop transport systems working concept model is almost ready! Seattle PI posted an article about it, probably because their traffic is horrifying. It once took me two hours to travel three miles on the freeway there. No joke. I know your doing about ten things at once, but hurry that HyperLoop up Musk!

Our New Low, Plastic Found 36,000 Ft Down In Mariana Trench

Also out of the Seattle PI today, a new low point for humanity. Literally a low point. Our plastic has reached the bottom of the ocean now, a bag (looking fully intact and inflated almost) was spotted on the floor of the Mariana Trench recently.

Water bag.jpg

Don’t You Have Better Things To Research?

Maybe one of the reasons we can’t clean up our own crap from the planet is we are too worried about being “hangry”… Seriously…

No wonder we can’t get anything done without people like Musk. Although, maybe being “hangry” explains a lot of the “righteous indignation” movement…

Or Maybe Better Things To Make “A Statement” On?

This story has been circulating for a few days now. While I understand what Letitia Chai was attempting to demonstrate, I personally feel it was a bit of an over reaction. Wear what you want, but don’t be pissed if someone thinks something about it. Chai disrobed to her underwear while presenting her thesis in response to her professor asking if her practice presentations attire was appropriate for a thesis presentation.

Chai L.jpg

“During Chai’s practice run on May 2, Chai told the paper she was wearing a blue button-down shirt and jean shorts. According to Chai, performing and media arts professor Rebekah Maggor asked her “Is that really what you would wear?”

Chai told the paper that Maggor said the shorts were “too short,” that she was making a “statement” with her attire and that “men’s attention” would be drawn away from her presentation.”

Again, I support wearing whatever you want. But guess what; appropriate attire for situations exists. I have been denied plenty of things due to “attire” (I don’t dress flashy or prim usually either) and recognize that the clothes you choose, makes “a statement” about who you are to people.

That being said; I do hope you did well Chai, that does take some serious bravery. That is literally one of the most common nightmares, and you did it in real life. I award you with the Bravest Of The Week award, despite my personal reservations on your statement.

How The Future Looks On This Path

While this may be a bleak outlook in today’s issue, I leave you with @Areas_Abandoned (steemit, seriously? Real link below pictures.) on Twitter. There is a majestic beauty in the desolate areas we have abandoned as humans. Nature has a way of making even our long lasting impression into her own image after Time has it’s say.

It may be that more of these sites appear across the world if we as humans cant get our heads out of our own asses and work together instead of bicker and fight among ourselves.

(Original posting from my blog: )

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