News, February 12, 2018 => Canadian speed skater the first athlete to get paid in cryptocurrency

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News, February 12, 2018
CoinText Now Allows Users to Transact Bitcoin Cash via SMS
UK NCSC confirms mining virus attack on government websites, Australia also affected
IMF chief: Cryptocurrency regulation is 'inevitable'
Canadian speed skater the first athlete to get paid in cryptocurrency
Bitcoin Private Fork Aiming to Make Bitcoin Anonymous
Japan’s DMM Launches Large-Scale Cryptocurrency Mining Farm and Showroom
Bitcoin Cash makes other coins look bad
The Week Ahead in Crypto Feb. 12: Conferences, News, and a Market Rebound
Russian Ministry of Communications specifies proposed demands for ICO token issuers

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all in one ! that great my friend! now Canadian athlete paid in cryptocurrency! now crypto is rock the world!
hahaha nice i am amaized that how feel fear IMF from crypto regulation but they cannot stop it now and the future of crypto always bright @achim
I also follow you and I see your post and I realized this post is really great .. Thank for your Canadian speed skater the first athlete to get paid in cryptocurrency