Prophecy Alert: Are Government Officials Seeking Refuge From Imminent Danger?

in #news7 years ago

Many Government Officials in Congress are potentially seeking refuge instead of re-election.

Revelation 6:15-17

15And the Kings of The Earth and The Princes and Captains of thousands and the rich and the mighty and every Servant and every Free Person, hid themselves in caves and in the rocks of the mountains, 16And they said to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from before the face of the Lamb," 17"Because the great day of his* anger has come, and who is able to stand?"


In the ICOLR, Angelus Domini posted this article with the following explanation:

As I've mentioned before, Congress is the American equivalent of royalty, because its members literally live above the law; enjoy lavish benefits and perks; are treated with high respect and admiration; often become millionaires while serving in office, and can retire after one term with full pension and benefits... And all they have to do is step into a chamber a few times a week, and cast a vote... Who in their right mind would throw away such a dream job?

Already, roughly 50 members of the House and Senate have given a multitude of excuses why they will not be seeking re-election THIS YEAR.

They know what's coming, and they don't want to be anywhere near Washington D.C. when it happens, that's why, just like rats who jump off of a sinking ship, these politicians are already setting up their escape plans, instead of wasting effort on forming a re-election campaign.


According to that site, "As of January 12, 2018, a total of 43 representatives will NOT seek re-election to their U.S. House districts." It should be no surprise that these End Times are here because humanity has been warned countless times by religious and secular texts. There are the ongoing threats of nuclear war, tensions rising in the Middle East in which is set to play out Armageddon or the Battle of "Megiddo" prophecied in Revelation 16:16. Not only that, natural disasters are on the rise, as we've seen from 2017, it was the most expensive year in disasters for the US according to the NY Times:

Extreme weather events caused a total of $306 billion in damage in the United States last year, making 2017 the most expensive year on record for natural disasters in the country, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Monday.


That isn't even including the rest of the damage done worldwide due to an increase in natural disasters. The "beginning of sorrows" is just beginning...


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Thank you very much for sharing the news among us and we look forward to your new news

Pretty interesting that they're choosing now to flee. Or fleeing at all. All they have to do is kneel.

These are end times indeed.

This is quite a telling sign...43!? That's wild!

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