Who I am
Actually who I am is irrelevant. However, I will tell you about myself.
I am a woman
I am a mother
I am the daughter of a bipolar
I am the wife of a marijuana addict
I am a person who liked to write
I am a person who feels frustrated
11 years ago my mom was diagnosed with #bipolar disorder.
Since then my life has zigzagged too.
I've taken her to doctors
I've bought her meds
I've provided her with therapy, clothes and food
And she doesn't get better
Now she is bad
Although I confess that she has been worse
I left #Venezuela for a year.
I left her in the care of my aunts and found her worse than I left her
#psychotic, disconnected from herself in a kind of limbo that sometimes seems like senility to me.
This November 1st we started a new treatment with #lithium.
She seems to be doing better, but you know what, I don't know.
The psychiatrist says she doesn't see her well.
But I do, I do see her better
This week I will start injecting her with vitamin B-12.
To supplement her treatment
I want her to be well, I already asked God for it, even though you know what I left church wanting to throw the Bible away.
I do #therapy
Although my children are my therapy
My husband is far away
I want to go back and yet I don't
I miss that feeling of freedom and success I savored years ago, before all this prison some call being a caregiver.
It could be that just writing about it will make everything a little easier for you. I wish you all the best!
Thank you
If writing has always been therapeutic, I hope it can be profitable as well.