WANNA PLAY!?! ~ 2 SBD and 3 Shares of Steem Basic Income in the Pot!!

in #newbiegames7 years ago (edited)

After completing my first game today, I realized how much fun this stuff is! So I figured why the hell not! Lets have another! Only this time, lets hear YOUR stories!!


Who doesnt love a good laugh?! In this contest, I want to hear about...


We all have those moments in life. You know the moments, the ones where you hang your head in shame... How could I have done this?! What was I thinking?!


I want to hear all about it, the stories where you just gotta laugh to stop from crying! Or maybe it wasnt too funny then but years down the road, its hilarious now! Of course I have a little something in for you too! I wont laugh at your pain without giving you something in return! This contest will have 3 winners... yes thats right THREE! So come on and share away!

The rules are simple...

  1. Upvote this post.

  2. In the comments below, write your funniest real life story. Make sure its good, the readers are the voters!

  3. Upvote and comment on your favorite/s (you can vote on your own but it will NOT be counted to the total). Please remember to vote on someone elses, if you dont, your entry will be forfeited!

  4. Optional- Resteem post to spread the word! (One lucky resteemer will win 1 share of Steem Basic Income!!)
    Optional- Follow me for the results announcement and future contests!

Thats it guys!! Anyone and everyone can enter but only 3 can win!

1st place- Most Popular

The story with the most upvotes wins first prize!

1.5 SBD and 1 Share of Steem Basic Income

2nd Place- My Pick

The story that made me laugh the most!

.5 SBD and 1 Share of Steem Basic Income

3rd Winner- Resteem Winner!

I will randomly pick one winner from the people who resteem this post!

1 Share of Steem Basic Income

*If youre not sure what Steem Basic Income is, please check them out, @steembasicincome!

Winners will all be awarded at pay out of the post! Thanks for playing!


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Ooook... this is really embarrassing, but why not, here goes!

My girlfriends and were all dressed up to go dancing and have some fun. We went to a bar that has these beautiful waterfalls in between the sitting area and the dance floor. We’re having loads of fun! Well... many cocktails and shots later, my girlfriend decides we should dance on the edge of the waterfall. So up we went! I was up for maybe 3 seconds then 💦SPLASH!💦 I FELL IN THE POOL! 😊🙈 omg it was so embarrassing. I hope people got a good laugh. I was outta there so fast!! 😛

Did your phone get wet? Or was this before phones? It's amazing what we do when we've had a few adult beverages. 😎

There was no room in that dress for a phone ;)

LOL!!! Sounds like something I would do! My name definitely isnt Grace! Great story!

Now that is why young guys go to bars, to watch drunk chicks fall in the water. And get a free wet t-shirt look. ;-} Not that that was ever ever I tell you the reason I went to abrs with water features. never.

That's entertainment!

😂 yes... it was. For everyone but me! Lol glad I can laugh now.

First of all thanks for this wonderful opportunity...
So here it goes...
A few months ago after my wedding, I took my wife out for shopping...We roamed for about an hour into a mall. Than she went to a parlor for massage and I decided to grab a coffee ad started listening to my favorite show on radio...
I totally forgot about my wife and drove back to home(the old bachelor routine)...When my wife came back home by a cab( I had put my phone on charging), I was laying relaxed on my sofa and watching TV...This whole time I never realized that I left her in the mall.
She was so furious and I was so embarrassed about my absent mindedness:)...Now We both smile ow whenever we remember that day...Lolzzz

LOL!! Big time ooppps! Hopefully you werent in the dog house for too long! Those stories you can laugh about later are always great! :)

I could see myself doing this, since I'm 60 and never been married. 😎

When I was a kid I went camping to a festival with my mum, it was cold and everyone was grumpy all weekend. There was a caravan right behind our tent, and one mourning at like 330am this guy came along, and was going knock knock "Paul, you there?" knock knock "Paul, Paul?" and it didn't stop for ages. So my mum shouted "he's not fucking there!" the guy went "oh sorry" really shy, like a mouse. Then went around the other side and started doing it again! So she shouted "HE'S STILL NOT FUCKING THERE'
And he went away :')

You mom sounds cool did not even worry about language, I bet the guy slinked away like a dog with it's tail between its legs.

LOL!! I like your mom! Great story!

My mum is brilliant :')

Yaddle and the Bear

Yaddle was a lovely female pomchi who came to us to live for awhile. She looked a lot like this picture from Wikipedia Commons:

For a large part of 2016, we were off-grid in NE Washington. When I say off-grid, I really mean off-grid. We lived in a small cabin in the woods. No electricity except a few small battery-operated lights, no running water (I pulled up water from the well.) No gas, no internet and even the phone and ham radio were quite patchy on whether they could hit anything. Despite that, It was quite idyllic in many aspects, but it also challenged us to our limits and beyond.

One day, we were sitting by the campfire, cooking supper when one of the kids started yelling "Bear! Bear!"
We had a friend with a dog named Bear, so I immediately started looking for this dog. But then, I saw the black shape over by the cabin where in my haste to prepare supper, I hadn't put away all the shopping. The bear was trying to take one of the bags.

Without thinking, I ran at the bear making as much noise as I could - there was NO WAY it was stealing my shopping! Thankfully, the bear thought twice about challenging this loud, crazy woman, dropped my shopping and ran off down the hill. Yaddle went running after the bear as well, telling it in no uncertain terms that he was not to harass us!

I wish it was the last time we encountered that bear, but it wasn't.
Older than a cub, but still quite young, it came back a few times, once killing some of our chickens.
We often were slightly afraid to wander, especially in the early evening because of this bear, but Yaddle was not afraid.

It got to the point that all we had to do was yell at the bear or growl at it and Yaddle would get the message and chase that bear back down the hill again!

You have to understand that this bear was about the size of four short people huddled together and Yaddle was about the size of a large handbag! This bear could have EATEN Yaddle if it had recognized the fact, but the dog was undaunted and continued to scare that bear away for the rest of the summer.

Yaddle was an awesome dog and we miss her very much - unfortunately, she ran off when we moved, dazed by the big city and trying to find her people (us) when we were away from her.



Ha ha.... Though it would have been funnier had it not killed chickens and destroyed some of the things I'd worked hard to build for them!

The chicken coop I built did not last... the bear squashed it pretty good - thankfully the occupants of it survived.

I hope that is funny enough for you - it was the first one to come to mind. I've had enough children and animals to have quite a few experiences to draw from.

Haha!! Thats great! What an awesome little protector! Sorry he ran away, the big city is just too much for some of us! :) Great job!

Yeah - the big city is too much for me too, so I couldn't fault her. I trained her out of many faults in the short time I had her, but not the one that would have kept her with me. For that, I have only myself to blame, but yeah, I like to think she found a lovely home.

Some small dogs have no clue that they only reach a bears ankle. :)
Good story.

Ja ja ja mischief of Bear

Now, i have this best friend of mine, to whom i really owe so much of my basic survival in the last couple of months. She even got me a part-time job in her firm.

And then early last month, she kind of ran into a financial debt. Fortunately i had made some money elsewhere. Of course i had to bail her out.

"I will pay you back in two days," she promised.

And two days became one week, and one week a fortnight...it was approaching a month.

It couldn't go on. I had my own bills to pay up. Rent was particularly up, and my landlord was on my neck.

But well, knowing how my friend earns, i knew when she had or didn't have money. And this time, i knew she didn't have money. At any rate if she had, she would have paid up.

So whereas i was personally hard up, i knew better than ass on her the pressure to pay up. Using what?

So a month went past, and i could tell my friend was uncomfortable with me, guilty it must have been.

To cut the long story short, at office, business also was not doing well, and the company was in debt with several service providers.

Finally last week the catering service provider having run out of patience after months of pestering for her pay to naught, finally sent me a watsapp message (i am the office admin and her person of contact).

It read: "Should i try other means of getting my money back?"

Unthinkingly, i forwarded the message to my friend.

Her reply: "You may. I didn't know you are that ungrateful!"

Lol!!! Maaannnnn!! Id reply with, my landlord doesnt care how grateful or ungrateful I am... they want their money! Ooopps! Hopefully you got your money back!

The message was actually from the catering service provider giving an ultimatum since our firm was delaying to pay long over due arrears. What i did was forward it to my friends attention (she is the director).

The funny part is that she thought the message was from me, in regard to the money she owed me! And reacted a she did.

of course i later clarified whom the message was from, much to her embarrassment !!!

LMAO!!! Too funny! Sometimes the universe has a way of taking care of business for you! I can imagine how she embarrassed she felt!

She was. But i made it easier for her, by downplaying the whole incident. we are still best friends.

I pranked my kids this morning for April fools/ Easter.
They didn't find it too funny but I thought it was hilarious.

I told them that there was one golden easter egg hidden outside that had a $50 gift card in it.(but there wasn't)
So they searched and searched and the look on their faces when I said "April Fools" was pretty good. They were not impressed but I got a good dad laugh out of it. I know this sounds like cruel and unusual punishment but they are good sports and they did end up getting a bunch of Easter candy.
I hate you Dad!
I wrote a post about it here.

Bahaha!!! Thats golden!

Ja ja ja children are encouraged to seek what is if there is a good reward

So this is my little bad history
Well, I'm 16 years old and I have not had very funny experiences but this happened to me 1 week ago, I went to visit my cousins ​​in a town that is 8 hours from my city. One day I accompanied one of them, to a school in La Salle, because she had a meeting with the headmistress of the school, so while we were waiting for her, some kids were playing soccer, the ball escapes them and heads towards us. they shouted "pass us the ball", then I prepared, imagine me, measuring about 1.86 m, and looking like I was going to blow the ball with a kick, I am ready to kick it, I hit with the tip and apart I get the shoe, even The shoe went further than the ball, I had to run behind a wall while the kids made fun and my cousin was laughing at me.

LOL!! Also sounds like something I would do! Hopefully the ground wasnt wet from rain or anything! Nothing worse than a wet sock! Great story! :)

Niceeee contest @smylie2005. Mine would be going for cousin's birthday party and since we were families, definitely, i had to assist in attending to the guests that came for the birthday, i was walking up and down trying to meet the needs of the guests, All of a sudden, i just discovered that everyone was staring at me, In my mind, i was like "omg i must be looking so beautiful to receive this much stare" never knew my skirt tore at the back. At that moment, i wished i could turn back the hands of time.

Ohh noooo!!! Thats a nightmare for sure! :D

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One of the funniest moment of my life was during my summer class in marine biology back in college. It was funny and embarassing at the same time. I was tasked to present something about the mangrove ecosystem. And I've just made my presentation the night before that. I was nervous. Very nervous. And the professor is very strict. Very very strict. Like when he said the class starts at 7am (yes, our class with him starts at 7AM), you should be inside the room before 7am. Or else you can't enter the class anymore. And he throws your project to the trash if it is not that good. Well anyway, I am going to present in front of him. I was sleepy and had a diarrhea. Hahahha I had a diarrhea that time huhuhuhu. I wanted to present first so I can go home already. But, according to prof, I'm the last one to present. And you can't exit the room, because you can't enter again. My prof is ver strict. Diarrhea!! Agony and pain. Humungous butterflies swirling in my stomach. I can't take it anymore. I was meditating so it won't come out. I was praying. Cold sweats everywhere. At last, it's my turn. I presented. Or rapped. My prof thought I was rapping. I wanna go home. Can you blame me? I immediately exited the room. As I was about to go home, something came out. Hahahaha disgusting. I ran to the nearest comfort room. I'll do it there. But nooooo. Destiny doesnt like that. Instead, before I can even enter one of the stalls, I've messed my underwear. Whaaaaaaah. I had no extra underwear. There was no tissue paper. And the water source was from the sink. So I have to get out from the stall, naked waist down. It was a disaster. And the cr's lock was busted. The nervousness that someone might enter and the liquid coming out from my rectum made my adrenaline plummet. But it was a success. Hahahahaha. And my prof saw me as I exited the comfort room.

Ohh my goodness! Not a good day at all!! You shoulda just shat in his room, wouldve taught him to be a little more lenient with bathroom breaks! Great story!

Hahahaha I don't have the courage to face the mighty dragon. Hahahaha

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