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RE: TwinForge-Day 3 loggers entry

in #newbiegames6 years ago
Day 3Entry logStamina 27.5/30Marks 0Q-Bits 1
1[travel](C1 to B2) -> Off into the woods-1 = 26.501
2[action]Cut 1 log (8 logs left)- 4 = 22.501
3[action]Cut 1 log (7 logs left)- 4 = 18.501
4[action]Cut 1 log (6 logs left)- 4 = 14.501
5[travel](B2 to C2) -> Took 3 logs to Steve + got my daily 7 Marks-2 = 12.571
6[recover]Lunchtime: -1 Pork Jerky + Beans+5 = 19.571
7[travel](C2 to B2) -> Back into the woods- 0.5 = 1971
8[action]Cut 1 log (5 logs left)- 4 = 1571
9[action]Cut 1 log (4 logs left)- 4 = 1171
10[action]Cut 1 log (3 logs left)- 4 = 771
10[travel](B2 to C2) -> Took 3 logs to Steve-2 = 571
11[travel](C2 to C1) -> Back to Camp. General Store: bought 3 Pork Jerky+Beans.- 0.5 = 4.5-3 = 41
12[recover]Ate 2 Pork Jerky+Beans. Sleep+ 10 + 15 = 29.541
  • 1 Stone Axe (Stamina: 70 - 6 x 4 (cut log) = 46 S left)
  • Pork Jerky + Beans: 1 + 3 - 2 = 2
  • Q-bits: 1
  • Marks: 0 + 7 - 3 = 4
  • handfuls of twigs: 5 + 3 = 8
  • handfuls of moss: 5 + 3 = 8

alright you had a minor issue on yours but i fixed it internally when just counting it up. you didnt have any j&b on action 6 to eat so i moved 11 to where 6 was added an extra .5 to your travel and you consumed all 3 meals by the end of the day and another .5 to get back to camp so you lost 1 stamina and 1 meal to fix it but other than that the rest is the same.
oh ya and the .5 to get back to the woods and your own post you jumped 7S with the j&b instead of 5 so thats why it looks like you lost even more when you actually didnt.
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