
In a strange state, my little orky dude loses himself and enters a battle frenzy...
K9 and attack J10 @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

oops, have to do the other one...gulp, not sure if can now. oh well @attackdice

You launch yourself at your worthy foe:

You throw a 2.
Your opponent rolls a 2. we have established we are of equal strength.

eck....errr, I come in peace, please don't hurt me hehe

You can totally reroll draws dude... I'll roll this for you in case you don't get back... @attackdice

You launch yourself at your worthy foe:

You throw a 3.
Your opponent rolls a 4.

Argghh!!! got me...

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