in #new7 years ago (edited)

Bitcoin transactions thrive off of speed. The repealing of Net Neutrality could signal the end of the free and equal Internet and some digital currencies too (so, some say). This can go a number of ways and could spark innovative ways to getting that digital Guap. Bitcoin as of November, 2017, is at a mind blowing $17,000. Clark of MSN puts the good the bad and the ugly together and suggests, "The average person goes to Coinbase to buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Litecoin—the average on-ramp is an exchange, and those are easy to block. If Comcast is the monopoly provider in an area, the provider could decide there’s a preferred Bitcoin exchange." Add to this the already non user friendliness of converting digital currencies and the stunting the growth of digital currencies from going full out mainstream.

And, with the maniacal Ora blanketing the digital currency everybody wants in, but is it too late? Add to the pot mining Bitcoin, which uses a bunch of electricity and the connoted bubble associated with the digital currency.

I myself, have noticed transactions slowing down considerably and some exchanges now assigning priority to certain transactions over others. Specifically, if you’re sending small amounts over the exchanges, transaction validations are lengthy.

The technology Bitcoin rest on isn’t just for digital currencies, but also for sparking innovation and sharing ideas with others globally.

Could Net Neutrality be the last bullet? Wait hold up! According to the current rules, an ISP could already chop your speed if you’re mining under the current regulations of Net Neutrality.


Net neutrality isn’t all good. In fact, there are ways prices could be manipulated and inflated, with Net Neutrality. Bradbury of Coindesk expresses, “It helps to think of the Internet like a giant switched city road system, with packets of information traveling along it from different sources.” Bitcoin is finite, which restricts the block from growing further. Hence, the fork in the road. Additionally, Teague of Euromoney expresses, "with the finite supply of 21 million bitcoins serving as a kind of decentralized monetary policy. With around 75% of those bitcoins currently in circulation, all available currency is set to be mined by around 2024."

Internet providers were already throttling speed and blocking websites. I guess they needed a loophole to jump through and the repealing of Net Neutrality was the perfect scapegoat. The concocted recipe, that is the whole Russian Probe and we need a method of not permitting other countries to medal in America's affairs (so let's block certain users from accessing sites and throttling speeds). The Internet is setup like a roadway system, that's why it's also called the Internet Super Highway. Network administrators already have the ability to deal with congested Internet traffic, by employing some of the same concepts on managing traffic in the street (let’s say at rush hour). So, let's say a whole bunch of users pull a Virtual Bridge Gate on the Internet Super Highway? How can a blogger, activists, music artists, or small businesses even get their foot in the virtual door?


Who gives a fuck, it’s just the Internet and who cares about Net Neutrality?

However, this goes beyond the consumption of the Internet and illuminates the social inequalities in the tangible world, traveling over into the digital world and setting the stage for a digital caste system.


![] (


When I think of the block chain technology coupled with genuine Net Neutrality, I think of …

In February 2015, the FCC declared the Internet a public utility. This all comes back to Aaron Scwartz, 'The Internet's Own Boy,' and everything he was fighting for. Aaron, wasn't obsessed about money, but the giants he was up against clearly were and still are.

No censorship and free speech.
Easily accessible information to all.
Inclusive digital and global economy for all.

So where are all my boys at? Twitter, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and the other tech beasts.
Silence speaks volumes.

The Internet's own God Father Vince Cerf, is often quoted as saying the Internet should be treated as a public resource.

The best decisions include diverse perspectives and making decisions an isolation just leads to shooting yourself in the foot.

As always, thanks for reading, following, feedback, and donating @whileoutsanch.


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I agree bitcoins could die it is unfortunate but true

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