Nuovo Ordine Mundiale for Pakistan!
For seventy-one years, Pakistan has suffered very badly. It has suffered at the hands of its people and its rulers. The type of politics carried on about in this so called “land of pure” has left a wound that even time finds hard to heal.
I, being a citizen of this country feel very strongly about certain issues which I am openly going to discuss here today because I am NOT a SLAVE of the rulers of my country. I am NOT a sheep to be shepherded around as and when required. I am an individual. I am a human being. I am a catalyst of change. I AM the change!!
The issues are really simple and can be summed up in three or four points.
- Ignorance and cowardice of the public
- Imbeciles as our leaders
- Too much of sucking up to others
- Lack of honesty
Superficially, these may not seem to hold any credence but for a country like Pakistan, these are serious issues as many external entities have taken some very deep and unnecessary interest in the strategic spot of this country.
Sufferance at the hands of our leaders has proved itself to be a birthright of any and every Pakistani individual. From the day of independence till now (with the exception of VERY- I repeat- VERY few leaders) our leaders have sucked us dry. And by God, the witness to such crimes are the streets covered in red…the broken windows of shops…the body bags racked like dominos…the wailing and crying of men and women, old and young alike…the eyes of the children filled with silent tales of longing and suffering…the flame engulfed properties and the bombed out remains of buildings which once boasted of being.
Interestingly, all this is done at various levels in various forms. There is so much to go on ranting about, but that is not what I am going to do. Everyone has had their say. Everyone has held responsible everyone and anyone they can think of. Today what I am here to do is to provide an explanation. Which I believe will work if followed conscientiously.
The design is simple; acceptance of Nuovo Ordine Mundiale i.e. a New World Order. At this point, condemnation from you all will be at its zenith and you will probably be calling me all sorts of names. But for once, I implore you to unwrap your intellect from the beautiful wrapper of ignorance, enlarge your perspective and look at this from a broader and a farsighted standpoint. Think of it as a long term investment in the best interest of the social order at large.
I am an unyielding advocate that nowadays, we are victims of ideological warfare. We have been brain washed with ideas and events that can take birth in studio basements and yet seem to impinge on and question the very nature and reason of our being.
What is authentic and what is not? How do we know? I mean, we don’t know how many people actually died in Iraq. We don’t know that whether Osama Bin Laden is alive or not or for that matter did he ever exist in the first place! We don’t know if the WMDs ever existed or not. What are the UFOs? Do the Illuminatis, The Priory of Sion, Freemason, the Knights Templars etc exist? What are their true agendas and rationale? Was the 9/11 attack a real terrorist attack or was it something else?
What we know is what we are being fed through the tube in our houses. The finest kind of warfare is ideological warfare. It breeds chaos and instability and alarm. But there is a bright side to this as well.
I am sure you all must have heard about “Ordo Ab Chao” or “Order from Chaos”. This line explains it all. Even amid all this commotion, disorder and pandemonium, we can achieve order. This can be done in the following ways:
- Oust all the political leaders and make way for a new generation (we only have to select from the lesser of the two evils so it might as well be the lesser one!)
- Acceptance of a new world order
To understand my point of view, you all must first refer to the two Utilitarian theories; Act Utilitarianism (AU) theory and Rule Utilitarianism (RU) theory.
Act Utilitarianism (AU) states:
An action is right if and only if it produces the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for everyone
Rule Utilitarianism (RU) states:
An action is right if and only if it conforms to a set of rules the general acceptance of which would produce the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for everyone
Now, coming back to the point let me first define what I mean by the New World Order after which I will integrate the above mentioned theories.
To begin with, I am not referring to the “one regime for the world”, but a rather a more bespoke NWO; a NWO tailored for countries like us- an Economic New World Order (ENWO) if you will.
And this NWO can be between the Asian nations. Or rather, I believe that it SHOULD be between the Asian nations.
The three prime objectives of such an accord should be trade and industry growth, political evenness, and educational revamp of the constituent countries. Other objectives follow suit.
We are a nation which has the potential to grow and outperform others but are eclipsed by entities that do not wish to see us flourish and I for one am sick of this bull. A very fundamental mock-up of what should be included in the pact/constitution of this NWO is specified below in layman’s provisos.
a) All constituent states must recognize and acknowledge the sovereignty and independence of each and every member state and value its ideals, principles, traditions, norms and customs
b) All constituent states should be willing to agree to help any associate state
c) Members should realize that every nation has an equal right to economic growth and thus be supportive in this regard
d) Free trade should be endorsed and sponsored
e) Parameters should be set for measurement of aid and grants
f) Interest free loans to a certain amount should be granted
g) Transfer of technology should be encouraged
h) Political stability among member states should be encouraged and policies put into action
i) Educational advancement in each of the member states ought to be religiously worked upon to augment the literacy rate. An annual amplification of 2%-3% should be the least mark
I am not a policy architect or a politician or a political analyst but all the above mentioned points come from deep within my heart as I feel that we are suffering economically and politically. And I for one also apprehend the fact that we must revolutionize our leadership at the moment for an improved tomorrow.
Altering the command entirely and bringing in a new class of politicians may seem far-reaching but as I mentioned before, it is the ritual/practice of selecting the lesser of the two evils. And also, we have no first choice apart from this. So it’s pretty much decided.
Now, this part pertains to why Pakistan should espouse this ENWO and how is this warranted.
First off, let me ask a few questions from you which can purely be answered in yes/no.
• Is it right when the rich get richer and the poor get poorer?
• Is it called humanity when parents sell their own children to eat just one time’s meal?
• Is it right when people die every day and we all just go about our routine as if nothing has happened?
• Ought we not to have basic necessities at easy on the pocket prices?
• Is it called righteousness when the son of a man who is an asset to the country is missing from 2009 and has not been found yet, even after the pitiable man has been to every official power in this entire godforsaken nation?
• Is a daily price ascending acceptable?
• Will a country with rampant corruption do well?
• Does a fraudulent leader need to substantiate as to how he was able to fill his own coffers at the expense of the people who brought him to power?
• Do you not wish to know why we haven’t prospered in sixty-three goddamned years?
I guess we all know what I am saying here. So now how does the ENWO help here? Well, I would like you all to evoke the Act Utilitarianism and Rule Utilitarianism theories I mentioned prior to all this. At this point of time, I deem that every man in the country is sick and exhausted of his or her existing state of affairs and is seeking to perk up the standard of his/her living. Needless to say, most of us are as exasperated as I am.
Thus, I believe that we need a balance-a balance between pain and gratification. And if we want the greater good or equilibrium for everyone, we should accept this ENWO as I have tried to lay it upon the fundamentals of Rule Utilitarianism. My rationalization of selecting and forming an Economic New World Order for Asian States is the Rule Utilitarianism theory. And if viewed from this standpoint, I trust that you will also concur with me because:
No one likes to see their loved ones die… No one wants to see that they live a helpless and wearisome life… No one wants to suffer at the hands of injustice… No one wants to shell out the consequences for the sins of others.
Ladies and gentlemen, I unreservedly have the indistinguishable perspective that the society should not be afraid of their governments rather the governments should be afraid of their populace. Whether it was the French revolution or the civil wars, whenever the people rose in resentment in opposition to their rulers it has always dyed the kingdom red and has always led to the demise of these tyrannical and totalitarian rulers.
All this said, I would just like to leave you all with a little food for thought.
Would you have a oppressive, dictatorial and corrupt individual as your leader who would suck you and your motherland dry or would you rather entrust yourself to change, become the change and attempt to give this land a minute fragment of what it has given you in abundance?
Best regards,
“Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions.”
P.s: Don’t forget to comment. Positive disapproval is much valued!