New Moon in Libra

in #new5 years ago

I will be spending my time with the Moon and doing cleansing rituals and also using its energy to build up my divine feminine yin energy.

I often sleep under the moon.

The moon is yin and held a sacred status among the ancients who often meditated and prayed under the moon collecting its precious light codes and energies into their energy bodies to regenerate and connect for to the divine.

Today, only yin foods should be eaten.
As the flow of yin energy is strong.
Eating yang foods will go against the strong yin energy flowing in.
So I suggest light foods such as salads and fruits and avoid any heavy and dense foods.
Drink yin teas and herbs.

I will be doing this and also.

Spending the day praying and in meditation working on my energy body.

Happy Moon Day.

Here are some new moon rituals you can do today from goddess .com

New Moon affirmations are potent phrases of intent which you can use to anchor your work during the New Moon. You can say them as a blessing, during your intentions, while you are giving thanks or just on their own as a little mini ritual.
You can light a candle before you say them and then speak the ones that resonate with you or you can create your own as you are called. Some people choose to write them down and then burn them when they are finished, some people keep them in a sacred spot like an altar or vision board in reminder and to strengthen their intent and so they can repeat them when they need to reaffirm.
“I am reborn with this New Moon”
“I embrace the new beginnings opening to me this New Moon”
“I am open to the unfolding path and synchronicity that flow into my world”
“I let go of what is no longer serving me and open to what is”
“I am open to receive”
“I am wholly rooted in my truth”

  • Set New Moon intentions in your New Moon Journal
  • Run a sacred bath
  • Add salts, essential oils, herbs or flower petals
  • Create sacred altar space with candles, crystals or statues
  • Enter the bath and visualize a renewal of your energy
  • You can draw even more nourishing energy with an affirmation:
    “I am renewed with this New Moon. I am replenished. I am open to new beginnings.”
    The New Moon brings us the energy of beginnings and is a cosmic refresher. It is a time to leave the past behind and immerse yourself in the energy of rebirth. Open yourself to abundance and possibility unfolding in your life.

Renee Watt suggests a ritual for this new moon. “Libra moons are always a perfect time to reconnect with your personal grace. I often work with pink or white candles to feel more in touch with my ‘divine feminine’ and use light floral essential oils to dress them with,” she says. “Calling forth these powerful yet soft energies while opening my heart chakra gives me a sense of balance and benevolence towards my connection with the universe.”

Astrology .com says this:

Change is in the air. And while every new moon offers a fresh start, Libra’s cardinal air energy makes this one especially invigorating!

At this new moon, we’re inspired to bring more balance and beauty to our lives and to our world. Interpersonal relationships of all kinds are a major focus, as are larger cultural concerns like social justice and the arts. High-minded Libra has the best of intentions—but with its ability to consider all viewpoints and weigh all options, we may feel hard-pressed to decide what our own intentions are.

Indecisiveness can be a sore subject, with this new moon opposite retrograde Chiron in Aries. With life moving so fast, we may worry we’ll miss out on opportunities if we take even a moment to deliberate. But unless it’s a legitimate emergency, there’s no reason to go into crisis mode! Get out of fight-or-flight and give yourself some breathing room—you’ll make better decisions from a calmer state of mind.

Happy Moon blessings to each of you.


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