My Girls - Trying to Help Them Get Started on Steemit

in #new7 years ago

I’m At a Loss, I Guess

The day I posted my introduction post, I was a little blown away at the responce I got. @minismallholding, @mattclark, @hethur240, @hitmeasap, @wwf and @goldendawn were some of the first to welcome me. The advice and assistance they offered, and continue to offer, and the community that I accidently fell into made it really easy for me to get my feet wet, and I haven’t felt discouraged a single day since I got here. I think the homesteading community might be the strongest, friendliest, tightest community on Steemit.

My girls, on the other hand, while they have some interest in homesteading, and plan to join my husband and myself on a piece of land, and participate in the life style we want to live, have other interests that they are more involved in right now.

So, I’m trying to help them find some like minded people to follow. Trying to help them get going .... but I’m really just at a loss. I didn’t have to get started. You all got me started!

So, I’m sending out call for some help. If any of you have any ideas, and I’m sure you do, I’d really appriciate the help!

These Are My Girls



@randomphandom is my daughter, Tory. She’s the one in glasses. She recently graduated with an associates degree in pharmacy. She’s planning on returning to school in the next couple of years for veterinary medicine. Her user name fits her well. She’s a little nerdy. Minecraft, Disney, Marvel, Tim Burton, Harry Potter. Her favorite thing in the whole wide world is Law and Order: SVU. She does a commentary on it every week. She’s into photography and music. When she was 16 she started working at the Humane Society and developed a heart for animals. She’s fun and loud and ready to jump into life with both feet.


@shey-dawn, Shey (sounds like shy, not shay) is Tory’s best friend, and my son’s new wife! She couldn’t be more different from Tory. Although she’s a riot at home, in public she’s quiet and reserved and tends to observe more than interact. Steemit is about interaction and I’m so proud of her trying it out. She’s into fashion and pop culture. She loves animals and the outdoors. She plans to be a stay at home mom and wife. She’s clever and intellegent and funny I think when she hits her stride here on Steemit, she’s going to take off.

Any Advice?

So, they’ve messed around with Steemit, but got to feeling discouraged pretty quickly. I know that they will do well once they get it going.
I’m willing to help them in any way I can, I just don’t know how to help. I’m hoping that you all can give me some advice that I can pass on to them!

Thank you, in advance, for your help!


My advice would be to look at posts under tags that are of interest, and then do lots of commenting. Join Discord groups and interact there. The ball will slowly begin to roll, as they say. :)

I need to get more involved in discord myself! Is there a list of the discord groups somewhere, or is it a matter of sifting through them and seeing which ones you like?

I've tried to find the list someone posted recently, where I found 'new' ones of interest to join, but the search engine here isn't quite up to snuff.
Did find this one, but it doesn't have several that I know of included:
A couple of good ones to consider would be #teamgirlpowa or steemsugas; and for fun I'd encourage anyone to join #steempunksnet and participate in the game.
Otherwise, I'd say look at the bottom of people's posts in tags of interest because there are usually promotions & links for the discord channels they have joined. I have created one for the steempunknet channel and put it at the bottom of my posts (the latest ones).
Hope this helps a bit. :)

Thank you! I think this will be a good jumping off place to get them started! 👍

My dear friend, I thank you for tagging me in your post. When somebody is first starting, the most important thing to do is get noticed. Throwing out a blog in the Internet, no matter where it is posted is like finding a specific needle in a pile of needles mixed in with piles and piles of hay. The probability of getting noticed is remote.

So the number one strategy is to build relationships. That can be done by finding people with common interests and voting power. Comment on their blogs, engage them in meaningful dialogue and befriend them. Having a supporter helps tremendously. The fact that you mentioned their names now has put them into my own awareness. Before this time I did not even know you had two daughters or that they were here on steemit.

If they can find a higher ranking minnow, dolphin, orca or whale that has common interests, they may find the support starts to come. Other people will see the interaction and follow them as well.

I would encourage at least a post a day and that way when people noticed the blog, they have something to read and follow. But if there has been no post for over a week, it makes it look like the abandoned steem and most people would just move on.

If they want to find people with similar interests, they can follow the posts based on tags, to help filter out the thousands upon thousands of posts that float by each day.

I hope this helps.

Thanks for the advice. My biggest problem is I rather just observe more than interact like @powellx5 said. The thing is I'm actually on Steemit a lot I go unnoticed because I don't post or comment much, but it's hard for me to branch out because I lack confidence in myself. I know its silly but I dont like talking about myself I just don't and on here I have to share my life with people and I rather not. I like being in my bubble observing others thats what I do so, I might not make it big on Steemit and I'm okay with that. I don't care about the money from commenting I really don't what I like about Steemit is I can be in my bubble unoticed from the world and observe. I'm not in it for the money I'm in it to watch and possibly learn new skills and read about ideas from others without being noticed thats what i get out of Steemit. So
If anyone reads this thanks for your time ✌

You are welcome. You don't have to share your life. You could comment on peoples posts regarding their work, provide support, insight, ask questions, etc. There is no requirement to share your life if you don't want to. If you want to just observe and watch, you can do that too. It all comes down to your own heart, intent and spirit. Be you. <3

An author or artist here would be sharing their art form, no matter what form that art takes. But Steemit also requires curators to go through all the posts and pull out the gems, the diamonds in the rough. Curating may be something that you are really good at and you can make a name for yourself if you do good curating. I think that would fit in well with what you just shared. Peace to you.

So, using tags to find articles to post on is way more helpful than just surfing through the New and Trending lists. They spent a little time looking at 'introduceme' posts, but most of the posts tagged that way aren't really introductions... But I read a post while I was searching around last night and learned about the explore tab in the hamburger menu, so when they get home today, I'll show them that. Lots of tags to go through there! Thanks, @wwf. I appriciate your time!

You're right about the homesteading / gardening folks being a tight community. That's a recent development though - just this past summer.

I'd suggest they check out some of the contests and challenges. There's usually lots of interaction from folks with all different types of interests - especially the meme contests and the photography challenges. It's a good way to have something to post about every day. They're bound to strike up some friendships and that leads to the like-minded communities. Persistence and patience do pay off!

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