in #new7 years ago ELITIST POWER
Fed and Deep State Agencies Will Go

By Wayne Jett © March 8, 2018

 Some are impatient with the pace of events since the election of 2016; they cry out for punishment of major crimes committed by public figures, still uncharged. If you are such a person, consider finding information sources outside controlled media. In reality, the pace of action is astonishing and stakes are enormous. When our history is written (assuming we and the “white hats” prevail, and some of us get to write it), the American Revolutionary War may appear as an early skirmish in the battles now to be decided. Complete text here.

And End the Federal Reserve
By Wayne Jett © February 7, 2018

 Financial markets are selling off after euphoric gains which followed Clinton’s failure to take the U. S. presidency. Predictably, mavens of Wall Street call for Federal Reserve action to save the economy. Anyone holding that opinion should take notice: while stock prices were rising, the real action was in the corridors of law, justice and national defense. A new sheriff in town is deposing the world’s ruling elite, who will no longer own or control their Federal Reserve. Complete text here.

HIC Memo Reveals Plan to Destroy America

By Wayne Jett © January 27, 2018

  The Republican majority of the House Intelligence Committee has prepared a 4-page memo summarizing evidence relating to criminal misconduct in connection with the U. S. presidential election of 2016. This memo is classified as Top Secret, but has been made available to all House members for reading (not copying) in supervised conditions. Several House members who read it have made general statements about the unsettling nature of what they learned, and have urged that the memo be de-classified and released to the public at the earliest date possible. Complete text here.

Equal Justice Under Law? Expect Resistance!
By Wayne Jett ©December 29, 2017

   On December 20, as soon as the much debated tax cut/reform bill passed Congress, President Trump signed an executive order. The EO declares a national emergency arising from serious human rights abuses and corruption. The EO further requires that all assets of persons named from time to time in the annexed list (13 names have been publicized, so far) be held – no disbursement permitted!

 This EO is the opening shot in what may become the most epic war of the recently past and present millennia. How could this be other than extreme exaggeration? Here is a brief explanation. Complete text here.


And Lied, Bribed and Killed To Cover Up
By Wayne Jett © November 3, 2017

 After 54 years of lying, killing witnesses and fabricating false evidence, the Deep State has suffered a set-back in hiding its guilt for the murder of  President John F. Kennedy. Thanks to persistent orders by President Trump, the National Archives released the U. S. Surgeon General’s official autopsy of President Kennedy’s body, stating that the first shot entered the president’s throat from the front below the Adam’s apple. Complete text here.

For Weather Warfare Against America
By Wayne Jett © September 1, 2017

 Geoengineering technology creates severe weather conditions to be used as weapons against targeted populations, areas and environments. The technology has been developed largely by U. S. military efforts to “own the weather,” supposedly to win wars against foreign enemies. Indeed, geoengineering can be used very effectively even in undeclared wars against unsuspecting targets – even against a nation’s own domestic population – so long as authorities have “plausible deniability” and control media outlets. Think Hurricane Harvey. Complete text here.

About 1929 Crash, Great Depression & Now

By Wayne Jett © September 11, 2017

  C. G. Rakovsky and J. Landowsky speak from their graves to teach far more about world affairs involving Russia and the U. S. than Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s heavily staffed investigation will uncover. Rakovsky spoke his words in 1938 under penalty of death within the confines of Lubianka Prison in Moscow. Landowsky recorded the interrogation, transcribed it, and acted courageously to provide us the opportunity to learn from what Rakovsky disclosed. Complete text here.

Historical Facts Prove Imposed Starvation
By Wayne Jett © July 24, 2017

 The big lie of FDR’s first inaugural address was his punch line: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

 No longer can it be said that the Great Depression is “unexplainable.” The facts are out. The Great Depression was imposed on Americans and the world primarily by Franklin D. Roosevelt on behalf of the elitist shadow government known as The New Republic. Herbert Hoover allowed himself to be rolled by the same puppet-masters, setting the stage for FDR to nail the famine which starved to death millions of Americans: auto-genocide. Complete text here.

But Only Gold Is Good Money
By Wayne Jett © March 7, 2017

 Bitcoin turned many heads as the dollar price of one bitcoin surpassed the price of one ounce of gold. If your head is one of those just mentioned, you need to know more than that the price of bitcoin is “going up.” Bitcoin is not real money, nor is it good money, because it has neither intrinsic value (as does real money) nor stable value (as does good money). Complete text here.

Deep State Prepares Syria Invasion, N Korea Attack
By Wayne Jett © April 19, 2017

  Not a single allegation made by President Trump’s political opposition during or since his 2016 election shook his solid support by the populist movement which gave him victory over a corrupt Establishment opponent. Why, then, is the president squandering this enviable position by permitting Deep State operatives to reverse his clearly stated policy opposing a U. S. war to overthrow the elected government of Syria? And why is the president suddenly focused upon resolving militarily the 65-years-old Korean cease-fire? He appears to be taking orders rather than giving them. Complete text here.

Tariffs are Flip Side of Currency Devaluation
By Wayne Jett © March 21, 2017

China’s entry into the World Trade Organization in December, 2001, is often cited these days as causing the demise of U. S. prosperity. A better case can be made that free and fair trade was ended in 1971 when the Nixon administration closed the gold window in Europe, thus ending the assured value of the dollar, and then “floated” the dollar’s value the following year. Free trade cannot co-exist with currencies which may fluctuate in value from day to day at the whim of the nation issuing it. Complete text here.

The Federal Reserve Owes US!
By Wayne Jett © February 17, 2017

 Human slavery is very much present in 21st Century America and the world. The slaves are of every race, creed and color. Our slave-masters are the criminal cabal of powerful families who rule through a shadow government which places them above the laws binding the rest of us. In 2017, an American majority is mounting a determined movement to end the slave regime and open an era of justice and opportunity for all. Complete text here.

From Elitist Fascism to National Republics
By Wayne Jett © January 16, 2017

 The 2016 presidential contest is potentially the most consequential in more than a century. President-elect Donald Trump presented himself in the campaign as champion of the middle class and expressly anti-Establishment. No other president with anti-Establishment policies has avoided assassination* since Andrew Jackson won in 1828 as the first candidate of the Democratic Party and survived multiple assassination attempts during two full terms. Complete text here.

In U. S. Economic Recovery
By Wayne Jett © December 19, 2016

 The current highs in U. S. financial markets and in the U. S. dollar’s value relative to other currencies are illusory, even to the extent they are based on improved public optimism arising from President-elect Donald Trump’s economic policy reforms. The catastrophe that has been made of the dollar by the Federal Reserve’s actions, both disclosed and undisclosed, comprises an enormous chasm which must be navigated, if not bridged, before any degree of general prosperity can return to this nation. With each additional day that the Fed exists, the impoverishment of the American middle (productive) class draws nearer completion. Complete text here.

No, and CIA Knows It
By Wayne Jett © December 14, 2016

  Only last week, President Obama publicly announced he had ordered the Central Intelligence Agency to give him a full report on Russia’s role, if any, in providing emails which WikiLeaks methodically leaked through the internet, thereby cratering Hillary Clinton’s chance to win the presidential campaign. Sure enough, just in time for the weekend news shows, the CIA’s report was in Obama's hands, allegedly concluding that Russia hacked the email accounts and gave them to WikiLeaks. Complete text here.

Putin Needs Help to Stop It
By Wayne Jett © October 18, 2016

      Today is more dangerous than the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. This time the crazies are on our side of the rising conflict – stoking war by provoking Russia while scheming to launch a pre-emptive first strike. Americans must somehow disable officials who are puppets of the shadow government imposed by New World Order psychopaths. Otherwise, nuclear war will be pulled down upon us to destroy evidence of financial fraud and looting which has destroyed the dollar and brought economic collapse. Complete text here.

This Time, Shouting “Sell” Will Not Be Enough
By Wayne Jett © August 8, 2016

  The signal to begin the Great Crash of October, 1929, was a floor vote by the U. S. Senate approving a sharply higher tariff rate on a milk by-product used in paper-making. A cascade of sell orders ensued immediately, driving down corporate share prices, destroying companies and ruining investors. Once the crash began, an investor’s objective was clear: sell shares for cash as quickly as possible. Complete text here.

Demand for U. S. Currency is Phony
By Wayne Jett © February 1, 2016

  When U. S. economic and monetary policy gets into serious trouble, as at present, grab your wallet. Payrolls are being cut and businesses closed, unemployment is at depression-level 25%, while savings earn near-zero interest for the past seven years. Major media jargon is flying thick and fast telling you the Federal Reserve Board is working hard to find a solution beneficial to the public. By this time, you should be certain the talk is deception aimed at robbing more value from your savings and invested capital. Complete text here.

First Remove Your Major Media Lens
By Wayne Jett © January 7, 2016

    Year-end 2015 finds the world deeply troubled, but with important recent successes in avoiding worse events. American social, economic and military collapses are looming. World war has been avoided so far, but the largest battles since World War II are underway, and important nations are involved. The outcome can become a net positive, but only if the transition is accomplished without world war and the evil shadow government that has abused the nation and the world for two centuries is destroyed. These are two tremendous challenges. The coming year will not be easy business as usual for Americans. Complete text here.

How the Federal Reserve Steals Capital Worldwide
By Wayne Jett © September 21, 2015

      The Federal Reserve is the privately owned central bank given authority by Congress in 1913 to create and manage U. S. currency. Andrew Jackson, elected president in 1828 and re-elected by landslide in 1832, was the last U. S. president to oppose a private central bank and survive the conflict. Jackson knew a private central bank to be a viper at the breast of all humanity, and he spent much of his two presidential terms defeating extension of the central bank’s charter and multiple assassination attempts. Complete text here.


All Must Go!
By Wayne Jett © July 28, 2015

      The dollar issued by the privately owned Federal Reserve will fall from its status since 1944 as the global reserve currency. The big Wall Street banks will fail. The U. S. federal government will collapse into insolvency. Congress, the Executive Branch and Judicial Branch have been complicit in financial fraud, economic and political suppression, and international aggression which will produce these cataclysms, and will not prevent them. Should we discuss it? Complete text here.

Will Not Be Dollar-Centric
By Wayne Jett © January 19, 2015
Fiat currency crimes centered in the Bank of International Settlements, the Federal Reserve and the U. S. dollar will either destroy productive middle classes worldwide – as designed – or fiat currencies will be pulled down and criminals behind them brought to justice. The battle is on, and the outcome may become apparent soon, if it is not already. A primary question remaining: will fiat currency criminals have U. S. armed forces on their side, against them, or divided? Complete text here.
Secret Tapes Prove It, But So What?
By Wayne Jett © September 29, 2014
Michael Lewis reports for Bloomberg “a jaw dropping story” that “secret tape recordings” prove Goldman Sachs engages in serious wrongdoing repeatedly, while its principal regulator – the Federal Reserve – does nothing. This is news? Not in these parts. The Fed is the most ill-suited regulator of banks ever appointed by Congress, which greatly increased the Fed’s authority despite its central role in the financial terrorism of 2008. Complete text here.

Will Either “Reality” Survive?
By Wayne Jett © September 5, 2014

 The economic forecasting firm most widely followed by large investors wrote August 4 that economic growth is “solid – not too hot, not to cold.” Inflation is so near zero as to be essentially non-existent. Monetary policy is well-considered and deserves only a moment’s pause to assure that the Federal Reserve will avoid a “lurch towards tightening.” Employment growth is where it needs to be. The worldwide Associated Press reported U. S. Treasury debt securities “are viewed as one of the world’s safest investments.” Are we back in Kansas, or in the Land of Oz? Complete text here. 

Why Are U. S. Policies So Destructive?
By Wayne Jett © May 17, 2014

 Here is the key to decode the social agenda served by federal laws, regulations and policies. Imagine the U. S. government is controlled by “intelligent men of the new republic.” All then will become clear.  No more time wasted debating bad design, good intentions or other distractions. Complete text here.

THE ULTIMATE MONEY-MAKING FRAUD MACHINE Congress Creates Wealth for a Private Central Bank
By Wayne Jett © February 19, 2014

  Imagine making money, not by working, but by favor of your government. The government passes a law saying only you can create money. You create money and lend it to the government, which promises to pay you back the same amount plus interest. You own a central bank. Call it the Federal Reserve, so others think it has a good purpose. Complete text here. 

America Is Its Primary Target
By Wayne Jett © January 7, 2014

 Since mid-2008, U. S. economic and monetary policies often appear entirely without historical precedent. In barely five years the Federal Reserve quadrupled the number of dollars in the monetary base. This enabled President Barack Obama’s U. S. Treasury to borrow and spend in more prodigious amounts than any previous administration. But today’s U. S. conduct has parallels – none reassuring – in the Teens, the Thirties and the Seventies of the 20th Century. Complete text here.

Federal Reserve, DOJ, IRS, NSA, DHS, EPA Betray America
By Wayne Jett © November 25, 2013

 Americans are under attack on many fronts, so our predicament cannot be termed merely “a bad economy.” This once thriving, preeminent society is being systematically undercut from within by officials and policies of government. A ruling elite pull the strings of puppet officials, and they do not intend for the U. S. Constitution or our prosperity to survive. Complete text here.

Russian President May Have Bigger Diplomatic Move Ahead
By Wayne Jett © September 17, 2013

Nothing went as planned for President Obama and his Secretary of State John Kerry in the first week of September. Kerry and then Obama asserted that Syria’s government forces used toxic chemical weapons to kill men, women and children, including civilians and “rebel” fighters, and must be punished by U. S. missile strike. Obama had U. S. naval forces in position. But public opposition rose so quickly his speech to announce the strike morphed into a request that Congress authorize it. As Congress pondered near unanimous negative public sentiment, Russian president Vladimir Putin suggested a diplomatic solution. Obama and Kerry grabbed the face-saves. From behind the curtain, their elitist handlers hissed “Curses! Foiled again!” Complete text here.

Override Veto and Save Your Constituents
By Wayne Jett © August 22, 2013

Democratic back-benchers in Congress, finally your destiny is in your hands. Your leadership ordered you to vote ObamaCare into law to find out what was in it. Now you know what is in it, and this what you must do. Sponsor a bill to repeal ObamaCare. Republicans will join you to override the president’s veto. Don’t wait until the elections of 2014. Voters will not forgive you if you allow ObamaCare to destroy their jobs and health care. Complete text here.

Secret Government Assault Must Be Stopped
By Wayne Jett © August 7, 2013

The blue-and-green jewel of the universe, Earth, is fast becoming a dead planet. The culprit is not industrial pollution. The Earth is under heavy attack by weapons of mass destruction: a “mechanical analog” to bio-chemical warfare. Micron-sized “dust” of aluminum, strontium and barium is sprayed daily as aerosols into the stratosphere to be breathed or ingested by every living thing. Time may have run out, but at best is very short, if life on Earth or we are to survive. Complete text here.

Influence Co-Opts President, Congress, Courts
By Wayne Jett © July 23, 2013

 The past 100 years have been phenomenally successful for a small, powerful circle often called “the Establishment.” In 1913, the Establishment got its long sought private bank (called the Federal Reserve) with the exclusive franchise to create and lend legal currency used by the U. S. government and the American people. The same year, 1913, they got a tax on all income earned by productive people, with rates graduated higher for more successful producers. The very next year, 1914, the Establishment commenced a landmark achievement: World War I. Complete text here.

Can One Survive Without the Other?
By Wayne Jett © May 30, 2013

The U. S. Constitution requires a high standard of integrity from elected officials because it embraces the republican model of government. Effective oversight by the electorate is impossible when officials or their subordinates mislead or fail to inform citizens about government policies and actions. Merely reciting these truisms raises serious doubts about the health of the American republic. Complete text here.

$5 Trillion in Four Years Buys Only “Grand Illusion”
By Wayne Jett © April 22, 2013

   Since 2009, the U. S. has borrowed and spent $5 Trillion – $42,500 on behalf of every household in the nation – to produce economic recovery, and has failed to achieve it. A suggestion four years ago that each household should borrow and spend that much new debt would have been called, at best, ill advised. This being so, the federal government doing the equivalent on our behalf has been both destructive and unpardonable. Complete text here. 

Lessons from Cyprus and the Homeland
By Wayne Jett © March 30, 2013

   Cyprus teaches the wisdom of limits on government power. Lucky for Americans, Framers of the U. S. Constitution understood this and wrote into the Bill of Rights specific things the government is prohibited from doing. But words on paper cannot restrain governments. Only daily, vigorous actions to protect and extend human liberty can do so. Otherwise, governments will grind into dust every claim of right made by aliens or its own citizens. Complete text here.

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