APA Style

in #new10 months ago

The American Psychological Association (APA) developed a set of standards that writers in the social sciences follow to create consistency throughout publications. These rules address:

crediting sources
document formatting
writing style and organization
APA's guidelines assist readers in recognizing a writer's ideas and information, rather than having to adjust to inconsistent formatting. In this way, APA allows writers to express themselves clearly and easily to readers. The APA materials developed in the Walden Writing Center are based on The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition, often referred to on this website as "APA 7" or "the APA manual."

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APA References & Citations Diagnostic Quiz
This quiz will help you test your references and citations knowledge, as well as tell you which reference and citation module you should take.
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APA Style Diagnostic Quiz
This quiz will help you test your APA style knowledge, as well as tell you which APA style module you should take.

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