History of Homosexuals in the military Part 2

in #new7 years ago


In 1973 The American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from the diagnostics manual of mental illness. The social movements of the sixties (such as Black Power, Women’s Liberation) played a large part in the gay rights ability to move forward. Everyone considered a minority was pushing for their rights which gave homosexuals gas to add to their own fuel.

The Stonewall Riots led by transexuals, gay men, lesbians & drag queens was a riot in which they resisted arrest at a bar in New York City and right after the SR movements such as the GLF (Gay Liberation Front) and GAA (Gay Activist Alliance), began making huge strides for those within the community and many activist such as Paul Goodman and Toby Morotta helped to fan the flame of a better life for people in the LGBTQ community.

I would like to move forward to present day because I want to keep your interest not give you a dissertation.

With all that Black Americans, persons in the LGBTQ community and women have been through in this country it’s no wonder they always feel as if they have to look behind their backs and just when the LGBTQ community won another battle, transsexuals being able to freely and openly serve in the military our 45th President, Donald Trump wants to take them all the way back to the early 1900’s of over an ENTIRE CENTURY ago because by banning transexuals from serving the military this takes the entire community backwards ( in my opinion). This conversation, this plight was dealt with and now President Trump is trying to come and take the flag off the moon and declare himself and his constituents winners when the battle was already won.

I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt, especially any President that is elected because for better or for worse (within a certain limit), we have to. I have to, we all have to. For a better future for our country. We have to have patience for each president who gets elected whether you are a democrat, republican or neutral. But when the opinions of the President start to directly affect people’s lives. When people of certain communities are pointed at for being who they are. It’s rather undeniable that they are in fact being targeted because of their sex, sexual orientation, race or religion.

But the one thing history has proven time and time again is that civilizations always move forward...never backwards.

Wake up people. It’s not the United States any more. We are already living in a Global Economy. Easily we share news and the plight of other countries on other continents that are thousands of miles away from us. When the current President won the election it was as if the entire world rallied together in protest...together. In Argentina, Spain one of the most heinous of crimes were committed by terrorist when they ran other human beings over, hitting some, injuring others and killing as well, there was not only an outcry from Spaniards but an outcry from people within the United States as well as well as other places in the world.

Right here on our own soil in Charlottesville where the Neo Nazi’s marched against tolerance and freedom other countries felt our pain when people were harmed and that poor young lady Heather Heyer was killed for fighting for others rights. We ALREADY LIVE in an Global Economy.

Our planet is getting increasingly smaller in it’s vastness. We are truly becoming one people and persons like the 45th President Donald Trump is in the last throws of an old system and the ban on Transsexuals in the military is a result of that.

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