Supernatural Adv. Erin and Teddy 2. Sunday

in #new7 years ago

The next morning they were up and at it again. They dressed and ate and brushed and were ready to go to church. Dad drove and they got there in no time.
Erin and Teddy went to teen study and their parents went to the main hall. They could have sat with their parents, some of the kids did, but they liked the informality of teen study. Some of their friends were there and the assistant pastor made it fun for the young parishioners. They liked going to church.
Dad was driving the family home. Erin saw Officer Bishop at a crosswalk. She tapped on Teddy’s arm and pointed him out.
“Dad can you drop me off here? I want to say hi to Officer Bishop,” said Teddy.
“Me too. We’ll walk home when we’re done,” said Erin.
“It’s ok with me,” said Dad.
He pulled over and the kids got out. “Bye, love you,” said Teddy.
“Love you,” said Erin.
“Don’t climb in the snow. Stay on the sidewalk and keep your shoes dry. Love you too,” said Mom.
Dad pulled away as the kids walked over to Officer Bishop.
“Hi Officer Bishop,” said Teddy.
“Hi, How are you guys. Staying out of trouble?” said Officer Bishop.
“How can we have any fun if we stay out of trouble?” said Erin.
“I know I’m going to have to keep an eye on you Erin. So what’s going on?” asked Officer Bishop.
“We’ve come across some strange activity and we need your help,” said Teddy.
“By strange activity I guess you mean another monster right?” said Officer Bishop.
“Kind of but not really,” said Erin.
“Kind of but not really, that’s great. I’ve been trying to forget about the first monster. Its hard enough keeping people safe... Well what is it this time a werewolf?” said Officer Bishop.
“No it’s not that bad. It’s a poltergeist,” said Teddy.
Poltergeist, what’s that a ghost?” said Officer Bishop.
“Yeah a ghost that can move things and she’s dangerous. We think she’s killed people,” said Erin.

“She?” asked Officer Bishop.
“It’s the spirit of a girl named Janet that was murdered 10 years ago. She’s killed 9 people and we need the records. Will you get them for us?” asked Teddy.
“Taking files isn’t that simple and I could get in a lot of trouble giving them to you,” said Officer Bishop.
“If we don’t stop her someone else will die this Saturday. She kills on the anniversary of her murder. That’s in six days,” said Teddy.
“You know I’ll help. I’ll need a list of names and I’ll give them to you tomorrow after school. Meet me across the street at the corner,” said Officer Bishop.
“Thank you. We knew you’d understand. Do you want me to text the list to your cell?” said Erin.
“Yes, you’ll need my number,” said Officer Bishop.
“I still have it. See. It’s on speed dial,” said Erin with a smile.
Officer Bishop liked seeing that and smiled back. Then Teddy said he still had the whistle. He was wearing it and he pulled it out from his shirt to show Officer Bishop.

“If you ever get in any trouble just blow that whistle,” said Officer Bishop with a laugh.
He gave Teddy the whistle when he helped them on their last case. The kids thanked Officer Bishop again and started walking home.
“We should try to get something done today if we can. We only have six days left and we shouldn’t waste any time,” said Erin.
“You’re right. I’ll start looking into Janet’s background and you try to find a way to stop her. See if we send her sprit somewhere or if we kill her or whatever,” said Teddy.
They finished their walk home and went into the kitchen. They sat at the table with Mom. Dad was at the stove making soup and gilled cheese sandwiches.
“Just in time for lunch. How was your visit with Officer Bishop?” asked Mom.
“It was nice. It’s kind of cool having a policeman as a friend,” said Erin.
“Yeah he’s pretty cool. He acted like he was happy to see us,” said Teddy.
“Who wouldn’t be happy to see you two? You’re great kids,” said Mom.
“Heads up! Hot potato coming through,” said Dad.

He had the pot of soup and he poured it into the bowls. After lunch the kids went up to Erin’s room and started back on the case. They worked quietly for about an hour. Erin got up and went over to Teddy.
“How’s it going?” she asked.
“Really good. I’ve found a lot about her and her family. She was a great girl. Good attendance and grades, debate team, volleyball, cheer squad, band and it goes on. No records with the police or the courts. It seems like she never did anything that would lead to her murder.
Her parents check out too. No police or court records, both have been at their jobs for a long time and they’ve been at the same address over 25 years.
There is a black sheep in the family. Her brother has a record that includes an assault charge and a conviction on a drug charge. He was sentenced to 3 years, served 2 years and was released on parole. He was in jail for 2 months when his sister was murdered. That’s about it, what about you?” said Teddy.
“Are you sure your not 30. That was impressive,” said Erin.
“You know I’ve been using the computer for my whole life. Did you think I was just playing video games?” said Teddy.

“No I know your good I’m just saying good job,” said Erin.
“Thanks Erin it’s nice of you to say,” said Teddy.
“Now, what I found. There’s four standard ways to get rid of a spirit. Send it into ‘the light’. A priest could do an exorcism. Vanquish it with a potion or burn the remains. The first two are more for standard non-violent Casper types. The second two are for dangerous or evil specters,” said Erin.
“With her body count at 9 I’d say she’s definitely dangerous. We should find where she’s buried incase we need to burn the remains. Lets see if Miss. Simon can get the potion,” said Teddy.

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