Story Inspirative
Somehow the logic ... A rich mother shopping,
his footsteps stopped in front of a simple vegetable seller.
"How much is the price of one bunch of kangkung? .."
brother kangkung answer:
"A thousand Rupiah .. just Mom ...!".
The rich mother then said:
"3 bundle = Two Thousand Rupiah Yes ...?".
"Well, you can not ...". Answer the seller of kale.
"Well then, if I do not so buy".
With a pained face, the kangkung seller finally said:
"Well be bu ... Take it ..!".
The rich woman bought with a winning feeling. He was very happy.
At other times, the rich mother ate at a fancy restaurant with her family. After the meal he asked for a receipt of payment. It says 415 thousand.
The mother took out a sheet of 100 thousand as many as 5 sheets, then gave it to the waiter who brought the receipt, then he said:
"The return take it .. consider it as money tips!".
Things like this often happen in society. Many people who feel great when they can suppress the weak, but softened and reluctant to people who already have a large income as well.
Let's make NO motion to bargain sellers of vegetables or foods sold by WEAK people if the price is still spelled REASONABLE. NIATILAH helps through our caring and worship path.
Whereas the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Seek my pleasure by doing good to the weak among you, because you are given sustenance and help also because of your weak people." [HR. Abu dawud and An-Nasai in Ash-Shahihah]