The red pill or the blue pill?

in #new8 years ago

"Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?"


The Matrix has always been a favorite of mine. After discovering that the world is different than what is presented to us by the media and through education, I noticed there is a lot of truth in this movie.  

With my blogs I’m going to take you on a journey to show you what the world is really like. And together we can explore and challenge the boundaries because there is so much more to discover.

"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."

If you took the blue pill: Ignorance is bliss

If you took the red pill: Scroll down  

The world is not ruled by the important persons that you see on TV, read about in the newspaper or on social media. Those are just the puppets that do what they are instructed to do. They are on those positions because they sold out to the masters that rule this world. For selling their soul to the devil they receive fame and fortune.

So who rule the world behind the scenes?
The Illuminati, Freemasons, Skull and Bones etc.



                          Skull and Bones

If you mention the Illuminati, people get a weird look at their faces because the Illuminati doesn’t exist. It’s such a secret order that almost everyone thinks you are crazy if you say the Illuminati really does exist: “Stop wearing your tinfoil hat, conspiracy-nut!”

Our mind is trained to think that somebody who rejects what he or she has been told is a lunatic. Why would the government, media and the education system lie to us?

The real question should be: Why would I believe what you are telling me?
Don’t believe what I tell you, what the media tells you or what the person next to you tells you. Use it as a guideline and do your own research. You will find a lot of “unbelievable” or “crazy” stories. My mind was blown a lot of times and I was thinking: “This is crazy, how can someone say this with a straight face?” You can decide to put it aside and never return to it, or after digging deeper for a while you will connect the dots and find out it was actually true! Or, as I experienced, you will find out that something you have learned is not (partially) true. At first your mind was boggled by the new truth, and later on this truth was smashed because it was a false truth; people just wanted to earn money.

“Free your mind.”

We are trained to have a closed mind. “Believe this, that is the truth, this is how it is, stop asking so many questions, your (insert person) is always right.”
To find out in what kind of world we live in, you have to free yourself from the news in the Mainstream Media (MSM), like TV, radio, newspapers and social media. The people that rule the world own the media, they don’t want you to know the truth. They want you to be scared so you are easier to control. All you see in the MSM is fear. Your mind loves sensation and drama, so they show you sensation and especially drama. Drama like shootings, bombings, terrorism, airplane crashes. The MSM manipulates your mind so you are easier to control, like a dog controls a herd of sheep.

Stop following the MSM and set yourself free. A life without fear is a happier life.



Indeed its called programming for a reason. i'm sure you probably already watched this video of the matrix explanied but in case new people here are interested here is the link.

I have watched a video of the first Matrix decoded. And after learing so much about the Illuminati the last few years I watched the Matrix again and I recognized a lot that I didn't know before.
I am following you know and I have a lot to read up :-)