Top 7 most haunted objects on the earth

in #new6 years ago

When the topic of hauntings comes up the discussion usually revolves around a spirit causing havoc in a home, or attaching to a person and following them from residence to residence. In the paranormal world things are not always that simple and spirits can ultimately latch on to almost anything they channel their trapped energy into—be it dolls, animals, or common things you’d find in almost any house. What follows is a rundown of some of the most haunted objects in the world and we promise that this will have you second guessing the next time you feel like bringing something home from a thrift store or estate sale.

Anna Baker’s Wedding Dress

This dress is said to have belonged to a woman named Anna who purchased it for a wedding that never ended up taking place. Anna died a spinster in 1914 and the dress was put on display at the Baker Mansion Museum in Altoona, PA. People who work at the museum claim to walk in on the dress moving around, as if dancing, all on its own.

The Crying Boy Painting

Mass-produced print of a painting, one pose in a series of different crying children

Paintings like these came into popularity in the 1950s when they were introduced as affordable art pieces for new family homes. You've probably seen something similar in your grandma’s house. In the mid 80s stories began popping up of this particular painting, known as “The Crying Boy” being discovered in homes that had suffered some sort of tragedy like a fire or a flood where everything was destroyed … aside from this painting. This is a rare case in that it’s not one painting (the original) that’s said to be haunted or cursed, but all duplicates of it as well.

The Basano Vase

Believed to have been made in Italy around the 15th century, this vase vanished for a long long time before being discovered again in 1988 along with a note saying “beware, this case brings death.” The vase was auctioned off and the new owner of it died only a few short months after bringing it home. The vase was sold again, and the same fate was met by it’s new owner. This happened a few more times before Italian police decided to put an end to the mysterious deaths by burying the vase in a secret location. Hopefully it won’t pop up again, but if it does, stay away from it.

The Tallman's Bunk Beds

Purchased in 1987 by Alan and Debby Tallman this set of bunkbeds sat in their home’s basement for nine months as preparations were made to move them upstairs for their children. During those nine months a series of horrific events took place in the home including radios changing stations by themselves, visions of witches, and ghostly voices urging the family into dangerous situations. Mr. Tallman grew to believe the bunkbeds were the source of this activity so he burned them. Once destroyed, the activity stopped completely.

The Conjure Chest

A slave owner named Jacob Cooley requested this chest be built by one of his servants. It was intended to be a gift for his son but, once completed, he was unhappy with the quality of it and beat his servant to death. A curse is said to have been put on the chest that ultimately resulted in 16 deaths throughout the history of the Cooley family line. The chest is now on display at the Kentucky History Museum.

The Dybbuk Box

If you happened to catch the recent episode of Paranormal Lockdown where Nick and Katrina investigate Scutt Mansion in Joliet, Illinois, you may have heard mention of something called a Dybbuk Box. In the episode the box was used to trigger paranormal activity within the mansion and everyone present was warned not to touch it, and not to open it no matter what. But what is it, exactly?

Sometimes also spelled "dibbuk," the relic is said to contain the evil soul of a dead person that must be watched and guarded against possessing the living. In 2003 a man named Kevin Mannis bought a similar box from Ebay that once belonged to a Holocaust survivor. Curious as to what was inside he opened it and found a variety of strange things, including a lock of blonde hair. Not knowing what to do with the box he gifted it to his mother for her birthday and she suffered a stroke that same day. Several other boxes of this nature exist around the world and are all believed to also contain evil spirits and should not be touched or opened, so look out.

Rudolph Valentino's Ring

Rudolph Valentino in Motion Picture Classic, November 1920, from an article about his upcoming role as Julio Desnoyers in The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

It’s said that the silent actor Rudolph Valentino purchased a fancy ring in the 1920s to celebrate his success and upon showing it to a friend they had a vision of Valentino as a corpse. Almost immediately following this event Valentino’s luck started to go bad in his career, and in his health. He passed away soon after.

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