Collective ignorance and THE CULT
THIS could be the beginning of the end of the Cult, and its occupation of YOUR mind, and YOUR nation, and its plan to EXTERMINATE YOUR 'RACE'
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Europeans have been robbed of their pride. Their heritage. Their technology, and the fruits of their labors, have been appropriated, and continue to be appropriated, by a foreign overlord. Europe has been SPIRITUALLY, ECONOMICALLY, AND MILITARILY OCCUPIED. The most obvious sign of this OCCUPATION is that Germans today allow a CULT that declared war on humanity 3000 years ago, to ACTIVELY and CONTINUALLY defame their ancestors, and their entire ‘RACE’, TO THEIR OWN CHILDREN. This SICKNESS has so INFECTED the German people that they are today, like soulless zombies, DEFAMING THEIR OWN ANCESTORS.
This CULT that has OCCUPIED Europe is now dictating immigration policy, and using it to UTTERLY EXTERMINATE the NATIVE EUROPEAN people’s in a SLOW GENOCIDE that will be COMPLETE BY THE END OF THIS CENTURY.
This CULT is treating the entire EUROPEAN UNION, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as TRIBUTARIES. As suppliers of technology, finance, and mercenary armies.
This CULT demonstrated its total control of the United Nations institutions by committing war crimes against LIBYA, and crimes against humanity against its people. The U.N has a long history of such crimes, since the Korean war. The U.N has done NOTHING to stop war crimes committed BY this CULT, through its proxies, the OCCUPIED NATO nations. NATO itself is no more than a private army, and organised crime syndicate, for this CULT.
This CULT, if not immediately rooted out from YOUR nation, TODAY, will soon have us all killing EACH OTHER again. As it has done in the past. They have declared war on humanity. They have been commanded by their GOD to ‘utterly destroy, every man, woman, child, suckling, unborn child, and animal, of any ADVERSARY of the CULT, and its 3000 year old plan to ENSLAVE ALL OF HUMANITY.
The incontrovertible proof that this CULT has occupied YOUR nation is that it is a crime to openly discuss these FACTS.
Probably your neighbours, your friends, your work colleagues, your parents, your children, your lovers, your spouses, KNOW these facts. But they are NOT willing to risk losing YOUR acceptance and approval, your love, their jobs, their incomes, their savings, their career prospects, their status, their prestige, their social standing, their FREEDOM, and worse, by simply DISCUSSING them with YOU.
They, like YOU, do NOT wish to become bankrupted, and forced to spend years in a concrete box, in solitary, or among violent criminals.
This is the perfect case of COLLECTIVE IGNORANCE, as I describe it in TROONATNOOR Volume One. A situation where almost everyone knows, sees, feels, understands, and desires something, but assumes no-one ELSE does.
And so everyone goes around IMAGINING and BELIEVING that they are ALONE In their views and understanding.
For everyone else APPEARS to believe the propaganda lies. They all ACT AS IF THEY DO by SAYING NOTHING. By NOT sharing what they know, what they believe, what they think, and what they FEEL with each other.
This is the ultimate in SELF-CENSORSHIP which is the FINAL PROOF of occupation and total full spectrum hegemonic domination of the mass media, and a fully operational and perfectly functioning propaganda machine, and the occupation of the Judiciary.
The irony of such TOTAL CENSORSHIP and COMPLETE HEGEMONIC DOIMINANCE is this SELF-CENSORSHIP, which allows the occupational powers to claim that ‘there is NO censorship’. To claim, as they do in GERMANY today, that GERMANS ENJOY FREEDOM OF SPEECH. That Germans are free. Sovereign. Autonomous.
The Cult that has nearly completed its 3000 year old, 200 generation strategy for the OCCUPATION and enslavement of the entire world, is ‘The Father of Lies’. The masters of propaganda. The masters of mass manipulation. The masters of ‘the big game’. The ‘big con’. The big ‘pyramid scheme’. The ‘U.S dollar Ponsy scheme’. The penultimate masters of Neuro Linguistic Programming. Of EVERY form of mental conditioning, stimulus-response programming, and mind control detailed in my attempt to FREE your mind, ‘Entertaining Beliefs’.
This Cult have been selecting, grooming, and installing their own ‘handled’ people into the highest positions of power in the most powerful nations of the world, since ‘The Nations’ began emerging. This Cult has ensured that power has been continually more and more concentrated in the hands of fewer people, via a process of nationalization, federalization, and now globalization. The European Community, NAFTA, ASEAN, and similar ‘economic unions’ are THEIR creations. ‘The Federal Income Tax’ and ‘The Federal Reserve Bank’ are THEIR creations. As is the increasing FEDERALISATION of all U.S laws and institutions. Including education and health. NATO is their creation. As is the U.N.
This ever increasing concentration of power ensures that all this Cult need do is focus on pre-selecting, grooming, and installing, their own ‘handled’ ‘puppet’ figures, like Wilson, Roosevelt, Putin, and Trump, into the highest offices in ‘The Nations’, and into the top jobs in all the now federalized and globalized corporations, public institutions, financial institutions, educational institutions, legal institutions, N G O’s, and corporate mass media, from Hollywood to Alex Jones.
This Cult, whose members came to ‘The Nations’ seeking shelter and charity, and were welcomed as guests, has now infiltrated every level of society in ‘The Nations’.
This Cult has operated under various names, wearing various masks. It has either itself created new religions and secret societies, or corrupted those that already existed, to its OWN aims and objectives.
Many GOOD people have NO idea that they are working for this CULT, and the attainment of ITS objectives.
These naпve people, ignorant of whom they serve, are promoting ends that would horrify them, were they to become aware of the facts.
These people, motivated by goodwill, , moved by authentically genuine good natures, have NO idea that they are serving this CULT, and working towards their own enslavement, and that of their family, friends, and their entire nations.
Even many ‘Jews’ have no idea WHAT they are associating and affiliating with, by defining THEMSELVES as ‘Jews’. Many are just as much victims of the Cult of Judah as those of us from ‘The Nations’. Their ancestors sought to FREE / EMANCIPATE themselves from the Cult of Judah, many times. But each time they ‘escape’, the CULT spreads to the lands where they have escaped TO. Entrapping them once more in their snares. Though many remain ‘free’ to this day, most appear to have NO Idea WHY their ancestors were so keen on ESCAPING the Cult of Judah. And I must admit I am puzzled and perplexed and frustrated by their unwillingness to DIS-ASSOCIATE themselves FULLY from the Cult of Judah, and its aims, objectives, and methods.
I have been working alone, in a race against time, wondering when that knock on my door would come, that would stop me from every contributing anything ever again to our common struggle for freedom from what I discovered to be the very CULT I have not named here, for fear that would stop this message getting out. And for fear your mind would immediately shut tight, in the knee-jerk reaction you’ve been trained from birth to have, and refuse to even ENTERTAIN the most important ideas that have ever been offered to you, for your consideration. For YOU to decide what to do with the information. Maybe YOU don’t mind being a slave. Maybe YOU will seek some ‘preferential position’ AMONG the slaves. As a COLLABORATOR with the Cult? A traitor to your own people? To ALL OF HUMANITY? And please remember, we are ALL in this together. My intention has always been ‘SAVING US AND THE JEWS FROM THE CULT OF JUDAH’. It is the IDEOLOGY OF SEMITISM that is our common enemy.
The ‘JEWS’ had emancipated themselves, under Herod, and even earlier. In fact the Roman Empire was DELIBERATELY EMPLOYED BY THE CULT OF JUDAH TO DESTROY JUDEA, and to stop the emancipation and ‘Hellenization’ of the ‘Jews’ that had been begun by, and actively pursued by, the ‘KING OF THE JEWS’, HEROD. And that later ‘King of the Jews’, Jesus.
I am working to complete the ‘Hellenization’ project Herod began, and which many ‘Jews’ before Herod had attempted. The EMANCIPATION of ALL of humanity from the Cult of Judah. Including those people who identify, for whatever personal reasons, as ‘Jews’.
Now to have my second sip of morning coffee in about two hours. Only a coffee lover / addict will understand what sort of STATE I am in when writing, when trying to harvest the fruits of my mind, that I neglect even my most BASIC needs. I do not WANT to be having to think and write on this subject. But I am too conscientious NOT to do so. At a time when ANY UNCONTROLLED opposition opposition to the Cult of Judah, that is, REAL opposition and HONEST AND COMPLETE reporting, is such a rarity.
[Note, towards the end of this hour s long writing spree, I spilt a huge cup of coffee all over my floor, covering my feet and my old carpet recycled from someone’s garbage with coffee and grinds, which are still there as I write this. Maybe one day that carpet will be a collector’s item. I kept writing. As usual, my best ideas come to me from nowhere, as I sit half asleep, at my computer. It is so sad that so few people will benefit from the sacrifice, effort, risk, and real suffering (migraines etc) that went into writing my books. Please find and download ‘The Cult’ and ‘The Complete ‘Welcome to The New World Order Quadrulogy’ and ‘Entertaining Beliefs’. I’ve combined all these books into one PDF you can download at no cost to you, as I’ve already paid, from my TROONATNOOR Patreon, Word Press, Facebook alias, Scrib’d, and maybe elsewhere, as long as these sites are accessible to me. Watch my TROONATNOOR videos on and And if you want to reciprocate or assist me, and thus promote our common cause, you can use my [email protected] PayPal account, or just email me. I had better try to clean up this mess now, before it ruins the floorboards and table leg. Now I have to convert this file, get down to library where my only internet access is, and upload the result. I got up early, and began writing even before my coffee was ready to drink, then entered the trance state of writing, forgetting to even take a sip. I was in such a trance state that I knocked the cup over, when I reached for it, focused so intently on this task of mine, this writing, so ‘fixated’ on it to the exclusion of all other thoughts, that I made one more sacrifice to this great common cause of ours. My morning coffee! Don’t expect perfectly expressed and proof-read writing from me, but expect total HONESTY, and the most COMPLETE and HOLITISTIC and FAIR reporting of the products of my research, and my own native insights and talents.]